Antrops orbitalis (Duda), 2013

KITS, JOEL H. & MARSHALL, STEPHEN A., 2013, <p class = " HeadingRunIn " align = " left "> <strong> Generic classification of the Archiborborinae (Diptera: Sphaeroceridae), with a revision of <em> Antrops </ em> Enderlein, <em> Coloantrops </ em> gen. nov., <em> Maculantrops </ em> gen. nov., <em> Photoantrops </ em> gen. nov., and <em> Poecilantrops </ em> gen. nov. </ strong> </ p>, Zootaxa 3704 (1), pp. 1-113 : 67-68

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Felipe (2021-08-25 13:30:07, last updated 2022-04-30 06:57:00)

scientific name

Antrops orbitalis (Duda)

comb. nov.

Antrops orbitalis (Duda) , comb. nov.

( Figs. 119–124 View FIGURES 119–124 , 219 View FIGURES 213–221 )

Archiborborus orbitalis Duda, 1921: 141

Archiborborus (Procopromyza) orbitalis . Comb. Richards, 1961: 58

Description. As described for A. nitidicollis . Microtomentum on frons extending from occiput anteriorly along orbital plates to anterior edge of plate, and anteriorly on frontal plate to bases of postocellar bristles, microtomentum on face with thick crescents below antennal bases. Lateral and posterior margins of scutum and a spot at the base of anteriormost acrostichals, margins of scutellum, latero- and mediotergite, meron and metapleuron covered with microtomentum, anepisternum with a small spot of microtomentum in posterodorsal corner, rest of thorax shiny. Acrostichal setae in 2 rows. Microtrichia not reduced at base of wing. Abdomen with syntergite 1+2 and tergite 3 mostly covered with microtomentum, shiny laterally, male sternite 5 with a thin band of microtomentum basally, rest of preabdominal sternites and tergites shiny.

Male postabdomen: Sternite 5 broad and parallel-sided at the base with the apical portion narrowed triangularly ( Fig. 121 View FIGURES 119–124 ). Surstylus with medial ridge broad, strongly projecting, anteroventral corner subtriangular, ventral tooth broad, rounded apically ( Fig. 120 View FIGURES 119–124 ). Pregonite indistinct, fully fused with postgonite. Postgonite with lobes barely separated, anterior lobe very short, quadrate, posterior lobe pointed, long. Basiphallus narrow, with long epiphallus and preepiphallus, preepiphallus mostly transparent, only posterior edge sclerotized. Distiphallus with broad, flat-topped, spinose dorsal knob ( Fig. 119 View FIGURES 119–124 ).

Female postabdomen: Tergites 6–7 and sternites 6–7 wider than long, moderately sclerotized, covered with microtomentum. Tergites with 3 posterior strips, sternites with 2 posterior strips. Tergite 8 shiny, widest anteriorly, posterior margin emarginated medially, anterior corners produced anteriorly and nearly meeting sternite 8 laterally. Epiproct with very short anterior arms, covered with microtomentum except arms, with 1 pair of setae and a medial unpaired seta ( Fig. 122 View FIGURES 119–124 ). Cerci narrow. Sclerites of sternite 8 with anterior third thin, pinched, shiny, distal twothirds broad, covered with microtomentum, apices bilobed, sharply pointed, without hooks. Hypoproct depressed antero-medially, depression with a raised trilobed ridge ( Fig. 123 View FIGURES 119–124 ). Spermathecae round, long apical invagination meeting basal invagination, sclerotized duct about one-third as long as spermatheca ( Fig. 124 View FIGURES 119–124 ).

Type material. Lectotype ♂ (here designated): PERU: Puno, “Titicaca-See”, 12 Jun 1903 ( SMTD; examined) . Paralectotypes: same data as lectotype and BOLIVIA: "Cordillere", 4–5000 m, 14 May 1903 (3 ♂, 3 ♀). We examined 4 specimens labelled as co-types, including the lectotype here designated, as well as 1 ♂ from the type locality with the date 16 Nov 1902, 1♀ from the type locality with the date 7 Jun 1903, and 1 damaged, headless ♂ from PERU: Juliaca, 14 Jun 1903. The lectotype is double-mounted (minuten in a block of foam) and is in excellent condition; the surstyli are partially exposed. We have added a red label to the pin .

Other material examined. BOLIVIA: La Paz: 15 km NE La Paz , 16°24.6'S 68°02.9'W, 4300 m, 29 Mar 2001, S.D. Gaimari (2 ♀, USNM) GoogleMaps ; Alto de La Paz, 4500–4600 m, 28 Oct 1968, L.E. Peña (1 ♂, 2 ♀, CNCI) ; Desaguadero, 3 km E, shore Lago Titicaca , 16°33'S 69°01'W, shoreline drift, sweeping, 19 Apr 2001, S.A. Marshall (10 ♂, DEBU) GoogleMaps ; Lago Titicaca, Mapac, Sahuiña , 16°10'S 69°04'W, 3812 m, 23 Apr 1997, L. Masner (2 ♂, 8 ♀, DEBU) GoogleMaps ; Lake Titicaca W Guaqui , 16°35'S 68°53'W, 3810 m, shoreline, sweeping, 19 Apr 2001, S.A. Marshall (4 ♂, 2 ♀, DEBU) GoogleMaps ; Patacamaya (7 km N), 17°9.5'S 67°56.7'W, 3800 m, 21 Mar 2001, A. Freiberg (1 ♂, 2 ♀, USNM) GoogleMaps . PERU: Cuzco: Tambomachay , 3500 m, [no date], P. & B. Wygodzinsky (1 ♂, USNM) ; Puno: 10 mi N of Ayaviri , 1 Mar 1951, Ross & Michelbacher (1 ♀, CASC) .

Comments. This species, as well as 4 similar species ( A. tumbrensis , A. mucarensis , A. cochinoca , and A. juninensis ) is found in drier habitats than other members of the A.orbitalis group, or indeed most other montane Archiborborinae . It has been collected in association with Maculantrops altiplanus sp. nov. along the margins of Lake Titicaca in Bolivia.

Duda, O. (1921) Fiebrigella und Archiborborus, zwei neue sudamerikanische Borboriden-Gattungen (Dipteren). Tijdschrift voor Entomologie, 64, 119 - 146.

Richards, O. W. (1961) Diptera (Sphaeroceridae) from South Chile. Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London Series B, 30, 57 - 68. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1111 / j. 1365 - 3113.1961. tb 00163. x

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FIGURES 119–124. Antrops terminalia. A. orbitalis: (119) male, phallus, postgonite, and phallapodeme, lateral view, (120) male, surstylus, anterior view, (121) male, sternite 5, (122) female, tergite 8, epiproct, cerci, (123) female, sternite 8, hypoproct, (124) female, spermathecae.

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FIGURES 213–221. Antrops distribution maps. (213) A. cochabamba (circles), A. juninensis (stars); (214) Antrops cotopaxi; (215) A. eurus (circles), A. versabilis (stars); (216) A. nitidicollis; (217) A. yungas; (218) A. cochinoca (circles), A. mucarensis (stars); (219) A. orbitalis (circles), A. tumbrensis (stars); (220) A. pecki; (221) A. guandera (stars), A. tetrastichus (circles).


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


Canadian National Collection Insects


Ontario Insect Collection, University of Guelph











