Maculantrops, KITS & MARSHALL, 2013

KITS, JOEL H. & MARSHALL, STEPHEN A., 2013, <p class = " HeadingRunIn " align = " left "> <strong> Generic classification of the Archiborborinae (Diptera: Sphaeroceridae), with a revision of <em> Antrops </ em> Enderlein, <em> Coloantrops </ em> gen. nov., <em> Maculantrops </ em> gen. nov., <em> Photoantrops </ em> gen. nov., and <em> Poecilantrops </ em> gen. nov. </ strong> </ p>, Zootaxa 3704 (1), pp. 1-113 : 89-90

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Felipe (2021-08-25 13:30:07, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-04 19:31:17)

scientific name


gen. nov.

Maculantrops View in CoL gen. nov.

Type species: Borborus hirtipes Macquart 1844 , by present designation

Description. Head brown, sometimes with gena, anterior part of frontal triangle, or antenna orange, entirely covered with microtomentum. A V-shaped patch of microtomentum on upper occiput distinctly lighter, almost silvery. Maxillary palp yellow, with setae concentrated along lateral margin. Face evenly sclerotized, ventral margin notched medially, lunule small. Occiput narrow below occipital foramen. Clypeus prominently produced, shelflike. Prementum well-developed, circular, about 0.6X height of head. Labellum with 22 pseudotrachea. Scape very short, with 1–2 dorsomedial setulae; pedicel subtriangular, medial bristles no longer than outer; first flagellomere round, slightly pointed dorsoapically; arista dorsolateral, preapical, 2-segmented, about as long as head width, short-plumose. Chaetotaxy: orbital bristles in two lateroclinate pairs; irregular orbital setulae along orbital plate; interfrontal setae usually in 6 medioclinate pairs; ocellar bristles lateroproclinate, just anterior to medial ocellus; irregular, very short ocellar setulae; inner vertical bristles inclinate; outer vertical bristles lateroreclinate; postocellar bristles as long as ocellar bristles, slightly proclinate; postvertical bristles small, cruciate; setae on median occipital sclerite small, medioclinate; setae covering most of lateral part of occiput; vibrissa strong, as long as head; subvibrissal bristle and upturned anterior genal bristle each about 0.5X length of vibrissa; genal setae in 3 rows. Postvertical bristles sometimes and ocellar bristles usually absent in male, both usually present in female.

Thorax dark brown, usually with margins of sclerites lighter, entirely covered with microtomentum. Microtomentum on scutum patterned, with a pair of spots of lighter, almost silvery microtomentum between anterior dorsocentrals, another pair of spots just posterior to these, lateral spots just anterior and posterior to suture, and a medial patch following line of acrostichals and extending onto scutellum. Halter dark brown, stem lighter. Chaetotaxy: postpronotum with a single bristle; notopleuron with two bristles, posterior about 0.5X length of anterior; one presutural and one postsutural intra-alar bristle, postsutural about 0.5X length of anterior; one postalar bristle at posterior corner of scutum and a shorter postalar between this and scutellum; three dorsocentral bristles (one presutural and two postsutural); acrostichal setae in 2 closely-spaced rows; scutellum with 2 pairs of scutellar bristles; proepisternum covered with thin setulae; katepisternum with a single large dorsal bristle, covered with thin setae. Dorsocentral bristles somewhat variable, usually all present in females, presutural and anterior postsutural often absent in males, occasionally with a 2nd enlarged presutural in addition to normal presutural.

Wing membrane light brown. Brown spots on crossveins, on vein R 4+5 (1 basal and 3–4 distal to crossvein r-m), on CuA 1 (usually 2), and at apices of veins R 2+3, R 4+5, and M. Apex of vein R 2 with a pale spot. Wing veins brown on base of wing, whitish between spots on apical part of wing. Vein M reaching wing margin, CuA 1 barely or not extending past crossvein dm-cu, not reaching wing margin, A 1 +CuA 2 parallel to CuA 1, distal part not vascularised, not reaching wing margin. Calypter with a dense marginal patch of short setae.

Legs pale to dark brown, trochanters paler, yellow at bases of femora. Poorly defined pale bands on femur 1 at two-thirds and all femora at apex, well-defined yellow bands on femora 2 and 3 at two-thirds. Tarsi dark brown at base and apex, with medial tarsomeres yellow to brown. Femora and tibiae covered with dense, fine setae. Tibia 1 with a preapical dorsal bristle. First basotarsomere with a short, stout dark spur in males. Tibia 2 with a long, fairly fine dorsal subapical bristle, 1 anteroventral and 1 posteroventral bristle inserted in area of apical yellow band, and 4 subapical bristles. Femur 3 with a few dorsal and ventral bristles near apex. Tibia 3 with a long, thin preapical dorsal bristle, 3 apicoventral bristles, the most dorsal of these bristles long and fine.

Abdomen with tergites and sternites dark brown and heavily sclerotized in both sexes, covered with microtomentum. Pleural membrane with dense, fine setae on segments 2–5.

Comments. This genus is described for two closely related species, M. hirtipes and M. altiplanus sp.n. The included species can be distinguished from other Archiborborinae by the numerous dark spots on the wings ( Fig. 17 View FIGURES 13–18 ), the banding pattern on the legs ( Fig. 1 View FIGURES 1–6 ), and presence of only 2 spermathecae. The two species are very similar, and species descriptions are abbreviated.

The genus name is formed from a combination of the Latin macula (spot) and the name of the genus Antrops . It is masculine in accordance with ICZN

Key to the species of Maculantrops View in CoL

1. Basal brown portion of mid and hind femora paler than subapical brown band. Distal brown band of hind tibia paler and distinctly longer than proximal brown band of tibia................................................... M. altiplanus View in CoL

- Basal brown portion of mid and hind femora same shade as subapical brown band. Proximal and distal brown bands of hind tibia subequal in length and concolourous.......................................................... M. hirtipes View in CoL

Macquart, J. (1844) Dipteres exotiques nouveaux ou peu connus. Vol. 2, Pt. 3 me. Memoires de la Societe royale des Sciences de l'Agriculture et des Arts de Lille, 1842, 162 - 460.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 13–18. Archiborborine wings: (13) Antrops annulatus; (14) A. nitidicollis; (15) A. tetrastichus; (16) Coloantrops daedalus; (17) Maculantrops hirtipes; (18) Poecilantrops stellans.

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FIGURES 1–6. Archiborborine adults, live habitus photos: (1) Maculantrops hirtipes, Olmue, Chile; (2) Antrops femoralis, Olmue, Chile; (3) A. annulatus, Olmue, Chile; (4) Boreantrops undescribed species, Savegre Lodge, Costa Rica; (5) Antrops inca, Wayqecha, Peru; (6) Frutillaria abdita Kits & Marshall, Putú, Chile. Photos by SAM.









