
KITS, JOEL H. & MARSHALL, STEPHEN A., 2013, <p class = " HeadingRunIn " align = " left "> <strong> Generic classification of the Archiborborinae (Diptera: Sphaeroceridae), with a revision of <em> Antrops </ em> Enderlein, <em> Coloantrops </ em> gen. nov., <em> Maculantrops </ em> gen. nov., <em> Photoantrops </ em> gen. nov., and <em> Poecilantrops </ em> gen. nov. </ strong> </ p>, Zootaxa 3704 (1), pp. 1-113 : 9

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Felipe (2021-08-25 13:30:07, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-04 19:31:17)

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Key to the genera of the Archiborborinae

1. Wing normal or slightly reduced, halter present.............................................................. 2

- Wing strongly reduced or absent, halter absent............................................................... 7

2. Wing with well-defined brown marks around crossveins and round brown spots on vein tips and along veins R 4+5 and CuA 1 ( Fig. 17 View FIGURES 13–18 ). Tibiae with 4 well-marked bands beyond base: first and third brown, second and fourth pale ( Fig. 1 View FIGURES 1–6 ). Legs and katepisternum densely covered in pliant setae subequal in length to bristles. Clypeus strongly projecting...... Maculantrops View in CoL

- Wing unmarked ( Figs. 14, 15 View FIGURES 13–18 ) or with pale marks around crossveins, any round spots present on longitudinal veins pale ( Figs. 13, 16, 18 View FIGURES 13–18 ). Tibiae never with 4 well-marked bands of colour. Setae on legs and katepisternum variable, but usually not long and dense as above. Clypeus not strongly projecting.......................................................... 3

3. Ocellar bristles absent, 1 orbital bristle. Syntergite 1+2 twice the width of tergite 3. Thorax, legs, and abdomen with many enlarged bristles, often helical in shape ( Fig. 10 View FIGURES 7–12 )................................................... Photoantrops View in CoL

- Ocellar bristles usually present, 2 orbital bristles. Syntergite 1+2 barely wider than tergite 3. Thorax, legs, and abdomen with normal bristles, never helical in shape..................................................................... 4

4. Tergite 5 weakly sclerotized. Tergites 1–4 usually partially or extensively weakly sclerotized ( Fig. 20 View FIGURES 19–20 ). Males with one of the following states: portion of epandrium above cerci fused or nearly fused medially; hypandrial arms with a transparent ventral extension and scutum foveolate; or hypopygium retracted inside segment 4 when at rest............ Boreantrops View in CoL (in part)

- Tergites 1–5 heavily sclerotized ( Fig. 19 View FIGURES 19–20 ). Males never with any of the states above................................ 5

5. With at least one of the following characters: Wing with one or more white spots on CuA 1 ( Fig. 18 View FIGURES 13–18 ). Fore tarsus with basal 2 tarsomeres dark brown, distal 3 tarsomeres white ( Fig. 12 View FIGURES 7–12 ). Syntergite 1+2 with a median ridge ( Fig. 19 View FIGURES 19–20 ). Syntergite 1+2 fused with tergite 3 ( Fig. 19 View FIGURES 19–20 )....................................................................... Poecilantrops View in CoL

- Without any of the above characters...................................................................... 6

6. Wing with a pale spot on vein M between crossveins r-m and dm-cu ( Fig. 16 View FIGURES 13–18 ). Female ovipositor short, tergites 6–7 and sternites 6–7 broad and heavily sclerotized. Epiproct without setae......................................... Coloantrops View in CoL

- Wing usually without spots on vein M. Female ovipositor long, tergites 6–7 and sternites 6–7 narrow, usually weakly sclerotized. Epiproct with 2–4 setae................................................................ Antrops View in CoL (in part)

7. Wing reduced to a rod-like structure without any membrane, with a single long bristle at the tip........................ 8

- Wing strap-like to broad, with at least some membrane, or absent, without a long bristle at the tip...................... 9

8. Thorax yellow with brown medial stripe on scutum. Dorsocentral bristles reduced, only posterior pair distinct. Hind tibia with 2 apicoventral bristles. Fore basotarsomere of male with a spur............................................ Penola View in CoL

- Thorax black. Dorsocentral bristles in 3 distinct pairs. Hind tibia with a single apicoventral bristle. Fore basotarsomere without spur......................................................................................... Frutillaria View in CoL

9. Abdominal tergites 3–5 weakly sclerotized, at least around margins............................. Boreantrops View in CoL (in part)

- Abdominal tergites 3–5 entirely heavily sclerotized............................................... Antrops View in CoL (in part)

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FIGURES 13–18. Archiborborine wings: (13) Antrops annulatus; (14) A. nitidicollis; (15) A. tetrastichus; (16) Coloantrops daedalus; (17) Maculantrops hirtipes; (18) Poecilantrops stellans.

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FIGURES 1–6. Archiborborine adults, live habitus photos: (1) Maculantrops hirtipes, Olmue, Chile; (2) Antrops femoralis, Olmue, Chile; (3) A. annulatus, Olmue, Chile; (4) Boreantrops undescribed species, Savegre Lodge, Costa Rica; (5) Antrops inca, Wayqecha, Peru; (6) Frutillaria abdita Kits & Marshall, Putú, Chile. Photos by SAM.

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FIGURES 7–12. Archiborborine adults, habitus photos: (7) Antrops truncipennis, female, Bird Island, South Georgia Islands; (8) A. siberia, male holotype, Yungas de la Siberia, Bolivia; (9) A. tetrastichus, male paratype, Quito–Baeza pass; (10) Photoantrops echinus, male holotype, SierrAzul Lodge, Ecuador; (11) Coloantrops daedalus, female paratype, Laraquete, Chile; (12) Poecilantrops psilosternum, female paratype, Nova Friburgo, Brazil.

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FIGURES 19–20. Archiborborine abdomens: (19) Poecilantrops dominicus; (20) Boreantrops undescribed species. mr, medial ridge on syntergite 1+2; t, tergite.









