Judolia sexspilota (LeConte, 1859)

MONNÉ, MIGUEL A., 2006, Catalogue of the Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) of the Neotropical Region. Part III. Subfamilies Parandrinae, Prioninae, Anoplodermatinae, Aseminae Spondylidinae, Lepturinae, Oxypeltinae, and addenda to the Cerambycinae and Lamiinae,, Zootaxa 1212 (1), pp. 1-244 : 124

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Felipe (2021-07-03 03:17:49, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-03 04:37:32)

scientific name

Judolia sexspilota (LeConte, 1859)


3. Judolia sexspilota (LeConte, 1859) View in CoL

Type locality— United States, California: Fort Tejon. ( MCZN). Distribution—Coastal southern

California to northern Baja California. Leptura 6­spilota LeConte, 1859b: 80. Leptura sexspilota ; LeConte, 1873a: 218; Leng, 1890: 196; Horn, 1894: 339 (distr.); Fall, 1901:

149 (distr.); Garnett, 1918: 250 (distr.). Judolia sexspilota ; Aurivillius, 1912: 228 (cat.); Casey, 1913: 249; Davis, 1932: 85 (distr.); Linsley

& Chemsak., 1976: 57; Chemsak et al., 1992: 96 (cat.); Noguera & Chemsak, 1996: 403 (cat.). Anoplodera sexspilota ; Swaine & Hopping, 1928: 51, pl. 6, fig. 64; Moore, 1937: 89 (distr.). Anoplodera (Judolia) 6­spilota; Linsley, 1942: 52. Judolia minuta Casey, 1924: 284 .

Type locality— United States, Texas. ( USNM) .

Aurivillius, C. (1912) Coleopterorum Catalogus, pars 39, Cerambycidae: Cerambycinae. W. Junk, Berlin, 574 pp.

Casey, T. L. (1913) Further studies amongst the American Longicornia. Memoirs on the Coleoptera, 4, 193 - 388.

Casey, T. L. (1924) Additions to the known Coleoptera of North America. Memoirs on the Coleoptera, 11, 1 - 347.

Chemsak, J. A. & Linsley, E. G. & Noguera, F. A. (1992) Listados faunisticos de Mexico. II. Los Cerambycidae y Disteniidae de Norteamerica, Centroamerica y las Indias Occidentales (Coleoptera). Universidad Nacional Autonoma, Mexico, D. F., 204 pp.

Davis, A. C. (1932) A list of Coleoptera of Ft. Tejon, California. Bulletin of Southern California Academy of Sciences, 31 (3), 75 - 87.

Fall, H. C. (1901) List of the Coleoptera of southern California, with notes on habits and descriptions of new species. Occasional Papers of the California Academy of Sciences, 8, 1 - 282.

Garnett, R. T. (1918) An annotated list of the Cerambycidae of California (Coleoptera). The Canadian Entomologist, 50 (5), 172 - 177; (6), 205 - 213; (8), 248 - 353; (9), 281 - 284.

Horn, G. H. (1894) The Coleoptera of Baja California. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, (2) 4, 302 - 449.

LeConte, J. L. (1859 b) Catalogue of the Coleoptera of Fort Tejon, California. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 11, 69 - 90.

LeConte, J. L. (1873 a) New species of North American Coleoptera. Prepared for the Smithsonian Institution. Part II. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 11 (264), 169 - 238.

Leng, C. W. (1890) Synopses of Cerambycidae. Entomologia Americana, 6 (1), 9 - 13; (4), 65 - 69; (5), 97 - 98; (6), 104 - 110; (8), 156 - 160; (10), 185 - 200; (11), 213 - 214.

Linsley, E. G. (1942) Contributions towards a knowledge of the insect fauna of Lower California No. 2 Coleoptera: Cerambycidae. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, (4) 24, 21 - 96.

Moore, I. (1937) A list of the beetles of San Diego County, California. Occasional Papers of the San Diego Society of Natural History, 2, 1 - 109.

Noguera, F. A. & Chemsak, J. A. (1996) Cerambycidae (Coleoptera), pp. 381 - 409. In: Biodiversidad taxonomia, y biogeografia de artropodos de Mexico: Hacia una sintesis de su conocimiento. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico, D. F.

Swaine, J. M. & Hopping, R. (1928) The Lepturini of America north of Mexico. Part I. Bulletin of the Canadian National Museum, (14) 52, 1 - 97.


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