Antrops Enderlein 1909

KITS, JOEL H. & MARSHALL, STEPHEN A., 2013, <p class = " HeadingRunIn " align = " left "> <strong> Generic classification of the Archiborborinae (Diptera: Sphaeroceridae), with a revision of <em> Antrops </ em> Enderlein, <em> Coloantrops </ em> gen. nov., <em> Maculantrops </ em> gen. nov., <em> Photoantrops </ em> gen. nov., and <em> Poecilantrops </ em> gen. nov. </ strong> </ p>, Zootaxa 3704 (1), pp. 1-113 : 14-18

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Felipe (2021-08-25 13:30:07, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-04 19:31:17)

scientific name

Antrops Enderlein 1909


Antrops Enderlein 1909 View in CoL View at ENA

Antrops Enderlein 1909: 225 View in CoL . Type species: Antrops truncipennis Enderlein 1909 View in CoL , by monotypy.

Archiborborus Duda 1921: 125 View in CoL , syn. nov. Type species: Archiborborus submaculatus Duda View in CoL , by subsequent designation ( Cresson 1923).

Huapia Richards 1931: 65 (as subgenus): Roháček et al. 2001: 48 (synonymy with Archiborborus View in CoL ). Type species: Archiborborus (Huapia) microphthalmus Richards View in CoL , by original designation.

Procopromyza Richards 1931: 67 (as subgenus): Roháček and Norrbom in Roháček et al. 2001: 21 (synonymy with Archiborborus View in CoL ). Type species: Archiborborus (Procopromyza) albicans Richards View in CoL , by original designation.

Description. Head colour and microtomentum variable. Face evenly sclerotized, ventral margin slightly wavy, lunule small. Occiput narrow below occipital foramen. Clypeus narrow, slightly produced. Palpus with tiny setae throughout and longer setae along lateral margin. Prementum well-developed, circular, about 0.5X height of head. Labellum usually with 12 pseudotracheae. Scape very short, with 1–2 dorsomedial setulae; pedicel subtriangular, medial bristles much longer than lateral bristles; first flagellomere round, slightly pointed dorsoapically; arista dorsolateral, preapical, 2-segmented, about as long as head width, short-plumose. Chaetotaxy: orbital bristles in two lateroclinate pairs; irregular orbital setulae along orbital plate; interfrontal setae in 4–8 medioclinate pairs; ocellar bristles lateroproclinate, anterior to median ocellus; ocellar setulae irregular, very short; inner vertical bristles inclinate; outer vertical bristles lateroreclinate; postocellar bristles as long as ocellar bristles, slightly proclinate; postvertical bristles small, cruciate; setae on median occipital sclerite small, medioclinate; postocular setae in a complete row with an incomplete row of occipital setae behind; vibrissa strong, as long as head; usually with a subvibrissal bristle and upturned anterior genal bristle; genal setae in 2 rows.

Thorax brown to black; extent of microtomentum variable between species. Chaetotaxy: postpronotum with a single bristle; notopleuron with two bristles, posterior about 0.5X length of anterior; one presutural and one postsutural intra-alar bristle; one postalar bristle at posterior corner of scutum and a shorter postalar between this and scutellum; three dorsocentral bristles (one presutural and two postsutural); acrostichal setae in 6–8 irregular rows; scutellum with 2 pairs of scutellar bristles; proepisternum with several small setulae; katepisternum with a single large dorsal bristle and irregular setae ventrally.

Wing membrane clear to brown, veins may be surrounded by a darker cloud. Often with pale spots around crossveins and along vein R 4+5. Vein M reaching wing margin, CuA 1 extending somewhat past crossvein dm-cu, not reaching wing margin, A 1 +CuA 2 parallel to CuA 1, distal part not vascularised, not reaching wing margin. Calypter with a dense marginal patch of flattened setae.

Leg colour and microtomentum variable. Fore femur with dorsal and ventral rows of long, thin, erect setae. Fore tibia with a preapical dorsal bristle. Fore basotarsomere with an apical spur in males. Mid femur with a row of anterior bristles. Mid tibia with variable chaetotaxy. Hind femur with several dorsal and ventral bristles near apex. Hind tibia with a long preapical dorsal bristle and 2–3 ventroapical bristles.

Abdomen brown to black, extent of microtomentum variable between species. Pleural membrane with setae on segments 3–5, occasionally on segment 2.

Male postabdomen: Sternite 5 variable between species. Synsternite 6+7 asymmetrical, complex, a portion often detached and forming an accessory sclerite flanking distiphallus in genital pouch; dorsal corner fused to sternite 8. Sternite 8 broadly fused to epandrium along right side. Epandrium more or less symmetrical, with a cleft above anterior edge of surstylus. Cerci small and medially fused. Subepandrial sclerite Y or X-shaped, articulated with cerci and surstyli. Surstylus shape variable between species, articulated with epandrium and subepandrial sclerite. Hypandrial arms weakly fused with ventral edge of epandrium; hypandrial apodeme well-developed, rodlike, weakly fused with arms. Phallapodeme well-developed, curved and broadest distally. Postgonites long and usually bilobed, articulated with phallapodeme, hypandrium, and basiphallus. Pregonites tiny, more or less fused with postgonites. Ejaculatory apodeme usually small, often lost in dissections. Basiphallus usually with both epiphallus and preepiphallus. Distiphallus complex, structure variable between species.

Female postabdomen: Abdomen telescoping, usually retracted in preserved specimens. Tergites and sternites 6–7 usually weakly sclerotized, narrow. Tergite 8 heavily sclerotized, sternite 8 divided medially, heavily sclerotized. Epiproct and hypoproct moderately sclerotized. Cerci simple, not fused with epiproct or each other. Three spermathecae, one pair sharing a duct and the other on a separate duct.

Comments. This genus contains 52 species, incorporating most of the species formerly placed in the genus Archiborborus and including the type species of that former genus. Members of the genus are morphologically quite diverse, and are difficult to characterize except by elimination of the other genera in the subfamily. Three subgroups within the genus, the A. guaramacalensis , A. orbitalis , and A. quadrilobus groups, are distinctive and are treated separately from the remaining species.

The genus name may be derived from Greek antron (hole or cave) + ops (eye), referring to the reduced eye similar to that common in troglodytic animals. Although ops is feminine, ICZN states that “A compound genus-group name ending in -ops is to be treated as masculine, regardless of its derivation or of its treatment by its author.” Thus the generic name and all new names derived from it are masculine.

Key to the species of Antrops View in CoL

1. Wing and halter greatly reduced or absent................................................................. 54

- Wing and halter normal or slightly reduced.................................................................. 2

Intermediate cases will key either way.

2. Gena entirely shiny. Halter entirely brown. Wing clear, unmarked. ( orbitalis group)............................... 32

- Gena with at least some microtomentum. Halter partly to entirely white. Wing usually yellow to brown, often with pale spots at least around crossveins................................................................................. 3

3. Scutum brown to blackish with yellow dorsocentral stripes. Hind femur with a brown apical band bordered by yellow basally. ................................................................................................... 4

- Scutum without yellow dorsocentral stripes. Hind femur brown to black.......................................... 5

4. Femora mostly brown with a well-defined subapical yellow band ( Fig. 3 View FIGURES 1–6 ). Mid tibia without posterodorsal bristles. Hind tibia with 3 ventroapical bristles, no antero- or posterodorsal bristles. Gena without strong subvibrissal bristle....... A. annulatus

- Femora mostly yellow, slightly darker basally and with a brown apical band on hind femur. Mid tibia with posterodorsal bristles. Hind tibia with 2 ventroapical bristles and rows of antero- and posterodorsal bristles. Gena with strong subvibrissal bristle.............................................................................................. A. vittatus View in CoL

5. Acrostichal setae in eight irregular rows. Male sternite 5 with a long anterior apodeme, apodeme with a dorsal keel, posterolateral corners produced with tufts of setae. Scutum and scutellum extensively shiny, microtomentum restricted to edges ( Fig. 5 View FIGURES 1–6 ). Presutural dorsocentral bristle absent ( quadrilobus View in CoL group)..................................................... 6

- Acrostichal setae in six or fewer rows. Male sternite 5 without anterior apodeme, or if present apodeme without a keel. Scutum and scutellum shiny to covered with microtomentum. Presutural dorsocentral bristle usually developed, sometimes very short or absent........................................................................................... 15

6. Hind tibia with 2 apicoventral bristles..................................................................... 7

- Hind tibia with 3 apicoventral bristles.................................................................... 9

7. Gena dark brown to black, entirely covered with microtomentum. Frons mostly covered with microtomentum, with shiny spots lateral to ocellar triangle...................................................................... A. papallacta View in CoL

- Gena orange, mostly shiny with microtomentum along ventral margin and in a spot below eye. Frons mostly shiny, with at most microtomentum on orbital plates and at bases of postvertical bristles........................................ 8

8. Occiput orange. Trochanters yellow.............................................................. A. fulgiceps View in CoL

- Occiput black. Trochanters brown............................................................ A. sierrazulensis View in CoL

9. Head orange except occiput and posterior part of frons. Abdominal tergites 4–5 with basal three-quarters covered with microtomentum..................................................................................... A. tachira View in CoL

- Head mostly black to dark brown, at most reddish brown anteriorly with orange antenna. Abdominal tergites 4–5 less than half covered with microtomentum........................................................................... 10

10. Hind tibia with a long thin anteroventral bristle............................................................ 11

- Hind tibia without a long thin anteroventral bristle......................................................... 14

11. Occiput with shiny spots lateral to foramen. Frons with well-defined patches of microtomentum at bases of ocellar bristles. Male distiphallus with recurved flange around dorsal tube ( Fig. 156 View FIGURES 155–160 )..................................... A. coroico View in CoL

- Occiput entirely covered with microtomentum. Frons with no microtomentum or at most a few individual microsetae at bases of ocellar bristles. Male distiphallus with elongate, cylindrical dorsal tube ( Figs. 155, 159 View FIGURES 155–160 , 161 View FIGURES 161–165 )...................... 12

12. Male sternite 5 with lateral corners square, medial lobes shallow. Male postgonite much wider than distal part of basiphallus. Female tergite 8 with a shallow cleft in anterior margin. Female epiproct with 1 pair of setae........................ 13

- Male sternite 5 with lateral corners narrow, medial lobes distinct. Male postgonite narrow, about same width as distal part of basiphallus. Female tergite 8 with a deep cleft in anterior margin. Female epiproct with 2 pairs of setae....... A. quadrilobus View in CoL

13. Male distiphallus with dorsal tube spinose at tip, dorsal region of basal sclerite spinose.................... A. bellavista View in CoL

- Male distiphallus with dorsal tube striated at tip, dorsal region of basal sclerite smooth......................... A. manu View in CoL

14. Male distiphallus with sclerite immediately ventral to curve of dorsal tube convex in lateral view ( Fig. 165 View FIGURES 161–165 ). Female with anterior half of tergite 8 mostly shiny, epiproct with 2 pairs of setae.......................................... A. zongo View in CoL

- Male distiphallus with sclerite immediately ventral to curve of dorsal tube concave in lateral view ( Fig. 158 View FIGURES 155–160 ). Female with anterior half of tergite 8 covered with microtomentum except corners, epiproct with 3 pairs of setae............... A. inca View in CoL

15. Anepisternum with a ventral shiny patch extending dorsally to or past level of spiracle. Proepisternum partly or entirely shiny. ................................................................................................... 16

- Anepisternum covered in microtomentum, at most with a small ventral shiny patch. Proepisternum covered with microtomentum............................................................................................... 25

16. Scutum with shiny patches medially. Scutellum shiny with some microtomentum around edges....................... 17

- Scutum and scutellum entirely covered in microtomentum.................................................... 19

17. Fore coxa and femur orange................................................................. A. aurantifemur View in CoL

- Fore coxa and femur black............................................................................. 18

18. Anepisternum shiny below spiracle. Katepisternum broadly shiny dorsally. Mid tibia without a row of strong posterodorsal bristles....................................................................................... A. baeza View in CoL

- Anepisternum with microtomentum below spiracle. Katepisternum microtomentose dorsally, with only a small shiny patch behind fore coxa. Mid tibia with a row of strong posterodorsal bristle..................................... A. setosus

19. Fore femur and coxa orange. Acrostichal setae in 2 rows.......................................... A. diversipennis View in CoL

- Fore femur and coxa black. Acrostichal setae in 6 irregular rows.............................................. 20

20. Hind tibia with 2 ventroapical bristles. Wing with white spot on vein R 4+5 basal to r-m crossvein...................... 21

- Hind tibia with 3 ventroapical bristles. Wing without white spot on vein R 4+5 basal to r-m crossvein.................... 22

21. Head entirely orange. Wing without spots at tips of vein R 4+5 and R 2+3 ...................................... A. sp. A

- Head black on occiput and posterior part of frons, otherwise reddish-brown. Wing with white spots at tips of veins R 4+5 and R 2+3 .............................................................................................. A. niger View in CoL

22. Frons with shiny spots on either side of ocellar triangle. Hind femur and posterior face of fore femur mostly shiny. Frons and gena reddish, lighter than occiput and concolourous with antenna.............................................. 23

- Frons and femora entirely covered in microtomentum. Frons and gena black, concolourous with occiput and darker than antenna............................................................................................ 24

23. Face mostly shiny with microtomentum covering lunule and below antenna. Anepisternum with a large ventromedial shiny spot covering about 0.5X length and 0.7X height................................................... A. variegatus View in CoL

- Face mostly covered with microtomentum, with only a small ventromedial shiny patch. Anepisternum with a smaller ventromedial shiny spot, covering about 0.3X length and 0.5X height of sclerite............................ A. anovariegatus View in CoL

24. Wing normal. Shiny patch on anepisternum reaching level of posterior edge of spiracle. Mid tibia of males with a row of strong posterodorsal spines, these spines weak to indistinguishable in females. Hind basotarsomere without two strong basal bristles........................................................................................... A. fuliginosus View in CoL

- Wings reduced, about same length as scutum. Shiny patch on anepisternum small, not reaching level of posterior edge of spiracle. Mid tibia of males without a row of strong posterodorsal spines (female unknown). Hind basotarsomere with two strong basal bristles................................................................................... A. bucki View in CoL

25. Hind tibia with a row of anterodorsal bristles............................................................... 26

- Hind tibia without anterodorsal bristles................................................................... 27

26. Eye height less than gena height. Hind tibia with a row of posterodorsal bristles. Wing with pale spots restricted to crossveins....................................................................................... A. microphthalmus View in CoL

- Eye height greater than gena height. Hind tibia without postero-dorsal bristles. Wing with pale spots on veins R 4+5 and M........................................................................................... A. maculipennis

27. Anterior 2 pairs of dorsocentral bristles very short (female) or absent (male). Fore and mid tibia reddish, hind tibia and femora black. Dorsal postocular bristles in several irregular rows. Scutum of male shiny........................... A. maximus

- Anterior 2 pairs of dorsocentral bristles well developed in both sexes. Fore and mid tibia brown to blackish, concolourous or darker than femora. Dorsal postocular bristles in 1 or 2 rows. Scutum entirely covered with microtomentum............. 28

28. Interfrontal plates black with brown stripe at base of interfrontal bristles. Wing clear to yellowish, without spots. Male sternite 5 simple, rectangular............................................................................ A. hirtus

- Interfrontal plates uniformly coloured or paler anteriorly, but without distinct stripe at base of interfrontal bristles. Wing brownish, with faint to well-developed pale spots around crossveins and along vein R 4+5. Male sternite 5 pointed medially or with lateral lobes and medial cleft....................................................................... 29

29. Sternites 3 and 4 square. Male sternite 5 with lateral lobes and deep medial cleft. Female sternite 5 square.............. 30

- Sternites 3 and 4 wider than long. Male sternite 5 without lateral lobes, pointed medially. Female sternite 5 narrowed posteriorly............................................................................................... 31

30. Male sternite 5 with lateral lobes pointed ( Fig. 43 View FIGURES 38–45 ). Head usually with shiny patches lateral to ocelli. Fore coxa usually contrastingly lighter than fore femur. Scutellum often partly shiny......................................... A. femoralis View in CoL

- Male sternite 5 with lateral lobes rounded and recurved ( Fig. 58 View FIGURES 54–60 ). Head never with shiny patches lateral to ocelli. Fore coxa usually similar in colour to fore femur. Scutellum usually entirely covered with microtomentum............ A. quadrinotus Note: some females of A. femoralis View in CoL and A. quadrinotus may be unidentifiable.

31. Scutellum with medial triangle of microtomentum and bare patches laterally, hind femur mostly shiny. Male sternite 5 without medial processes......................................................................... A. simplicimanus

- Scutellum and hind femur entirely covered in microtomentum. Male sternite 5 with thin medial processes..... A. didactylos View in CoL

32. Scutum and pleuron extensively microtomentose. Acrostichal setae in 6 irregular rows............ A. guandera View in CoL (male only)

- Scutum and pleuron mostly shiny. Acrostichal setae in 4 or fewer regular rows................................... 33

33. Orbital plate covered with microtomentum at least to the anterior orbital bristle. Lateral and posterior margins of scutum with microtomentum...................................................................................... 34

- Orbital plate shiny. Lateral and posterior margins of scutum with microtomentum or shiny........................... 39

34. Orbital plate with microtomentum reaching anterior margin of plate. Female without sclerotized discs on pleural membrane35

- Orbital plate with microtomentum reaching just past anterior orbital bristle. Female with sclerotized discs at bases of setae on pleural membrane................................................................ A. guandera View in CoL (female only)

35. Abdominal tergite 3 with microtomentum reaching posterior margin........................................... 36

- Abdominal tergite 3 shiny or with microtomentum restricted to basal quarter...................................... 38

36. Abdominal tergite 4 with microtomentum reaching posterior margin. Acrostichal setae in 4 rows............. A. tumbrensis View in CoL

- Abdominal tergite 4 shiny. Acrostichal setae in 2 rows....................................................... 37

37. Scutum with an additional pair of acrostichal setae at level of transverse suture........................... A. cochinoca View in CoL

- Scutum without additional acrostichal setae at level of transverse suture.................................. A. orbitalis

38. Postpronotum with microtomentum along anterior and lateral margins, anepimeron with microtomentum dorsally.................................................................................................... A. juninensis View in CoL

- Postpronotum and anepimeron entirely shiny...................................................... A. mucarensis View in CoL

39. Presutural acrostichal setae in 4 rows. Notopleuron and metapleuron covered with microtomentum. Tergites 4 and 5 with some microtomentum. Base of wing evenly microtrichose. Outer vertical bristles with microtomentum at base............... 40

- Presutural acrostichal setae in 2 rows. Notopleuron and metapleuron shiny. Tergites 4 and 5 completely shiny. Cells bc, c, bm, cu p, and base of cell br with reduced microtrichia and some bare areas, distal part of cell br (beyond base of Rs) with distinctly heavier microtrichia than surrounding cells. Outer vertical bristles shiny at base.................................. 41

40. Anterior edge of surstylus above cleft with a long, sharp, posteriorly-directed ridge forming a plate covered in microsetae, no sharp medial ridge, anterodorsal bump with ~8 setae ( Fig. 141 View FIGURES 135–144 )......................................... A. unduavi View in CoL

- Anterior edge of surstylus without a ridge, some microsetae along anterior edge of surstylus but not on a distinct plate, medial ridge between posterior corner of cleft and antero-dorsal bump, antero-dorsal bump with ~4 setae ( Fig. 131 View FIGURES 125–134 ).. A. tetrastichus

41. Males............................................................................................. 42

- Females............................................................................................ 48

42. Surstylus with broad, striated raised ridge on anterior edge, anterodorsal corner strongly projecting ( Fig. 126 View FIGURES 125–134 )...... A. pecki View in CoL

- Surstylus without striated raised ridge on anterior edge, smooth or with narrow smooth ridge, anterodorsal corner not projecting or hidden behind median ridge....................................................................... 43

43. Surstylus with broad, flat median ridge................................................................... 44

- Surstylus with thin median ridge......................................................................... 45

44. Surstylus with anteroventral portion below median ridge broadly projecting, ventral tooth without a secondary tooth at base ( Fig. 93 View FIGURES 92–101 ).................................................................................... A. cotopaxi View in CoL

- Surstylus with anteroventral portion below median ridge narrow, toothlike, ventral tooth with a secondary tooth at base ( Fig. 98 View FIGURES 92–101 )............................................................................................ A. eurus View in CoL

45. Surstylus with anteroventral corner smoothly rounded, ventral tooth narrow...................................... 46

- Surstylus with anteroventral corner angular, ventral tooth broad................................................ 47

46. Surstylus with median ridge projecting past anterior edge, depressed medially ( Fig. 115 View FIGURES 109–118 )................... A. nitidicollis

- Surstylus with median ridge not projecting past anterior edge, not depressed medially ( Fig. 86 View FIGURES 85–91 )............ A. cochabamba View in CoL

47. Surstylus with anteroventral corner right angled, median ridge very narrow ( Fig. 146 View FIGURES 145–154 )...................... A. versabilis View in CoL

- Surstylus with anteroventral corner acute, median ridge broader (Fig. 51)................................. A. yungas View in CoL

48. Epiproct with 1 pair of setae (may also have a medial, unpaired seta)............................................ 49

- Epiproct with 2 pairs of setae (may also have a medial, unpaired seta)........................................... 50

49. Sclerites of sternite 8 gradually widening posteriorly, apices without hooks ( Fig. 128 View FIGURES 125–134 )......................... A. pecki View in CoL

- Sclerites of sternite 8 parallel-sided for posterior two-thirds, apices with hook-like structure........................ 51

50. Sclerites of sternite 8 narrow, with even width throughout length, apical seta inserted on hook ( Fig. 88 View FIGURES 85–91 )..... A. cochabamba View in CoL

- Sclerites of sternite 8 somewhat pointed anteriorly, distinctly wider on posterior two-thirds, apical seta inserted at base of hook ( Fig. 95 View FIGURES 92–101 )..................................................................................... A. cotopaxi View in CoL

51. Tergite 8 emarginated anteriorly. Epiproct with a medial, unpaired seta.......................................... 52

- Tergite 8 not emarginated anteriorly. Epiproct without medial, unpaired seta ( Fig. 116 View FIGURES 109–118 )..................... A. nitidicollis

52. Tergite 8 strongly pinched medially, anterior corners strongly produced ( Fig. 147 View FIGURES 145–154 )......................... A. versabilis View in CoL

- Tergite 8 weakly pinched medially, anterior corners slightly produced.......................................... 53

53. Sclerites of sternite 8 with distal third covered with microtomentum ( Fig. 153 View FIGURES 145–154 )............................. A. yungas View in CoL

- Sclerites of sternite 8 with distal quarter covered with microtomentum ( Fig. 100 View FIGURES 92–101 )............................. A. eurus View in CoL

54. Head almost entirely covered with short setae, frons projecting over face. Wing blade-like ( Fig. 7 View FIGURES 7–12 ).......... A. truncipennis View in CoL

- Head with normal setae only, frons not projecting over face. Wing shape variable.................................. 55

55. Hind tibia with 3 ventroapical bristles. Wing rudiment at least as long as scutellum................................. 56

- Hind tibia with 1 or 2 ventroapical bristles. Wing entirely absent............................................... 58

56. Abdominal tergites with row of enlarged subapical bristles. Wing straplike............................... A. chaetosus

- Abdominal tergites without enlarged bristles. Wing shape more or less normal................................... 57

57. Fore femur and coxa orange. Ventral half of face and spots lateral to ocellar triangle shiny................ A. diversipennis View in CoL

- Fore femur and coxa black. Face and frons entirely covered with microtomentum............................. A. bucki View in CoL

58. Scutum and abdominal tergites shiny..................................................................... 59

- Scutum and abdominal tergites mostly or entirely covered with microtomentum.................................. 62

59. Microtomentum covering most of ventral half of thoracic pleuron, dorsal margin of anepisternum shiny. Antenna dark brown. .................................................................................................. 60

- At least meron and metapleuron shiny, dorsal margin of anepisternum with microtomentum. Antenna orange............ 61

60. Face mostly shiny with a broad band of microtomentum below antenna and lunule. Ocellar and posterior orbital bristles absent. Shiny part of anepisternum extending below level of spiracle. Hind tibia with 2 ventroapical bristles............. A. siberia View in CoL

- Face mostly covered with microtomentum, lunule and ventral third shiny. Ocellar bristle usually present, posterior orbital bristle present. Anepisternum entirely covered with microtomentum below level of spiracle. Hind tibia with 1 ventroapical bristles.......................................................................................... A. coniobaptos View in CoL

61. Head orange, concolourous with antenna and prementum. Microtomentum on katepisternum reaching katepisternal bristle. Posterior postsutural dorsocentral bristle present. Scutellum longer than high.......................... A. tequendama View in CoL

- Head reddish orange, darker than antenna and prementum. Microtomentum on katepisternum not reaching katepisternal bristle. Posterior postsutural dorsocentral bristle not separable from surrounding setae. Scutellum as long as high........ A. sp E

62. Scutum shiny between dorsocentral rows, scutellum shiny............................................... A. sp. D

- Scutum and scutellum covered with microtomentum........................................................ 63

63. Fore and mid femur yellow...................................................................... A. biflavus View in CoL

- Fore and mid femur black.............................................................................. 64

64. Abdominal tergites with long subapical bristles.................................................. A. carpishensis View in CoL

- Abdominal tergites without long bristles................................................................. 65

65. Postpronotal bristle long. Posterior orbital and outer vertical bristles present...................................... 66

- Postpronotal bristle short. Posterior orbital and outer vertical bristles absent..................................... 67

66. Head reddish brown, frons covered with microtomentum. Ocellar bristles absent.............................. A. sp. B

- Head dark brown, frons with a shiny V-shaped spot anteriorly. Ocellar bristles present.................... A. podocarpus View in CoL

67. Frons with microtomentum medially to bases of ocellar bristles.................................. A. guaramacalensis View in CoL

- Frons shiny medially............................................................................. A. sp. C

Cresson, E. T. Jr. (1923) Let us try to help each other (Dip.: Borboridae). Entomological News, 34, 58.

Duda, O. (1921) Fiebrigella und Archiborborus, zwei neue sudamerikanische Borboriden-Gattungen (Dipteren). Tijdschrift voor Entomologie, 64, 119 - 146.

Enderlein, G. (1909) Antrops truncipennis Enderlein 1909, eine neue Borboridengattung von Feuerland. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 34, 225 - 230.

Richards, O. W. (1931) Sphaeroceridae (Borboridae). In: Diptera of Patagonia and south Chile, based mainly on material in the British Museum (Natural History), 6 (2), 62 - 84.

Rohacek, J., Marshall, S. A., Norrbom, A. L., Buck, M., Quiros, D. I. & Smith, I. (2001) World catalogue of Sphaeroceridae (Diptera). Slezske zemske muzeum, Opava, Czech Republic, 414 pp.

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FIGURES 1–6. Archiborborine adults, live habitus photos: (1) Maculantrops hirtipes, Olmue, Chile; (2) Antrops femoralis, Olmue, Chile; (3) A. annulatus, Olmue, Chile; (4) Boreantrops undescribed species, Savegre Lodge, Costa Rica; (5) Antrops inca, Wayqecha, Peru; (6) Frutillaria abdita Kits & Marshall, Putú, Chile. Photos by SAM.

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FIGURES 155–160. Antrops male terminalia: (155) A. bellavista, phallus, postgonite, and phallapodeme, lateral view; (156) A. coroico, phallus, postgonite, and phallapodeme, lateral view; (157) A. fulgiceps, phallus, postgonite, and phallapodeme, lateral view; (158) A. inca, phallus, postgonite, and phallapodeme, lateral view (arrow indicates the concave sclerite ventral to dorsal tube); (159) A. manu, phallus, postgonite, and phallapodeme, lateral view; (160) A. papallacta, phallus, postgonite, and phallapodeme, lateral view.

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FIGURES 161–165. Antrops male terminalia. (161) A. quadrilobus, phallus, postgonite, and phallapodeme, lateral view, (162) A. quadrilobus, sternite 5; (163) A. sierrazulensis, phallus, postgonite, and phallapodeme, lateral view; (164) A. tachira, phallus, postgonite, and phallapodeme, lateral view; (165) A. zongo, phallus, postgonite, and phallapodeme, lateral view (arrow indicates the convex sclerite ventral to dorsal tube);.

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FIGURES 38–45. Antrops male terminalia. (38) A. femoralis, phallus, postgonite, and phallapodeme, lateral view; (39) A. fulignosus, phallus, postgonite, and phallapodeme, lateral view; (40) A. hirtus, phallus, postgonite, and phallapodeme, lateral view, (41) A. hirtus, surstylus, anterior view; (42) A. maculipennis, phallus, postgonite, and phallapodeme, lateral view; (43) A. femoralis, sternite 5; (44) A. fulignosus, sternite 5; (45) A. maculipennis, sternite 5.

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FIGURES 54–60. Antrops male terminalia. (54) A. quadrinotus, phallus, postgonite, and phallapodeme, lateral view; (55) A. setosus, phallus, postgonite, and phallapodeme, lateral view; (56) A. simplicimanus, phallus, postgonite, and phallapodeme, lateral view; (57) A. simplicimanus, surstylus, anterior view; (58) A. quadrinotus, sternite 5; (59) A. setosus, sternite 5; (60) A. simplicimanus, sternite 5.

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FIGURES 135–144. Antrops terminalia. A. tumbrensis: (135) male, phallus, postgonite, and phallapodeme, lateral view, (136) male, surstylus, anterior view, (137) female, tergite 8, epiproct, cerci, (138) female, sternite 8, hypoproct, (139) female, spermathecae; A. unduavi: (140) male, phallus, postgonite, and phallapodeme, lateral view, (141) male, surstylus, anterior view, (142) female, tergite 8, epiproct, cerci, (143) female, sternite 8, hypoproct, (144) female, spermathecae.

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FIGURES 125–134. Antrops terminalia. A. pecki: (125) male, phallus, postgonite, and phallapodeme, lateral view, (126) male, surstylus, anterior view, (127) female, tergite 8, epiproct, cerci, (128) female, sternite 8, hypoproct, (129) female, spermathecae; A. tetrastichus: (130) male, phallus, postgonite, and phallapodeme, lateral view, (131) male, surstylus, anterior view, (132) female, tergite 8, epiproct, cerci, (133) female, sternite 8, hypoproct, (134) female, spermathecae.

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FIGURES 92–101. Antrops terminalia. A. cotopaxi: (92) male, phallus, postgonite, and phallapodeme, lateral view, (93) male, surstylus, anterior view, (94) female, tergite 8, epiproct, cerci, (95) female, sternite 8, hypoproct, (96) female, spermathecae; A. eurus: (97) male, phallus, postgonite, and phallapodeme, lateral view, (98) male, surstylus, anterior view, (99) female, tergite 8, epiproct, cerci, (100) female, sternite 8, hypoproct, (101) female, spermathecae.

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FIGURES 109–118. Antrops terminalia. A. mucarensis: (109) male, phallus, postgonite, and phallapodeme, lateral view, (110) male, surstylus, anterior view, (111) female, tergite 8, epiproct, cerci, (112) female, sternite 8, lateral margins of tergite 8, hypoproct, (113) female, spermathecae; A. nitidicollis: (114) male, phallus, postgonite, and phallapodeme, lateral view, (115) male, surstylus, anterior view, (116) female, tergite 8, epiproct, cerci, (117) female, sternite 8, hypoproct, (118) female, spermathecae.

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FIGURES 85–91. Antrops terminalia. A. cochabamba: (85) male, phallus, postgonite, and phallapodeme, lateral view, (86) male, surstylus, anterior view, (87) female, tergite 8, epiproct, cerci, (88) female, sternite 8, hypoproct, (89) female, spermathecae; A. cochinoca: (90) male, phallus, postgonite, and phallapodeme, lateral view, (91) male, surstylus, anterior view. ad, anterodorsal corner of surstylus; mr, medial ridge of surstylus; pc, posterior cleft of surstylus; vt, ventral tooth of surstylus; cr, cercus; ep, epiproct; hp, hypoproct; s, sternite; t, tergite.

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FIGURES 145–154. Antrops terminalia. A. versabilis: (145) male, phallus, postgonite, and phallapodeme, lateral view, (146) male, surstylus, anterior view, (147) female, tergite 8, epiproct, cerci, (148) female, sternite 8, hypoproct, (149) female, spermathecae; A. yungas: (150) male, phallus, postgonite, and phallapodeme, lateral view, (151) male, surstylus, anterior view, (152) female, tergite 8, epiproct, cerci, (153) female, sternite 8, hypoproct, (154) female, spermathecae.

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FIGURES 7–12. Archiborborine adults, habitus photos: (7) Antrops truncipennis, female, Bird Island, South Georgia Islands; (8) A. siberia, male holotype, Yungas de la Siberia, Bolivia; (9) A. tetrastichus, male paratype, Quito–Baeza pass; (10) Photoantrops echinus, male holotype, SierrAzul Lodge, Ecuador; (11) Coloantrops daedalus, female paratype, Laraquete, Chile; (12) Poecilantrops psilosternum, female paratype, Nova Friburgo, Brazil.









