Holops anarayae, Barahona-Segovia & Guzmán & Pañinao-Monsálvez, 2021

Barahona-Segovia, Rodrigo M., Guzmán, Vicente Valdés & Pañinao-Monsálvez, Laura, 2021, Review of Chilean Cyrtinae (Diptera: Acroceridae) with the Description of Three New Species and the First Record of Villalus inanis from Argentina, Zoological Studies 60 (35), pp. 1-18 : 3-4

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.6620/ZS.2021.60-35



persistent identifier


treatment provided by


scientific name

Holops anarayae

sp. nov.

Holops anarayae View in CoL sp. nov. Barahona-Segovia

( Figs. 1–2 View Figs , 15 View Figs , 25–26 View Figs ) urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:E641677F-66FA-46A0-B797-5FA1073404D2

Material examined: Holotype: male, in excellent condition, found in the Ernesto Krahmer’s collection from UACH and finally deposited in the MNHNCL; with the following labels: “Prov. Valdivia / Santo Domingo / 08.ix.1963 / Leg. E. Krahmer ”; “Holotypus / Holops anarayae / sp. nov. ³ / det. Barahona-Segovia 2020 ” [red].

Paratype: male, in excellent condition, found in the Ernesto Krahmer’s collection from UACH and finally deposited in the MNHNCL; with the following labels: “Prov. Valdivia / Santo Domingo / 27.ix.1987 / Leg. E. Krahmer”; “ Paratype / Holops anarayae / sp. nov. ³ / det. Barahona-Segovia 2020 ” [yellow].

Type locality: Valdivia Province, Santo Domingo, Los Ríos región, Chile.

Etymology: the specific epithet “ anarayae ” refers to Ana Clara Luz Araya (1941–2020), the grandmother of the first author, which raised and helped pay for their university studies.

Diagnosis: dark blue species. Scutum with brown-yellowish pilosity. Postocellar lobe dark blue as well as all thorax segment excepting anepimeron, which is violet-brownish. Coxa and trochanter brownish. Femora bicolor (brown-yellow). Wings hyaline. M 1 shorter than M 2. Cell r 4+5 elongated and thin. Abdomen elongated longitudinally and at same level of the maximum margins of thorax. All tergites dark blue.

Description: male: Length: 5.1 mm; width: 1.8 mm (head), 2.5 mm (thorax) and 2.5 mm (abdomen); wing: 5.0 mm; head: eyes brownish ( Figs. 1–2 View Figs ); the size is more than 3/4 of the maximum height of the thorax ( Fig. 2 View Figs ); antenna inserted in the middle of the head; scape and pedicelum blackish with similar size; flagellum styliform approximately four times longer than pedicelum and scape together; antennae with similar length to head; eyes with long and brown pilosity; three ocelli dark bluish with ocellar triangle shiny blue somewhat protuberant; occiput dark and shiny blue with long and brownish pilosity; mouth parts yellowish with abundant brownish hairs; thorax: dark blue scutum with some shiny parts; long, dense and brownish pilosity, sparse but uniformly distributed ( Figs. 1–2 View Figs ); postocellar lobe dark blue with 8–12 long and yellowish hairs ( Fig. 2 View Figs ); anterior spiracle barely visible and darkish; anepisternum, katepisternum, katatergite, meron, katepimeron and anatergite shiny blue with long and yellowish pilosity ( Fig. 2 View Figs ); anepimeron violet-bluish with some yellowish hairs; subalar sclerite brownish and; scutellum shiny blue with long and brownish hairs; legs: coxa and trochanters dark blue; femora almost completely dark bluish excepting anterior which yellow ( Fig. 2 View Figs ); tibiae yellow and tarsi brownish with dense and short pale pilosity ( Fig. 2 View Figs ); black claws; wings: hyaline and membranous appearance; all veins dark brown; R 1 and R 2+3 closer between them; R 4 and R 5 not petiolated, inward position ( Fig. 15 View Figs ) and separated in the distal part for the half of length of each vein; M 1, M 2 and M 3+4 not reaching the wing margin; M 1 shorter than M 2; cell r 4+5 elongated and thin, with 3/4 length of R 2+3 vein and five sides; cell m 3 with 1/3 length of r 4+5 connected to cell bm with a very short projection of m-cu vein; halters brownish with apex some yellowish; calypter rim blackish and inner part is whitish with dense and long yellowish pilosity; abdomen: not curved ( Figs. 1–2 View Figs ); oval shape similar in size to head and thorax together ( Fig. 1 View Figs ); in dorsal view, the abdomen not protruded laterally from the thorax margins; all tergites completely rough and covered with short and brownish pilosity: tergites 1–4 with similar width; all sternites darkish; genitalia: not detached and partially everted; cerci, part of the epandrium and gonocoxa visible; cerci light yellow with many short and yellow pilosity; aedeagus yellowish; gonocoxa brownish, enlarged ( Fig. 25 View Figs ) and bifurcated ( Fig. 26 View Figs ) with several setae in ventral view; female: unknown

Distribution: only known from the type locality ( Fig. 27 View Fig ).

Remarks: this endemic species belongs to Valdivian district inside Valdivian forest province, subantarctic subregion ( Morrone 2015). The Valdivian evergreen forest is mainly dominated by Aextoxicum punctatum Ruiz et Pav. , Myrtaceae trees species and Nothofagus species. The species present high variability in color legs and length of R 4, R 5 and M veins of wings (Shaun Winterton, pers. comm.). The host is unknown.













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