Corbichonia rubriviolacea

Sukhorukov, Alexander P. & Kushunina, Maria, 2015, Taxonomy and chorology of Corbichonia (Lophiocarpaceae s. l.) with further description of a new species from Southern Africa, Phytotaxa 218 (3), pp. 227-240 : 230

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Corbichonia rubriviolacea


2. Corbichonia rubriviolacea View in CoL (Friedrich in Suessenguth et al. 1953: 340) C. Jeffrey (1960: 235). ( Fig. 1 C–D View FIGURE 1 ).

Bas.: Orygia rubriviolacea Friedrich (1953: 340) .

Type:— SOUTH AFRICA. [Karas region]: Schlucht in der Mulde hinter Nambons, Friedenfelde, Blinkoog, Kraut auf klippigem Boden, [without date] E. Walter & H. Walter 2366 (holotype, M-0107807! [photo]). Image of the holotype available at http://plants.jstor. org/stable/10.5555/al.ap.specimen.m0107807

Notes:—The specimens matching C. rubriviolacea were earlier observed by Dinter (1924) who pointed out that the flowers are relatively small (approximately 15 mm in diameter). He was not able to provide more details on the taxonomy of these specimens due to the lack of other reproductive characters for comparison purposes.

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