Antrops aurantifemur, KITS & MARSHALL, 2013

KITS, JOEL H. & MARSHALL, STEPHEN A., 2013, <p class = " HeadingRunIn " align = " left "> <strong> Generic classification of the Archiborborinae (Diptera: Sphaeroceridae), with a revision of <em> Antrops </ em> Enderlein, <em> Coloantrops </ em> gen. nov., <em> Maculantrops </ em> gen. nov., <em> Photoantrops </ em> gen. nov., and <em> Poecilantrops </ em> gen. nov. </ strong> </ p>, Zootaxa 3704 (1), pp. 1-113 : 21-22

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Felipe (2021-08-25 13:30:07, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-04 19:31:17)

scientific name

Antrops aurantifemur

sp. nov.

Antrops aurantifemur View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figs. 25, 28 View FIGURES 25–30 , 197 View FIGURES 195–203 )

Description. Head dark brown, anterior part of frons, face, and gena may be reddish brown. Clypeus and prementum orange to dark brown, antenna brownish orange, maxillary palp brown. Mostly covered with microtomentum, frons with large shiny areas lateral to ocelli, face shiny on ventral half. Ocellar bristles about one ocellus width anterior to median ocellus. Subvibrissal and anterior genal bristles about 0.25X to 0.3X length of vibrissa.

Thorax black, may have some areas reddish brown. Mostly covered with microtomentum; posterior half of postpronotum, small spots on scutum posterolateral to posterior dorsocentral bristle, scutellum, most of anepisternum except a small patch below spiracle and a concave patch on posterior third, and a patch on katepisternum below base of katepisternal bristle shiny. Halter whitish, with orange or brown below knob. Presutural and anterior postsutural dorsocentral bristles very short in males.

Legs black, some orange at joints, trochanters, coxa 1 and femur 1 orange, tarsus 2 yellowish on basal tarsomeres. Tibia 2 with anterior and posterior rows, 1 anteroventral, 1 posteroventral, and 6 subapical bristles. Tibia 3 with rows of thin anterodorsal and posterodorsal, 1 thin anteroventral, and 3 ventroapical bristles. Male fore basotarsomere with a small spur.

Wing light brown, crossveins slightly paler but without spots.

Abdomen with tergites dark brown, strongly sclerotized. Tergite 2 covered with microtomentum, tergites 3–5 with microtomentum anteriorly, shiny posteriorly, border irregular. Sternites of both sexes weakly sclerotized. Pleural setae long, pliant.

Male postabdomen: Sternite 5 with curved lateral margins, narrow anteriorly with short narrow anterior apodeme ( Fig. 28 View FIGURES 25–30 ). Surstylus narrow, slightly scooped. Pregonite fully fused with postgonite. Postgonite with fully separated lobes, anterior lobe broad and rounded, posterior lobe narrow and pointed. Basiphallus with long epiphallus, narrow pointed preepiphallus. Distiphallus with a strongly curved dorsal tube, mostly smooth with some teeth distally, flanked by a single spike-like sclerite ( Fig. 25 View FIGURES 25–30 ).

Female postabdomen: Tergites 6–7 and sternites 6–7 slightly longer than wide, covered with microtomentum, weakly sclerotized medially. Tergites with 3 posterior strips, sternites with 2 posterior strips. Tergite 8 narrow, with anterior margin shallowly emarginated, widest at about one third of length, entirely covered with microtomentum. Epiproct narrow with narrow anterior arms, 2 pairs of setae, covered with microtomentum except anterior arms. Cerci thin. Sclerites of sternite 8 shaped like an elongate comma, somewhat pinched at about one third of length, covered with microtomentum except thin anterior tip. Hypoproct subrectangular, somewhat weakly sclerotized medially. Spermathecae round, about as long as wide, without invaginations, sclerotized duct about 2X as long as spermathecae.

Type material. Holotype ♂: ECUADOR: Napo: Lago Papallacta , nr., 3400 m, forest above lake, pans/ dung, 4–8 Nov 1999, S.A. Marshall, debu00140390 ( QCAZ) . Paratypes: same data as holotype (100 ♂, 96 ♀, DEBU, QCAZ) ; Baeza , 27 km NW, 2700 m, dung trap, 2–6 Mar 1976, S. Peck (1 ♂, 10 ♀, DEBU) ; Baeza , 42 km NW, 3300 m, dung trap, 2–6 Mar 1976, S. Peck (34 ♂, 61 ♀, DEBU, USNM) ; E of Papallacta , 2900 m, 12–14 Jan 1971, [no collector] (1 ♂, USNM) ; Quito - Baeza road, Papallacta , 3200 m, elfin forest, above thermal spgs., pan traps, 16–21 Feb 1983, L. Masner (1 ♂, 3 ♀, DEBU) ; Bolivar: Hacienda Talahua , 3100 m, 26 Apr 1939, F.M. Brown (1 ♂, AMNH) ; Carchi: Bosque El Arrayán, 6 km E San Gabriel, 2830 m, forest, dung traps, 2–4 Nov 1999, S.A. Marshall (2 ♂, 1 ♀, DEBU) ; Guandera Forest Res., 15 km E San Gabriel, 3400 m, hand, 1 Nov 1999, S.A. Marshall (3 ♂, 4 ♀, DEBU) ; as above but sweeping forest trail (3 ♂, 1 ♀, DEBU) ; Páramo El Ángel , 14.1 km NW El Ángel, 3450 m, under Polylepis litter, 1 Nov 1999, S.A. Marshall (2 ♀, DEBU) ; Páramo El Ángel , 18.8 km NW El Ángel, 3300 m, pan in Polylepis litter, 3 Nov 1999, S.A. Marshall (2 ♂, 3 ♀, DEBU) ; Cañar: Pimo , N of Cañar, 3200 m, 13 Dec 1970, [no collector] (1 ♂, 1 ♀, USNM) ; Pichincha: Campamento Pichan, nr. Nono , 3200 m, 24 Oct 1999, S.A. Marshall (5 ♂, 2 ♀, DEBU) ; as above but dung (25 ♂, 22 ♀, DEBU) ; as above but sweeping (11 ♂, 2 ♀, DEBU) ; Cotopaxi Natl. Pk., Quebrada Mishahuaicu , 3600 m, along stream, pan traps, 26 Oct–8 Nov 1999, S.A. Marshall (1 ♀, DEBU) ; Maquipucuna Biol. Res. , river trail, 1200 m, sweeping, 29 Oct 1999, S.A. Marshall (1 ♀, DEBU) ; Quito - Sto. Domingo (old road), km. 26, sweeping, 9 Apr 1977, E.R. Hodges (1 ♂, USNM) ; Quito, 10 km NW, Valley nr. Hostería San Jorge , stream valley, sweeping, 23 Oct 1999, S.A. Marshall (3 ♂, 1 ♀, DEBU) ; Tandapi , 21.7 km E, mossy forest, dung trap, 24–29 Jun 1975, S. Peck (5 ♂, 7 ♀, DEBU, USNM) ; Tandapi , 34.5 km E, 2835 m, bamboo shrub, dung trap, 24–29 Jun 1975, S. Peck (27 ♂, 65 ♀, DEBU) .

Comments. The species name refers to the distinctive orange fore femur in this species, shared with A. diversipennis sp. nov. The species are easily separated based on the shiny scutellum and scutum in A. aurantifemur . Although only known from a few localities in northern Ecuador, this species appears to be abundant where it occurs.

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FIGURES 25–30. Antrops male terminalia. (25) A. aurantifemur, phallus, postgonite, and phallapodeme, lateral view; (26) A. baeza, phallus, postgonite, and phallapodeme, lateral view; (27) A. bucki, phallus, postgonite, and phallapodeme, lateral view; (28) A. aurantifemur, sternite 5; (29) A. baeza, sternite 5; (30) A. bucki, sternite 5.

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FIGURES 195–203. Antrops distribution maps. (195) A. annulatus; (196) A. anovariegatus; (197) A. aurantifemur; (198) A. baeza; (199) A. bucki (circles), A. niger (stars); (200) A. chaetosus (circles), A. didactylos (stars); (201) A. diversipennis; (202) A. femoralis; (203) A. fuliginosus.


Museo de Zoologia, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Ecuador


Ontario Insect Collection, University of Guelph


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


American Museum of Natural History











