Siphopfenderina geyikensis ( Solak, 2022 ) SCHLAGINTWEIT & SEPTFONTAINE, 2023

SCHLAGINTWEIT, FELIX & SEPTFONTAINE, MICHEL, 2023, Siphopfenderina Gen. Nov. (Type-Species Arenobulimina Geyikensis Solak, 2022), A Primitive Pfenderinid Foraminifera From The Cretaceous Of Neotethys, Acta Palaeontologica Romaniae 19 (1), pp. 53-60 : 55-56

publication ID 10.35463/j.apr.2023.01.06

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Siphopfenderina geyikensis ( Solak, 2022 )

comb. nov.

Siphopfenderina geyikensis ( Solak, 2022) View in CoL comb. nov.

Fig. 2.1-2.6 View Fig

1979? Valvulammina sp. – Cherchi, p. 365, pl. 24, figs. 1-4 (late Aptian-?Albian of Sardinia, Italy).

1980 Arenobulimina aff. corniculum Arnaud-Vanneau – Arnaud-Vanneau, p.445, pl. 82, figs. 1-4, 6-7 (fide Solak, 2022).

? 2012 Dobrogelina sp. , Arenobulimina sp. – Marian & Bucur, figs. 5F, 5N.

2020 Nezzazatinella picardi – Solak et al., Fig. 11L.

Remarks The detailed description of Solak (2022) is fully adequate. The term pseudoumbilicus used by Solak (2022) is herein replaced by central siphon or open (hollow) columella. Beside the occurrences in the Central Taurides, Turkey and southeastern France, we suggest that Siphopfenderina geyikensis is also present in the upper Aptian of Sardinia, Italy ( Cherchi, 1979:? Valvulammina sp. ), and perhaps also in the Aptian of northern Spain and central Iran (see the following remarks on Siphopfenderina sp. aff. geyikensis )

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