Neospondylis mexicanus ( Bates, 1879 )

MONNÉ, MIGUEL A., 2006, Catalogue of the Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) of the Neotropical Region. Part III. Subfamilies Parandrinae, Prioninae, Anoplodermatinae, Aseminae Spondylidinae, Lepturinae, Oxypeltinae, and addenda to the Cerambycinae and Lamiinae,, Zootaxa 1212 (1), pp. 1-244 : 114-115

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scientific name

Neospondylis mexicanus ( Bates, 1879 )


1. Neospondylis mexicanus ( Bates, 1879) View in CoL

Type locality— Mexico, near the Capital. ( BMNH). Distribution — Mexico ( Mexico, Chihua­

hua, Jalapa, Oaxaca, Veracruz). Spondylis mexicanus Bates, 1879: 15 ; Lameere, 1883: 13 (cat.); Bates, 1884: 239, pl. 17, fig. 1;

Linsley, 1935a: 71; Chemsak et al., 1992: 23; Noguera & Chemsak, 1996: 396 (cat.). Neospondylis mexicanus ; Sama, 2005: 9, fig. 2. Spondylis (Spondylis) mexicanus ; Lameere, 1902c: 329. Spondylis erebea Casey, 1912: 220 .

Type locality— Mexico, Chihuahua: Colonia Garcia. ( USNM) .


LEPTURINI Latreille, 1804 View in CoL

Lepturetae Latreille, 1804: 305.

Lepturinae ; Pascoe, 1869: 553, 555.

Lepturini View in CoL ; LeConte, 1873b: 292, 327; LeConte & Horn, 1883: 312; Leng, 1890: 10; Blatchley, 1910: 1043, 1045; Casey, 1913: 193; Boppe, 1921: 15, 77; Swaine & Hopping, 1928: 1, 14; Bradley, 1930: 228, 234; Knull, 1946: 151; Linsley, 1961: 629 (mimet.); Dillon & Dillon, 1961: 607; Chagnon & Robert, 1962: 240; Arnett, 1962: 856, 876; Hatch, 1971: 123; Linsley & Chemsak, 1972: 26; Villiers, 1974: 208, 212; 1980b: 154; Svacha & Danilevsky, 1989: 15 (larva); Monné, 1995a: 15 (cat.).

Encyclopini LeConte, 1873b: 326 View in CoL ; LeConte & Horn, 1883: 311; Leng, 1890: 10; Blatchley, 1910: 1043, 1045.

Rhagii Boppe, 1921: 14, 15.

Toxotini Boppe, 1921: 14 , 15, 39.

Acmaeops LeConte, 1850 View in CoL

Acmaeops LeConte View in CoL in Agassiz, 1850: 235; LeConte, 1850: 321 (partim); 1854c: 219; Lacordaire, 1869: 441 (partim); LeConte, 1873a: 208; 1873b: 328 (partim); Provancher, 1877: 580, 610 (partim); LeConte & Horn, 1883: 313 (partim); Leng, 1890: 104 (partim); Wickham, 1897b: 171 (partim); Blatchley, 1910: 1046, 1049 (partim); Casey, 1913; 240 (partim); Swaine & Hopping, 1928: 9, 14 (partim); Bradley, 1930: 236; Chagnon, 1936: 247 (partim); Linsley, 1938: 109; Knull, 1946: 151, 179 (partim); Arnett, 1962: 857 (partim); Chagnon & Robert, 1962: 243 (partim); Chemsak & Linsley, 1963: 82 (partim); Chemsak, 1964: 231; Hatch, 1971: 125; Linsley & Chemsak, 1972: 95; Villiers, 1974: 210, 212; Svacha & Danilevsky, 1989: 86 (larva).

Type­species— Leptura proteus Kirby, 1837 View in CoL (Casey designation, 1913: 219)

Arnett, R. H. (1962) The beetles of the United States. Catholic Univ. America Press, Washington, D. C., 1112 pp.

Bates, H. W. (1879) Biologia Centrali-Americana, Insecta, Coleoptera. London, 5, 1 - 16.

Bates, H. W. (1884) Biologia Centrali-Americana, Insecta, Coleoptera, suppl. to Longicornia. London, 5, 225 - 248.

Blatchley, W. S. (1910) On the Coleoptera known to occur in Indiana. An illustrated descriptive catalogue of the Coleoptera or beetles (exclusive of the Rhynchophora) known to occur in Indiana. Bulletin of the Indiana Department of Geology and Natural Resources, 1, 1 - 1386.

Boppe, P. L. (1921) Genera Insectorum, Fam. Cerambycidae: subfam. Disteniinae-Lepturinae P. Wytsman, Bruxelles, 178, 1 - 119.

Bradley, J. C. (1930) A manual of the genera of beetles of America north of Mexico. Keys for the determination of the families, tribes and genera of Coleoptera with a systematic list of the genera and higher groups. Daw, Illston & Co., Ithaca, 360 pp.

Casey, T. L. (1912) Studies in the Longicornia of North America. Memoirs on the Coleoptera, 3, 215 - 376.

Casey, T. L. (1913) Further studies amongst the American Longicornia. Memoirs on the Coleoptera, 4, 193 - 388.

Chagnon, G. (1936) Contribution a l'etude des Coleopteres de la Province de Quebec. Famille XLI Cerambycides. Naturaliste Canadien, 63, 210 - 210; 241 - 251; 64, 22 - 30; 101 - 117.

Chagnon, G. & Robert, A. (1962) Principaux coleopteres de la Province de Quebec. Les Presses de l'Universite de Montreal, Montreal, 440 pp.

Chemsak, J. A. & Linsley, E. G. (1963) The North American genera related to Gaurotes with a key to the Mexican component species (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). The Pan-Pacific Entomologist, 39 (2), 81 - 87.

Chemsak, J. A. (1964) Type species of generic names applied to North American Lepturinae (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). The Pan-Pacific Entomologist, 40 (4), 231 - 237.

Chemsak, J. A. & Linsley, E. G. & Noguera, F. A. (1992) Listados faunisticos de Mexico. II. Los Cerambycidae y Disteniidae de Norteamerica, Centroamerica y las Indias Occidentales (Coleoptera). Universidad Nacional Autonoma, Mexico, D. F., 204 pp.

Dillon, E. S. & Dillon, L. S. (1961) A manual of common beetles of eastern North America. Row & Peterson, Evanston, 1, 434 pp.

Hatch, M. H. (1971) The beetles of the Pacific Northwest. Part V: Rhipiceroidea, Sternoxi, Phytophaga, Rhynchophora and Lamellicornia. University of Washington, Publications in Biology, 16, 1 - 662.

Kirby, W. 1837. Insects. Coleoptera. In: Richardson J., Fauna Boreali-Americana; or the Zoology of the Northern Parts of British America. Josiah Fletcher, Norwich, 325 pp.

Knull, J. N. (1946) The long-horned beetles of Ohio (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae). Bulletin of the Ohio Biological Survey, 39, 133 - 354.

Lacordaire, J. T. (1869) Histoire Naturelle des Insectes. Genera des Coleopteres, ou expose methodique et critique de tous les genres proposes jusqu'ici dans cet ordre d'insectes. Librairie Encyclopedique de Roret, Paris, 8, 552 pp.; 9 (1), 409 pp.

Lameere, A. A. (1883) Liste des cerambycides, decrits posterieurement au catalogue de Munich. Annales de la Societe Entomologique de Belgique, 26, 1 - 78.

Lameere, A. A. (1902 c) Revision des prionides (Troisieme memoire - Spondylines). Annales de la Societe Entomologique de Belgique, 46, 303 - 334.

Latreille, P. A. (1804) Histoire naturelle, generale et particuliere des Crustaces et des Insectes. F. Dufart, Paris, 12, 424 pp ..

LeConte, J. L. (1850) An attempt to classify the longicorn Coleoptera of the part of America, north of Mexico. Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, (2) 1, 311 - 340; 2, 5 - 38.

LeConte, J. L. (1873 b) Classification of the Coleoptera of North America. Part II. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 11 (265), 279 - 348.

LeConte, J. L. (1873 a) New species of North American Coleoptera. Prepared for the Smithsonian Institution. Part II. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 11 (264), 169 - 238.

LeConte, J. L. & Horn, G. H. (1883) Classification of the Coleoptera of North America. Prepared for the Smithsonian Institution. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 26 (507), 567 pp.

Leng, C. W. (1890) Synopses of Cerambycidae. Entomologia Americana, 6 (1), 9 - 13; (4), 65 - 69; (5), 97 - 98; (6), 104 - 110; (8), 156 - 160; (10), 185 - 200; (11), 213 - 214.

Linsley, E. G. (1935 a) Studies in the Longicornia of Mexico (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Transactions of the American Entomological Society, 61, 67 - 102.

Linsley, E. G. (1938) Synonymical notes on some North American Cerambycidae (Coleoptera). The Pan-Pacific Entomologist, 14 (3), 105 - 109.

Linsley, E. G. & Chemsak, J. A. (1972) Cerambycidae of North America. Part VI, No. 1 Taxonomy and classification of the subfamily Lepturinae. University of California, Publications in Entomology, 69, 138 pp.

Monne, M. A. (1995 a) Catalogue of the Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) of the Western Hemisphere. Part XXI. Subfamily Lepturinae. Sociedade Brasileira de Entomologia, Sao Paulo, 159 pp.

Noguera, F. A. & Chemsak, J. A. (1996) Cerambycidae (Coleoptera), pp. 381 - 409. In: Biodiversidad taxonomia, y biogeografia de artropodos de Mexico: Hacia una sintesis de su conocimiento. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico, D. F.

Sama, G. (2005) Description of Neospondylis gen. nov. from North America & Mexico (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Spondylidinae). Les Cahiers Magellanes, 43, 1 - 10.

Svacha, P. & Danilevsky, M. L. (1989) Cerambycoid larvae of Europe and Soviet Union (Coleoptera, Cerambycoidea). Part III. Acta Universitatis Carolinae (Biologica) 32, 1 - 205.

Swaine, J. M. & Hopping, R. (1928) The Lepturini of America north of Mexico. Part I. Bulletin of the Canadian National Museum, (14) 52, 1 - 97.

Villiers, A. (1974) Une nouvelle nomenclature des Lepturines de France (Col., Cerambycidae). L'Entomologiste, 30 (6), 207 - 217.

Wickham, H. F. (1897 b) The Coleoptera of Canada. The Cerambycidae of Ontario and Quebec. The Canadian Entomologist, 29 (4), 81 - 88; (5), 105 - 111; (6), 148 - 153; (7), 169 - 173; (8), 187 - 193; (9), 201 - 208.


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