Antrops maximus (Richards)

KITS, JOEL H. & MARSHALL, STEPHEN A., 2013, <p class = " HeadingRunIn " align = " left "> <strong> Generic classification of the Archiborborinae (Diptera: Sphaeroceridae), with a revision of <em> Antrops </ em> Enderlein, <em> Coloantrops </ em> gen. nov., <em> Maculantrops </ em> gen. nov., <em> Photoantrops </ em> gen. nov., and <em> Poecilantrops </ em> gen. nov. </ strong> </ p>, Zootaxa 3704 (1), pp. 1-113 : 37

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Felipe (2021-08-25 13:30:07, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-04 19:31:17)

scientific name

Antrops maximus (Richards)


Antrops maximus (Richards)

(Figs. 46–48, 206)

Archiborborus (Archiborborus) maximus Richards 1961: 59 View in CoL

Description. Occiput, orbital plates, posterior portion of frontal plate, pedicel and first flagellomere black, anteromedial portion of frons, gena, face, clypeus, maxillary palp, and prementum reddish brown, scape reddish brown to black. Head entirely covered with microtomentum. Ocellar bristles absent. Subvibrissal and anterior genal bristles variable in length, up to 0.5X length of vibrissa. Gena about 0.6X eye height. Occipital setae in several irregular rows.

Thorax black, margins of sclerites and most of anepimeron may be reddish, entirely covered with microtomentum. Presutural dorsocentral bristle barely distinguishable from surrounding setae in female, only posterior postsutural dorsocentral bristle distinguishable in male. Halter stem orange, knob whitish.

Fore coxa, trochanters, bases and apices of femora, fore and mid tibia reddish brown, mid and hind coxae mostly dark brown with some reddish brown, femora and hind tibia black, tarsi black dorsally and reddish brown ventrally. Male fore basotarsomere with a fairly thick apical spur. Mid tibia with a row of anterodorsal bristles (the most apical of these shifted dorsally), 1 anteroventral, 1 posteroventral, and 6 apical bristles. Hind tibia with 1 thin anteroventral bristle and 3 apicoventral bristles.

Wing yellowish brown, veins brown to dark brown, crossveins r-m and dm-cu whitish. Vein R 4+5 distal to crossvein r-m and vein M between r-m and dm-cu outlined with dark brown, vein R 4+5 with 3 paler spots distal to rm.

Abdominal tergites heavily sclerotized, black, covered with microtomentum. Male with sternites heavily sclerotized, black, covered with microtomentum, female with sternites weakly sclerotized. Pleural membrane with long, pliant setae.

Male postabdomen: Sternite 5 with straight lateral margins, widest posteriorly, posterior margin slightly emarginated medially, anterior apodeme short, narrow (Fig. 48). Surstylus short, broad, bilobed, with a transparent, narrow ridge between lobes (Fig. 47). Pregonite fused with anterior extension of postgonite. Postgonite with lobes narrowly separated, both lobes pointed, posterior lobe longer. Basiphallus with long, broad epiphallus, short, very narrow preepiphallus. Distiphallus with very short, smooth dorsal tube, flanked by a bilobed spike-like sclerite (Fig. 46).

Female postabdomen: Tergites 6–7 wider than long, with lateral and anterior margins sclerotized. Sternites 6–7 wider than long, entirely sclerotized. Tergites with 3 posterior strips, sternites with 2 posterior strips. Tergite 8 narrow anteriorly, broad posteriorly with rounded posterior corners, anterior margin with a deep V-shaped notch, nearly splitting tergite, posterior margin shallowly emarginated, mostly covered with microtomentum, anterior margin shiny. Epiproct broad, subtriangular, with a long pair of setae and a number of shorter setae, mostly covered with microtomentum, anterior corners shiny. Cerci long. Sclerites of sternite 8 with narrow, pinched, shiny anterior half, broad, microtomentose posterior half, membrane between sclerites with a square sclerotized patch. Hypoproct broad, semicircular, with weakly sclerotized patch on either side of medial line, covered with microtomentum except depressed anterior medial patch. Spermathecae (1+1) barrel-shaped, slightly longer than wide, apex evaginated.

Type material. Holotype ♂: CHILE: Magellanes : Ba. Muñoz Garnero, 55° S, on seaweed, 27 Dec 1958, G. Kuschel. (MEUC; specimen apparently lost except wing slide in BMNH, see below).

Other material examined. CHILE: Magallanes: Laguna Parillar Natl. Res., trail to Tres Morros , 300 m, forest stream, dung pans, 29 Nov 2008, Kits & Marshall (5 ♂, 10 ♀, DEBU) .

Comments. This species was described from a single male, with the left wing removed and mounted on a slide ( Figure 1 View FIGURES 1–6 in Richards 1961). The specimen is now apparently lost, with only the wing slide remaining in the BMNH ( Pitkin 1989). However, Richards’ description is quite detailed and matches the examined specimens perfectly; the reddish tibia and multiple rows of dorsal postocular setae are distinctive. We have seen no specimens of this species other than a small series we collected in yellow pan traps baited with dung placed along a small stream. Other sets of pan traps placed elsewhere in the same forest did not produce any specimens of this species. However, as the type specimen was collected “on seaweed”, it is unlikely this species is habitat restricted and it may simply be rare with highly localized populations.

Pitkin, B. R. (1989) A review of the Sphaeroceridae (Diptera) described by O. W. Richards. Occasional Papers on Systematic Entomology, London, 6, 1 - 44.

Richards, O. W. (1961) Diptera (Sphaeroceridae) from South Chile. Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London Series B, 30, 57 - 68. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1111 / j. 1365 - 3113.1961. tb 00163. x

Gallery Image

FIGURES 1–6. Archiborborine adults, live habitus photos: (1) Maculantrops hirtipes, Olmue, Chile; (2) Antrops femoralis, Olmue, Chile; (3) A. annulatus, Olmue, Chile; (4) Boreantrops undescribed species, Savegre Lodge, Costa Rica; (5) Antrops inca, Wayqecha, Peru; (6) Frutillaria abdita Kits & Marshall, Putú, Chile. Photos by SAM.


Ontario Insect Collection, University of Guelph











