Solenoptera bilineata ( Fabricius, 1775 )

MONNÉ, MIGUEL A., 2006, Catalogue of the Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) of the Neotropical Region. Part III. Subfamilies Parandrinae, Prioninae, Anoplodermatinae, Aseminae Spondylidinae, Lepturinae, Oxypeltinae, and addenda to the Cerambycinae and Lamiinae,, Zootaxa 1212 (1), pp. 1-244 : 98

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Felipe (2021-07-03 03:17:49, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-03 04:37:32)

scientific name

Solenoptera bilineata ( Fabricius, 1775 )


2. Solenoptera bilineata ( Fabricius, 1775) View in CoL

Type locality— America . ( ZMUC). Distribution — Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands (Anegada, St. Thomas , St. Croix, St. John) .

Prionus bilineatus Fabricius, 1775: 163 View in CoL ; 1781: 129; 1792: 249; 1801: 262; Schoenherr, 1817: 343; Zimsen, 1964: 163 (type).

Cerambyx bilineatus View in CoL ; Gmelin, 1790: 1817.

Solenoptera bilineata View in CoL ; Dejean, 1835: 318 (cat.); Gahan, 1890: 26; 1895a: 87; Leng & Mutchler, 1914: 444 (distr.); Villiers, 1980b: 149, fig. 12; Galileo & Martins, 1993c: 430, figs. 105–111, 147; Monné, 2002: 27 (cat. hosts); Lingafelter & Micheli, 2004: 52 (distr.).

Derancistrus (Solenoptera) bilineatus View in CoL ; Lameere, 1909: 9; Gilmour, 1963: 76 (distr.); Chemsak et al., 1992: 17 (cat.).

Derancistrus bilineatus View in CoL ; Lameere, 1912b: 171 (distr.); Wolcott, 1936: 259 (distr.); 1948: 334 (hosts).

Chemsak, J. A. & Linsley, E. G. & Noguera, F. A. (1992) Listados faunisticos de Mexico. II. Los Cerambycidae y Disteniidae de Norteamerica, Centroamerica y las Indias Occidentales (Coleoptera). Universidad Nacional Autonoma, Mexico, D. F., 204 pp.

Dejean, P. F. M. A. (1835) Catalogue des Coleopteres de la collection de M. le comte Dejean. Crevot, Paris, 2 ed., livr. 4, 257 - 360.

Fabricius, J. C. (1775) Systema entomologiae, sistens insectorum classes, ordines, genera, species, adiectis synonymis, locis, descriptionibus, observationibus. Korte, Flensburgi et Lipsiae, 832 pp.

Fabricius, J. C. (1781) Species insectorum exhibentes eorum differentias specificas, synonyma auctorum, loca natalia, metamorphosin adiectis observationibus, descriptionibus. Bohn, Hamburgi et Kilonii, 1, 552 pp.

Fabricius, J. C. (1792) Entomologia systematica, emendata et aucta. Secundum classes, ordines, genera, species adjectis synonymis, locis, observationibus, descriptionibus. Proft, Hafniae, 1, 538 pp.

Fabricius, J. C. (1801) Systema eleutheratorum secundum ordines, genera, species: adiectis synonymis, locis, observationibus, descriptionibus. Bibliopoli Academici Novi, Kiliae, 2, 687 pp.

Gahan, C. J. (1890) Notes on some West Indian longicorn Coleoptera, with descriptions of new gen- era and species. The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, (6) 6, 23 - 34.

Gahan, C. J. (1895 a) On the longicorn Coleoptera of the West Indian islands. The Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, 1895, 79 - 140.

Galileo, M. H. M. & Martins, U. R. (1993 c) Revisao da tribo Solenopterini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae). Parte III. Genero Solenoptera A. - Serville, 1832. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, 37 (3), 425 - 458.

Gilmour, E. F. (1963) Some Caribbean Coleoptera Cerambycidae. Studies on the Fauna of Curacao, 18 (78), 75 - 102.

Gmelin, J. F. (1790) Caroli a Linne Systema Naturae. Ed. 13. Beer, Lipsiae, 1 (4), 1517 - 2224.

Lameere, A. A. (1909) Revision des prionides. Memoires de la Societe Entomologique de Belgique, 17, 1 - 70.

Lameere, A. A. (1912 b) Revision des prionides (Vingt-et-unieme memoire - Anacolines). Memoires de la Societe Entomologique de Belgique, 21, 1 - 188.

Leng, C. W. & Mutchler, A. J. (1914) A preliminary list of the Coleoptera of the West Indies as recorded to January 1, 1914. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, 33, 391 - 493.

Lingafelter, S. W. & Micheli, C. J. (2004) New species of Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) from Puerto Rico with records and notes for other species. Journal of the New York Entomological Society, 112 (1), 37 - 55.

Monne, M. A. (2002) Catalogue of the Neotropical Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) with known host plant - Part V: Subfamilies Prioninae, Parandrinae, Oxypeltinae, Anoplodermatinae, Aseminae and Lepturinae. Publicacoes Avulsas do Museu Nacional, 96, 1 - 70.

Schoenherr, C. J. (1817) Synonymia Insectorum, oder: Versuch einer Synonymia aller bisher bekannten Insecten; nach Fabricii Systema Eleutheratorum & c. geordnet. Lewerentzischen Buchdruekerey, Skara, 1 (3), 506 pp.

Villiers, A. (1980 b) Coleopteres Cerambycidae des Antilles francaises. I. Parandrinae, Prioninae, Lepturinae. Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France, (n. s.) 16 (1), 133 - 157.

Wolcott, G. N. (1936) Insectae Borinquensis. A revised annotated check-list of the insects of Porto Rico, with descriptions of some new species. Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico, 20, 1 - 627.

Zimsen, E. (1964) The type material of I. C. Fabricius. Muuksgaard, Copenhagen, 656 pp.


Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen











