Antrops simplicimanus (Richards), 2013

KITS, JOEL H. & MARSHALL, STEPHEN A., 2013, <p class = " HeadingRunIn " align = " left "> <strong> Generic classification of the Archiborborinae (Diptera: Sphaeroceridae), with a revision of <em> Antrops </ em> Enderlein, <em> Coloantrops </ em> gen. nov., <em> Maculantrops </ em> gen. nov., <em> Photoantrops </ em> gen. nov., and <em> Poecilantrops </ em> gen. nov. </ strong> </ p>, Zootaxa 3704 (1), pp. 1-113 : 45-47

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Felipe (2021-08-25 13:30:07, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-04 19:31:17)

scientific name

Antrops simplicimanus (Richards)

comb. nov.

Antrops simplicimanus (Richards) , comb. nov.

( Figs. 57, 60 View FIGURES 54–60 , 209 View FIGURES 204–212 )

Archiborborus (Procopromyza) simplicimanus Richards 1931: 72 View in CoL

Description. Head brown to blackish, frontal triangle and orbital plates brown, divided by black interfrontal plates. Face, clypeus, and prementum orange. Maxillary palp yellowish to brown. Scape, pedicel, and base of first flagellomere orange to dark brown, distal part of first flagellomere dark brown. Pollinose except for shiny spots lateral to ocelli. Ocellar bristles about 1 ocellus width anterior to medial ocellus. Upper genal bristle about 0.6X length of vibrissae. Frontal setae in about 4 pairs.

Thorax dark brown to reddish brown. Covered with microtomentum, except lateral parts of scutellum, forming a distinct triangle of microtomentum medially, and a small ventral spot on anepisternum. Halter brownish, white at tip of knob.

Legs dark brown, paler at joints, coxae 1 and 3, trochanters, and tarsi 1 and 2 paler, orange to reddish brown. First basotarsomere with a small spur in males. Tibia 2 with row of anterodorsal, 1 anteroventral, 1 posteroventral, about 4 subapical bristles. Tibia 3 with 3 ventroapical bristles.

Wing brown with pale spots on crossveins and 2 on vein R 4+5.

Abdomen with tergites and sternites dark brown and heavily sclerotized in both sexes, covered with microtomentum.

Male postabdomen: Sternite 5 with lateral margins rounded, converging, posterior margin with a pair of unsclerotized, microtrichose lobes, anterior apodeme short and broad ( Fig. 60 View FIGURES 54–60 ). Surstylus very broad, posterior edge with a row of strong setae, posterior edges nearly meeting medially. Pregonite distinct, relatively large. Postgonite with lobes widely separated, both narrow, rounded, and incurved. Basiphallus with broad, short, bilobed epiphallus, long preepiphallus with broad tip. Ejaculatory apodeme relatively large. Distiphallus complex and compact, sclerite apparently homologous with dorsal tube very short with a large dorsal keel ( Fig. 57 View FIGURES 54–60 ).

Female postabdomen: Tergites 6–7 and sternite 6–7 moderately sclerotized, slightly wider than long, entirely covered with microtomentum. Tergites with 3 posterior strips, sternites with 2 posterior strips. Tergite 8 slightly narrower posteriorly, anterior margin deeply emarginated, posterior two-thirds covered with microtomentum. Epiproct broad, with long anterior arms, posterior portion covered with microtomentum, with 2 pairs of setae. Cerci narrow. Sclerites of sternite 8 subtriangular, pinched medially, distal quarter covered with microtomentum. Hypoproct subrectangular, anterior margin notched, edge lateral to notch shiny. Spermathecae round, with basal invagination, sclerotized duct about 2X length of spermatheca.

Type material. Holotype ♂: ARGENTINA: Lake Correntoso , 18–25 Nov 1926, F.W. Edwards ( BMNH; examined).

Other material examined. ARGENTINA: Catamarca: Sumalao, wet muddy area along field, sweeping, 19 Feb 1992, S.A. Marshall (1 ♂, 2 ♀, DEBU); Neuquén: Catán Lil, spring used by cattle, pan traps, 21–22 Nov 1989, S.A. Marshall (1 ♂, DEBU); Lolog, 7 km N San Martín de Los Andes, 900 m, nr. muddy bank of pond, pan traps, 23–30 Nov 1989, S.A. Marshall (2 ♂, 1 ♀, DEBU); Lolog, 7km N San Martín de Los Andes, Gentili property, 950 m, Nothofagus forest, FIT, 23 Nov–1 Dec 1989, S.A. Marshall (1 ♀, DEBU); Villa la Angostura, nr. Laguna Verde, pans, 26–28 Nov 1989, S.A. Marshall (3 ♂, DEBU); as above but forest, dung trap (41 ♂, 30 ♀, DEBU); Río Negro: Bariloche, Nov 1926, R. & E. Shannon (1 ♂, USNM); Tierra del Fuego: Tierra del Fuego, along river, pan trap, 11–14 Feb 1992, S.A. Marshall (4 ♀, DEBU); Ushuaia, dry bog, pans, 12–14 Feb 1992, S.A. Marshall (1 ♀, DEBU); as above but in sphagnum, dung traps (1 ♀, DEBU); Ushuaia, 3 km E, along river, sweeping, 11–14 Feb 1992, S.A. Marshall (1 ♂, DEBU); as above but marshy area nr. river, pan traps (3 ♂, 1 ♀, DEBU). CHILE: Aisén: Cerro Castillo Res. Nac., 40 km SW of Balmaceda, 1100 m, dry open beech forest, carrion trap, 2–27 Jan 1985, S. & J. Peck (2 ♀, DEBU); Chaitén, 37 km SE, 60 m, riverside 2nd forest, carrion trap, 28 Dec 1984 – 30 Jan 1985, S. & J. Peck (1 ♂, DEBU); Cochrane, 25km S, 3 Feb 1990, L.E. Peña (6 ♂, 6 ♀, CNCI); Coyhaique Res. Nat., 10km NW, 900 m, beech forest, carrion trap, 22–27 Jan 1985, S. & J. Peck (2 ♂, DEBU); Dos Lagunas N.M., 20 km ENE Coyhaique, 600 m, beech groves in steppe, carrion trap, 23–27 Jan 1985, S. & J. Peck (6 ♀, DEBU); as above but carrion trap, beech groves in steppe (4 ♂, 3 ♀, DEBU); Palena, 113 km S of Chaitén, Rt. 235, 100 m, mossy beech forest, carrion trap, 29 Dec 1984 – 29 Jan 1985, S. & J. Peck (2 ♂, 1 ♀, DEBU); Puerto Aisén, Río Simpson Nat. Pk., 33 km E, 70 m, select cut forest, carrion trap, 31 Dec 1984 – 26 Jan 1985, S. & J. Peck (1 ♂, DEBU); Puerto Cisnes, 16–28 Feb 1961, L. Peña (1 ♂, CNCI); Yelcho Chio, Ventisquero Br., 70 km SE of Chaitén, 200 m, mixed beech forest, carrion trap, 29 Dec 1984 – 29 Jan 1985, S. & J. Peck (2 ♂, DEBU); Araucanía: Conguillo Natl. Pk., nr. Vista Hermosa, 816 m, forest edge, yellow pans, 22–24 Feb 2005, [no collector] (1 ♀, DEBU); Curacautín, 40 km W, 1500 m, Nothofagus, Malaise , 12 Dec 1984 – 16 Feb 1985, S. & J. Peck (2 ♀, DEBU); as above but 1700 m, Nothofagus , Araucaria , FIT-Malaise (1 ♀, DEBU); Flor del Lago, 15 km NE of Villarrica, 300 m, Nothofagus forest, carrion trap, 14 Dec 1984 – 10 Feb 1985, S. & J. Peck (1 ♂, 2 ♀, DEBU); Lago Tinquilco, 30 km E Pucón, 750 m, yellow pans, 7–10 Dec 2002, L. Masner (8 ♂, 1 ♀, DEBU); Malalcahuello, 6 km E, 1080 m, 13–31 Dec 1982, A. Newton & M. Thayer (1 ♂, DEBU); Malleco, 6 km W Curacautín, 750 m, grazed Nothofagus forest remnant, carrion traps, 12 Dec 1984 – 16 Feb 1985, S. & J. Peck (1 ♂, DEBU); Nahuelbuta Natl. Pk., mature Nothofagus forest, yellow pan traps, 9–10 Feb 2005, L. Masner (1 ♂, DEBU); Princesa, 20 km E of Curacautín, 1500 m, Nothofagus, Malaise , 12 Dec 1984 – 16 Feb 1985, S. & J. Peck (1 ♂, 2 ♀, DEBU); Pucón, drift nr. lake, pan traps, 6–8 Nov 1989, S.A. Marshall (1 ♂, DEBU); as above but in lakeside debris, 8–13 Nov 1989 (1 ♂, DEBU); as above but lakeshore, carrion trap, 15 Nov–2 Dec 1989 (3 ♀, DEBU); as above but near lake, FIT, 8–13 Nov 1989 (1 ♂, DEBU); as above but dung traps, 9–16 Nov 1989 (1 ♂, 7 ♀, DEBU); Pucón Peninsula, 7 Nov 1989, S.A. Marshall (2 ♂, 1 ♀, DEBU); Pucón, Villarrica Nat. Pk., old Beech slash nr. treeline, 8 Nov 1989, S.A. Marshall (1 ♂, 1 ♀, DEBU); Pucón, Vol. Villarrica N.P., 10 km S, 900 m, Nothofagus forest, on ash, 15 Dec 1984 – 10 Feb 1985, S. & J. Peck (2 ♂, DEBU); Purén, Contulmo Nat. Mon., 350 m, evergreen forest, rotten mushroom, 11 Nov 1984, S. & J. Peck (15 ♂, 7 ♀, DEBU); as above but mixed evergreen forest, FIT, 11 Dec 1984 – 13 Feb 1985 (1 ♂, 1 ♀, DEBU); as above but carrion traps (1 ♂, DEBU); Río Allipen nr. Villarica, 100 m, riverside scrub, shingle & improved, 24 Jan 2006, A.R. Plant (1 ♀, NMWC); Salto de la Princesa, 25 km E Curacautín, 750 m, yellow pans, 7–8 Dec 2002, L. Masner (17 ♂, 15 ♀, DEBU); Termas de Palguín, beech forest, 6-7pm, 70 degrees F, screen sweep, 12 Nov 1989, S.A. Marshall (5 ♂, 1 ♀, DEBU); Termas de Palguín, 30 km E of Pucón, under Araucaria branches, ridge above valley, 12 Nov 1989, S.A. Marshall (1 ♀, DEBU); Termas de Palguín, 33 km E Pucón, 680 m, 6 Nov 1989, S.A. Marshall (1 ♂, 2 ♀, DEBU); as above but cow dung high on Nothofagus slope (1 ♀, DEBU); as above but Nothofagus forest, FIT in drainage ditch, 10–13 Nov 1989 (2 ♂, 1 ♀, DEBU); Villarica, Río Pedrogoso, 1134 m, mixed forest & riverside, 9 Jan 2006, A.R. Plant (1 ♀, NMWC); Villarrica, 15 km NE, 300 m, spruce plant, sifted Boletus , 14 Dec 1984, S. & J. Peck (1 ♀, DEBU); Volcán Villarrica, 1120 m, 13–29 Dec 1982, A. Newton & M. Thayer (1 ♂, DEBU); as above but 15–29 Dec 1982 (2 ♂, 3 ♀, DEBU); as above but near treeline, 10 Nov–3 Dec 1989, S.A. Marshall (16 ♂, 7 ♀, DEBU); as above but FIT, 9 Nov 1989 (5 ♂, DEBU); as above but swept in Nothofagus (1 ♂, 2 ♀, DEBU); as above but nr. edge of old lava flow, FIT, 10 Nov–3 Dec 1989 (12 ♂, 18 ♀, DEBU); as above but nr. treeline, 9 Nov 1989 (1 ♀, DEBU); as above but FIT in bamboo, 10 Nov–3 Dec 1989 (8 ♂, 6 ♀, DEBU); as above but pan (29 ♂, 17 ♀, 13, DEBU); Biobío: Chillan Trancas, 72 km SE, nr. Termas, 1700 m, Nothofagus forest, 6 Dec 1984 – 19 Feb 1985, S. & J. Peck (1 ♀, DEBU); as above but FIT (1 ♂, USNM); as above but beech forest carrion trap (2 ♂, 1 ♀, DEBU); Chillan, 60 km SE, Termas Rd., 1300 m, beech forest, FIT, 7 Dec 1984 – 19 Feb 1985, S. & J. Peck (1 ♂, DEBU); Concepción, 6km S., San Pedro, 360 m, 12 Dec 1982 – 2 Jan 1983, A. Newton & M. Thayer (22 ♂, 29 ♀, DEBU); as above but Pinus sp. forest, trap site 648 (15 ♂, 7 ♀, DEBU); Cord. Nahuelbuta, 41 km E Cañete, 1070 m, 8 Feb 1998, N.E. Woodley (1 ♀, USNM); Fundo Pinares, 30 Dec 1965, Fling & Cekalovic (1 ♂, USNM); Laraquete, yellow pans, 10–25 Jan 1993, P. Salinas (2 ♂, 1 ♀, DEBU); Las Trancas, 1250 m, 10 Dec 1982 – 3 Jan 1983, A. Newton & M. Thayer (1 ♀, DEBU); Nahuelbuta N.P., 1220 m, cathedral forest, Nothofagus etc., 7 Jan 2006, A.R. Plant (1 ♂, NMWC); Pata de Gallina, yellow pan traps, 10–25 Jan 1993, P. Salinas (2 ♂, CNCI); Recinto, 22 km ESE, 10 Dec 1982 – 3 Jan 1983, A. Newton & M. Thayer (1 ♀, DEBU); San Carlos, 40 km E, 23 Dec 1950, Ross & Michelbacher (1 ♂, 1 ♀, CASC); Santa Bárbara, 25 km E, 350 m, 24 Jan 1978, W.N. Mathis (1 ♂, USNM); Los Lagos: Aisén border, 113 km S Chaitén, Rt. 235, 100 m, mossy beech forest, carrion trap, 29 Dec 1984 – 29 Jan 1985, S. & J. Peck (1 ♀, DEBU); Antillanca Road, 1235 m, Nothofagus forest, yellow pans, 10 Dec 2003, L. Masner (9 ♂, 7 ♀, DEBU); Chiloé I., Lago Huinchillo, 10 m, yellow pans, 11–12 Dec 2002, L. Masner (3 ♂, 3 ♀, DEBU); Chiloé I., Miraflores, Lago Tepuhuico, 15 m, shoreline forest, yellow pans, 13–15 Feb 2005, [no collector] (2 ♂, 2 ♀, DEBU); Chiloé I., Miraflores, Punto Río Negro, 50 m, creek, yellow pans, 14–15 Feb 2005, L. Masner (2 ♂, DEBU); El Chinque, N Correntoso, Jan 1990, L.E. Peña (1 ♂, CNCI); Lago Chapo, 34 km E Puerto Montt, 300 m, 2nd growth Nothofagus , 24 Dec 1984 – 2 Feb 1985, S. & J. Peck (1 ♂, 2 ♀, DEBU); P.N. Puyehue, Ag. Calientes to 2 km S, 600 m, 10–22 Feb 1979, D. & M. Davis, B. Akerbergs (1 ♀, USNM); Parque Nac. Puyehue, 1600 m, 18–24 Dec 1982, A. Newton & M. Thayer (1 ♂, 1 ♀, DEBU); as above but 440 m, 17–26 Dec 1982 (1 ♀, DEBU); as above but 690 m, 18–24 Dec 1982 (2 ♀, DEBU); as above but 965 m, 18–25 Dec 1982 (3 ♂, 2 ♀, DEBU); Parque Nac. Puyehue, Antillanca Rd., 690 m, Valdivian Rainforest, trap site 661, 18–24 Dec 1982, A. Newton & M. Thayer (3 ♂, 7 ♀, DEBU); Petruhué, 100 m, Nothofagus forest, 15 Nov 1966, M.E. Irwin & E.I. Schlinger (2 ♂, 1 ♀, DEBU); Puyehue Nat. Pk., Anticura, 500 m, Repucura forest trail, carrion trap, 19 Dec 1984 – 6 Feb 1985, S. & J. Peck (1 ♂, DEBU); Puyehue Natl. Pk., Anticura, Sendero Repucura, 447 m, Nothofagus / Chusquea forest, yellow pans, 17–18 Feb 2005, [no collector] (1 ♂, 1 ♀, DEBU); Puyehue Natl. Pk., Anticura, trail to Mirador El Puma, 400 m, carrion pans, 3–5 Dec 2008, Kits & Marshall (4 ♂, 1 ♀, DEBU); as above but dung pans (5 ♂, 2 ♀, DEBU); Puyehue Natl. Pk., Antillanca, 1200 m, Nothofagus tree line, 16 Feb 1988, L. Masner (1 ♂, DEBU); Vicente Pérez Rosales Natl. Pk., Mirador El Bosque , 900 m, dung pans, 2 Dec 2008, Kits & Marshall (4 ♂, 3 ♀, DEBU); Vicente Pérez Rosales Natl. Pk., Volcan Osorno rd., 300 m, carrion pans, 2 Dec 2008, Kits & Marshall (8 ♂, 2 ♀, DEBU); Los Ríos: La Unión, 34 km WNW, 700 m, mixed evergreen forest, FIT, 17 Dec 1984 – 7 Feb 1985, S. & J. Peck (3 ♂, 3 ♀, DEBU); Las Trancas, 30 km W La Unión, 500 m, Nothofagus , 7–11 Feb 1988, L. Masner, Chile Exp. (1 ♂, CNCI); Panguipulli, 26 km SE, 300 m, carrion trap, Nothofagus remnant, 16 Dec 1984 – 11 Feb 1985, S. & J. Peck (2 ♂, DEBU); Puerto Fuy, 800 m, 4 Mar 1955, L.E. Peña (1 ♀, CNCI); as above but Nothofagus , 16 Dec 1984 – 11 Feb 1985, S. & J. Peck (1 ♂, DEBU); Magallanes: Isla Navarinas, 1 Jan 1996, A.R. Plant (1 ♂, 1 ♀, NMWC); Lago del Toro, 3 km E, 300 m, dung trap, 7 Dec 1977, [no collector] (1 ♂, 1 ♀, USNM); Laguna Parillar Natl. Res., trail to Tres Morros, 300 m, 26–29 Nov 2008, Kits & Marshall (7 ♂, 5 ♀, DEBU); as above but sweeps, 26 Nov 2008 (1 ♂, 1 ♀, DEBU); as above but forest, yellow pans (1 ♂, DEBU); as above but forest stream, dung pans, 29 Nov 2008 (1 ♂, DEBU); as above but shrubby bog (1 ♂, DEBU); San Juan, 1.5 km S, 1 m, dung pans, 27 Nov 2008, Kits & Marshall (2 ♂, 2 ♀, DEBU); Maule: Altos del Lircay Natl. Res., ca. 3000 m, 29 Nov 2006, S.A. Marshall (2 ♂, 1 ♀, DEBU); as above but streamside pans (3 ♂, 4 ♀, DEBU); Pelluhue, along Río Curanilahue, 26 Nov 2006, S.A. Marshall (1 ♂, DEBU); Valparaíso: La Campana Natl. Pk., hygrophilous forest, leaf litter Berlese, 2 Dec 1984, S. & J. Peck (1 ♀, DEBU).

Comments. The holotype was examined by S.A.M. in 1989; although the specimen was not dissected, external characters and the distinctive male sternite 5 are sufficient to confirm the species’ identity. This species can be readily identified by the pattern of microtomentum on the scutellum.

Richards, O. W. (1931) Sphaeroceridae (Borboridae). In: Diptera of Patagonia and south Chile, based mainly on material in the British Museum (Natural History), 6 (2), 62 - 84.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 54–60. Antrops male terminalia. (54) A. quadrinotus, phallus, postgonite, and phallapodeme, lateral view; (55) A. setosus, phallus, postgonite, and phallapodeme, lateral view; (56) A. simplicimanus, phallus, postgonite, and phallapodeme, lateral view; (57) A. simplicimanus, surstylus, anterior view; (58) A. quadrinotus, sternite 5; (59) A. setosus, sternite 5; (60) A. simplicimanus, sternite 5.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 204–212. Antrops distribution maps. (204) A. hirtus; (205) A. maculipennis; (206) A. maximus (circles), A. microphthalmus (stars), A. vittatus (diamonds); (207) A. quadrinotus (South Georgia Islands excluded); (208) A. setosus; (209) A. simplicimanus (circles), A. truncipennis (stars); (210) A. variegatus (circles), A. biflavus (stars), A. guaramacalensis (diamonds); (211) A. carpishensis (stars), A. coniobaptos (circles), A. siberia (diamonds); (212) A. podocarpus (circles), A. tequendama (stars).


Ontario Insect Collection, University of Guelph


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


Canadian National Collection Insects


National Museum of Wales











