Calligrapha multipustulata Stål, 1859
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Calligrapha multipustulata Stål, 1859 |
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Calligrapha multipustulata Stål, 1859
Stål, C. 1859: 325.
( Figs 2 View FIGURE 2 l, 3d, 4a, 4d, 5)
Chrysomela multipustulata: Stål, 1865 , Mon. Chrys. Amer., 3, p. 275.
Calligrapha multipustulata: Gemminger & Harold, 1874 , Cat. Col., XI, p. 3433. Calligrapha multipustulata: Jacoby, 1882 , Biol. Centr. Am., vol. 6, pt. 1, p. 197. Calligrapha multipustulata: Jacoby, 1892 , Biol. Centr. Am., vol. 6, pt. 1, suppl., p. 244.
Chrysomela multipustulata: Dugés, 1901 , Cat. Col. Coleópt. Mex., p. 97.
Polyspila multipustulata: Weise, 1916 , Col. Cat., pars 68, 12, p. 41.
Calligrapha multipustulata: Blackwelder, 1946 , Checklist Col., Pt. 4, p. 674. Calligrapha multipustulata: Wilcox, 1975 , Checklist, Biol. Res. Inst. Amer., p. 67.
The specimens seemingly available to C. Stål to describe the species are nowadays in the NHM and NRM beetle collections. I selected as lectotype one of the specimens at NHM, from Mexico, and previously belonging into J. Sturm’s collection, and retained by A. Sallé as a new species. Another specimen at NHM is identified as Stål’s type, but it is slightly smaller than originally reported in the species description and from Guatemala (“Guatim” in the label), not from Mexico, given as type locality.
Lectotype by present designation: Ex Coll. J. Sturm, Mexico [illegible] / C. punctata Mihi / Mexico Sallé Coll. / Calligrapha multipustulata Stål apud Sallé / Godman-Salvin Coll., Biol. Centr.-Amer. (NHM).
Habitus ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 d). Length: 10.3 mm, width: 6.3 mm. Body elongated oval, parallel sided and moderately convex. Head, mandibles, basal antennal segments dorsally, apical segments entirely, pronotum, scutellum, elytral markings, epipleura, ventral surfaces and legs black with dull bronzy metallic sheen; labrum, basal segments of antennae underneath, mouth pieces and knees dark reddish; pale areas of elytra dark yellow, with creamy yellow areas surrounding dark markings.
Head broad, deeply inserted in pronotum; surface finely microreticulate with moderately dense punctures; frons convex, frontal suture weakly impressed, except at junction with broadly V-shaped clypeal suture. Eyes dorsoventrally elongated, with supraocular furrow deep, sinuous, running from antennal calli shortly behind upper eye margin. Antennae short, reaching humeri; first antennomere long, thick, posteriorly curved; antennomeres 2–5 elongated, thin, relatively smooth and nearly glabrous, second half as long as first, third as long as first; antennomeres 3–6 shortening progressively, sixth nearly as long as second; antennomeres 6–11 thicker, rugose and pubescent, lengthening gradually, latest as long as first; eighth antennomere 0.8x as wide as long. Labrum relatively small, weakly emarginate anteriorly, with long lateral and apical pale yellowish setae. Mandibles large and sturdy, strongly projecting beyond labrum; punctured, sides subparallel before strong apical curvature. Last maxillary palpomeres trapezoidal, very broad apically, obliquely truncate; previous papomere broader at apex, as broad as last segment basally. Pronotum transverse (W/L=1.93), wider basally than apically; sides narrowly margined, parallel at basal half, regularly curved towards strongly produced anterior angles; anterior border feebly concave, narrowly margined; posterior border convex; surface microreticulate, with scattered minute punctures and rather dense, relatively strong punctures on all surface, becoming very strong, deep and confluent at sides; produced anterior angles unpunctured; some elongated punctures confluent with basal border at sides; trichobothria at anterior angles bent laterally backwards and slightly upwards, laterally forwards at posterior angles. Hypomera microreticulate, unpunctured, transversally wrinkled basally; hypomeral suture deep, broad, from near basal margin of pronotum to basis of anterior angles, gently curved, very slightly diverging from pronotal border. Prosternum microreticulate, densely and strongly punctured at posterior half, unpunctured but with numerous longitudinal scratches at anterior half; process narrow between coxae, short, slightly expanded towards weakly convex apex. Mesanepisterna microreticulate, with weakly impressed punctures and faint longitudinal wrinkles medially. Metanepisterna finely microreticulate, densely punctured with roundish punctures anteriorly and longitudinally elongated punctures elsewhere. Scutellum finely microreticulate, unpunctured, longer than wide at base (W/L=0.83) with blunt round apex. Elytral surface very finely microreticulate, almost smooth, with dense minute darkened punctures on pale areas; inner areas of dark markings mostly unpunctured; premarginal line of punctures and scutellar line present. Markings: (i) sutural stripe entire, broadly surrounding scutellum, gradually narrowed apically; (ii) subsutural stripe entire, relatively narrow, with basal end at level with apex of scutellum and separated from sutural stripe by 1/9 of its length; slightly broadened preapically; (iii) arcuate band nearly entirely confluent with subsutural stripe laterally, except briefly at both ends, gently curved outwards; basal end as slightly divergent roundish lobe, apical end irregular, confluent preapically with irregular discal spot; (iv) humeral spot elongated, with somewhat irregular profile, broader apically, partially confluent basally for 1/3 of its length with (v) humeral lunule; apical divergent arm of lunule ending slightly beyond and well separated from basal end of arcuate band; humeral marking detached from dark basal margin of elytron; (vi) spot enclosed by humeral lunule large, nearly circular, seemingly composed of two transversally arranged, longitudinally elongated spots connected apically but not basally, appearing as an anterior emargination of the roundish marking; (vii) midlateral spot large, subrectangular, laterally confluent with dark margin of elytron ( Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 l); (viii) spot of apical declivity large, longitudinally elongated and broadly confluent laterally with preapical enlargement of subsutural stripe; (ix) apical spot relatively small, irregularly shaped, free; (x) about 13 additional medium to small sized irregular markings on disc, in some cases connected to each other or broken in smaller spots: three in oblique row behind humeral markings, innermost largest and laterally confluent with prebasal area of arcuate band. Epipleura smooth, unpunctured. Femora smooth, shiny, with scattered small punctures, stronger towards apex. Tibiae with subquadrangular transversal profile in apical half, longitudinally carinated at interior angles, granulose at apical third externally, with dense, short golden setae; broadly furrowed externally by midlength. Abdominal segments shiny, finely punctured basally and laterally, with round foveae laterally. Penis as figured in Figs 4 View FIGURE 4 a, 4d.
Distribution. Species amply distributed from the Sierra Madre Occidental in the Mexican states of Sonora and Chihuaha to the north of Nicaragua, following the Pacific mountain chains in Central America ( Fig. 5 View FIGURE 5 , black circles). C. multipustulata is distributed in the Mexican Transition and Caribbean Mesoamerican domains.
Material examined (192 specimens).
NHM: (1) one specimen: Guatim, multipustulata Stål , Type Stål Coll: Deyrolle, Baly Coll., multipustulata Stål Mexico, Guatemala [underneath: Type Stål Col. Deyrolle]. OUMNH: (1) one specimen: V. de Atitlan 25–3000 ft. Champion, B.C.A. duplicates pres. 1909 by F.D. Godman Cat. No. 84, Calligrapha multipustulata Stål J. Gómez- Zurita det. 2012.
NMNH: (1) one specimen: 11964, 30-12-77, Muchilena, Hond., J.V. Mankins Collector, Calligrapha diversa Det. 1977 , J.V. Mankins, Calligrapha multipustulata Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011.
EGRC: (1) one specimen: Mexico, Jalisco, 5.5 mi NE Tecolotlán, 13 vii 1982, A.J. Gilbert, det. Daccordi ’86; (2) one specimen: Mexico, Cuernavaca, Dr. A. Fenyes; (3) two specimens: Mexico, Chiapas, El Aguacero, 14 vi 1988, D.B. & A.M. Thomas, Calligrapha multipustulata Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011; (4) ten specimens1: Mexico, Morelos, Cañón de Lobos, 19 km E Cuernavaca, 1220–1375 m, 3 vii 1992, C. Bellamy; (5) one specimen: Mexico, Puebla, 5 km NW Petlacingo 1400 m, 7 vii 1992, C. Bellamy, Calligrapha multipustulata Stål J. Gómez-
1. These specimens are not like typical C. multipustulata , with large confluent spots on elytra, which are mostly dark.
Zurita det. 2011; (6) one specimen: Mexico, Guerrero, 8 km S Mazatlán 1130m, 29 vi 1992, C. Bellamy, Calligrapha multipustulata Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011; (7) one specimen: Mexico, Nayarit, 3 km WNW Jala 3800 ft, 24 vii 1993, C. Bellamy, tropical thorn forest, Calligrapha multipustulata Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011; (8) one specimen: Mexico, Guerrero, 3.3 km Cacahuamilpa 1495 m, 2 vii 1992, C. Bellamy, Calligrapha multipustulata Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011; (9) one specimen: Mexico, Jalisco, 6 km S El Tuito, 26 vii 1993, tropical deciduous forest, Calligrapha multipustulata Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011; (10) one specimen: Mexico, Sonora, Hwy 16, 20.1mi E Rio Yaqui 3010 ft, 26–27 vii 1987, S. McCleve, Calligrapha multipustulata Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011; (11) one specimen: Mexico, Jalisco, torres microondas-Tequila rd, 10 vii 1992, R. Turnbow, Calligrapha multipustulata Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011. FSCA: (1) one specimen: Mexico, Colima, 11.3 mi S Colima, 27 vi 1983, B.K. Dozier, Calligrapha multipustulata Stal Det. J. Watts 1993 ; (2) one specimen: Mexico, Guerrero, 6 km W El Veintidos, 20 x 1984, E. Giesbert; (3) one specimen: Mexico, Nayarit, San Blas, 5 vii 1972, K. Stephan; (4) one specimen: Mexico, Colima, rd to El Terrero 3–5000’, 3–5 x 1992, J.E. Wappes, Calligrapha multipustulata Stal Det. E.G. Riley 1994 ; (5) two specimens: Mexico, Jalisco, 14 km SW Cocula, 28 ix 1991, J.E. Wappes; (6) one specimen: Mexico, Guerrero, 10 km N Iguala 3800–4300’, 19–21 ix 1989, J.E. Wappes; (7) one specimen: Mexico, Chiapas, Union Juarez, NE slope Volcan Tacana 1920 m, ex. lrg. bromeliads, montane trop. forest, 18 xii 1975, H.E. Frania & J. Belicek, Calligrapha multipustulata Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011; (8) one specimen: Mexico, Jalisco, 1 mi E Acatlan, 14 vi 1987, B.K. Dozier; (9) one specimen: Mexico, Sonora, 9 mi W Alamos, 29 vii 1984, B.K. Dozier. MCZ: (1) one specimen: Cuernavaca, Morelos, Höge, Calligrapha multipustulata Stal ; (2) three specimens: Cuernavaca, Mexico [one with: ix; one with: vi]; (3) two specimens: Mex. [one with: Cal. multipustulata ]; (4) one specimen: Huauchinango, Mexico; (5) one specimen: Mexico, Calligrapha multipunctata, F.C. Bowditch Collection; (6) one specimen: Cuern. Mex. R.6.99, July 6, 99, F.A. Eddy Collection; (7) one specimen: Cuernavaca, Mex. R.IX, 2–26.01, F.A. Eddy Collection; (8) one specimen: Cerro de Plumas, Mexico, Hoege, Ex Godman and Salvin; (9) one specimen: Mexico, Michoacan, Uruapan, 15 km S, 22/June/1993, leg. D. Furth, Calligrapha multipustulata Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2010; (10) five specimens: Ventanas, Durango, Höge, Jacoby 2nd Coll.; (11) one specimen: Cuernavaca, Morelos, June, H.H.S., Jacoby 2nd Coll.; (12) one specimen: Omiltema, Guerrero 8000 ft, July, H.H. Smith, Jacoby 2nd Coll.; (13) one specimen: Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mex., 6/26.1903, J.F. McClendon; (14) three specimens: Cuernavaca, Mexico; (15) one specimen: Iosci [?], Mexico; (16) one specimen: Durango, Mex. MfN: (1) two specimens: Zapotlan 11 [one without label]; (2) one specimen: 29790, Mexico, Sch.; (3) six specimens: Tepetlapa [one with:? multipustulata St. ]; (4) four specimens: Durango City [one with: 584]; (5) one specimen: San Blas; (6) one specimen: 50, Mexico, Heyne V.; (7) one specimen: Ventanas, Durango, Höge, 96378, Calligrapha multipustulata Stål ; (8) one specimen: Mexico, Flohr. NHM: (1) one specimen: Cuernavaca, Mexico, Sallé Coll., 639, Calligrapha multipustulata Stål apud Sallé, Sp. figured, Godman-Salvin Coll., Biol. Centr.-Amer.; (2) one specimen: Chry. multipustulata Stål, Mexico, Mexique mocquerys, 67–56 [x2]; (3) two specimens: Cuernavaca vi.1934, Mexico, Coll. H.E. Hinton, Hinton Coll. B.M. 1939–583; (4) one specimen: Cuernavaca VI-1934 Mex., H.E. Hinton Collector, Hinton Coll. B.M. 1939–583; (5) six specimens: Ventanas, Durango, Höge, Godman-Salvin Coll., Biol. Centr.-Amer. [one with: Calligrapha multipustulata ]; (6) one specimen: Ventanas, Mex., 2000ft., Forrer, Godman-Salvin Coll., Biol. Centr.-Amer.; (7) one specimen: Mexico, Morelos, Cuernavaca vi.1934, ca. 5000ft, H.E. Hinton, B.M. 1959-100; (8) one specimen: Tejupilco, Mex., Temascaltepec, ca. 4000ft. 1933, B.M. 1959-100, H.E. Hinton, R.L. Usinger Collectors; (9) two specimens: Acapulco, Guerrero, Höge, Godman-Salvin Coll., Biol. Centr.-Amer.; (10) one specimen: Chilpancingo, Guerrero, Höge, Godman-Salvin Coll., Biol. Centr.- Amer.; (11) one specimen: Cuernavaca, Morelos, Höge, Godman-Salvin Coll., Biol. Centr.-Amer.; (12) one specimen: Sept., Morelos, Mexico, Koebele, 151, R.C.L. Perkins, B.M. 1942-95; (13) two specimens: Truqui, Mexico, Fry Coll. 1905.100 [one with: 23841]; (14) one specimen: ex Mus. Murray, Mexico, Fry Coll. 1905.100; (15) one specimen: Chiapas, Mexico, Sallé Coll., Calligrapha multipunctata Stål apud Sallé, Godman-Salvin Coll., Biol. Centr.-Amer. NMB: (1) one specimen: Ventanas, Durango, Höge, Polyspila multipustulata , Calligrapha multipustulata St., J. Bechyné det. 1951; (2) one specimen: Ventanas, Durango, Höge. NMCZ: (1) two specimens: Mexico, Calligrapha multipustulata Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2009; (2) one specimen: Cuernavaca, multipustulata Stål Mexico, Coll. Achard Mus. Pragense; (3) two specimens: Tepetlapa, Mexique, Coll. Achard Mus. Pragense; (4) one specimen: Tepetlapa, Coll. Achard Mus. Pragense; (5) one specimen: Mexique, multipustulata Stål, Coll. Achard Mus. Pragense ; (6) one specimen: Ventanas, Durango, Höge, Calligrapha multipustulata J. Achard det. in BCA, Coll. Achard Mus. Pragense; (7) one specimen: Tepet, Sierra de Durango, Coll. Achard Mus. Pragense; (8) one specimen: Sierra de Durango, Coll. Achard Mus. Pragense. NMHN: (1) two specimens: Colima Vulcano, Mex., L. Conrad [one with: Calligrapha diversa Stal F. Monrós det. 1953, Calligrapha multipustulata Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011]; (2) one specimen: Mexico, San Francisco, 3.i.1939, F. Monrós Collection 1959, Calligrapha diversa Stal F. Monrós det. 1954, Calligrapha multipustulata Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011; (3) one specimen: Ventanas, Durango, 384, gift of F.C. Bowditch, gift ex MCZ dupl. Ser., Calligrapha argus (Stal) Det. C.L. Staines 2004 , Calligrapha multipustulata Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011; (4) one specimen: Cuernavaca, Mex., Dr. A. Fenyes, F. Monrós Collection 1959, Calligrapha consputa Stal F. Monrós det. 1957, Calligrapha multipustulata Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011; (5) one specimen: Mexico, Morelos, Teopztlan, ix.945, Coll. Halffter, F. Monrós Collection 1959, Calligrapha multipustulata Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011; (6) one specimen: Mex., Guerro., Hwy 134, 55 km NE Villa de Zaragoza, vii-14,16-85, J.E. Wappes, Calligrapha View in CoL sp. Det. E.G. Riley ’86, Calligrapha multipustulata Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2003; (7) one specimen: Ocotlan, Jalisco, Mex., viii.1910, Van Dyke Collection, Calligrapha multipustulata Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2003; (8) six specimens: Colima Vulcano, Mex., L. Conrad [one with: Calligrapha multipustulata Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011]; (9) two specimens: Mazatlan, Sin., Mex., Kusche, 15–17.ix. ’18, B.P. Clark donor [one with: Calligrapha geographica Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011]; (10) one specimen: Venedio [El Venadillo], Sinaloa, Mex., vii.31.1918, VanDyke collection, Calligrapha geographica Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011; (11) seven specimens: Venodio [El Venadillo], Sin., Mex., Kusche, B.P. Clark donor [two with: vi.27; two with: vi.28; two with: vi.28, Calligrapha geographica Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011; one with: vii.5, Calligrapha multipustulata Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011]; (12) one specimen: Mexico, Sinaloa, 38.7 mi N Concordia, Rte 40, ca. 5000’, bromeliads, i.12.66, D.R. Whitehead; (13) one specimen: Mexico, Chihuahua, San Rafael, Cuiteco Rd. 27º 28.111N 107º 56.597W, 10 July 2006, 1870 m, leg. David G. Furth; (14) one specimen: Mexico, Morelos, Cuernavaca, viii-1-44, N.L.H. Krauss, Calligrapha multipustulata Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011; (15) one specimen: Mexico, Jalisco, ix.1965, N.L.H. Krauss; (16) one specimen: Tepic, Mex., vi.24.40, L.W. Saylor; (17) one specimen: Ventanas, Durango, Höge; (18) one specimen: Almolonga, Mexico, Hoege; (19) one specimen: Cerro de Plumas, Mexico, Hoege, 382, gift of F.C. Bowditch, gift ex MCZ dupl. series, Calligrapha View in CoL sp. Det. C.L. Staines 2004; (20) one specimen: Cuernavaca, Mex., June, A. Fenyes Collection, Calligrapha multipustulata Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011; (21) one specimen: Mexico, Mor., Cuernavaca, 9 August 1944, N.L.H. Krauss, Calligrapha multipustulata Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011; (22) one specimen: on orchidaceae Mex., 9.20.’39 San Francisco, Cal. 16228; (23) one specimen: Mex., Morelos, 5.4 mi E Cuernavaca 4600’, pedregal, xi.25.65, George E. Ball, D.R. Whitehead collectors; (24) one specimen: Mexico, 20.ii.1970, J.E. Gilbert, Bromeliad Lot 70-5257, Calligrapha View in CoL sp. det. R.E. White; (25) one specimen: Mexico, Durango, 4.iv.1966, Pk McMillan, orchids Lot66-10423, Calligrapha multipustulata Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011. NRM: (1) three specimens: Mexico, Sallé [one with: Calligrapha multipustulata Stål, 1859 , J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2007]. OSAC: (1) two specimens: Mexico, Sinaloa, Mazatlán, 26 vi 1967, Calligrapha multipustulata Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2009. OUMNH: (1) one specimen: Cerro de Plumas, Mexico, Hoege, B.C.A. duplicates pres. 1909 by F.D. Godman Cat. No. 84, Calligrapha multipustulata Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2012; (2) one specimen: Almolonga, Mexico, Hoege, B.C.A. duplicates pres. 1909 by F.D. Godman Cat. No. 84, Calligrapha multipustulata Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2012. TAMUIC: (1) two specimens: [X0534002, X0534755], Mexico, Nayarit, Hwy 200, 29 mi S Tepic, 6 vii 1984, P. Jump & S. McCleve colls., Calligrapha multipustulata Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011; (2) one specimen: X0534056, Mexico, Nayarit, 5.7 km E Peñita de Jaltemba, 31 vii 1991, C.L. Bellamy, Calligrapha multipustulata Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011; (3) one specimen: X0534642, Mexico, Jalisco, 7.4 km S El Tuito, 1 viii 1991, C.L. Bellamy, Calligrapha multipustulata Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011; (4) one specimen: X0534900, Mexico, Oaxaca, 26 mi N Tehuantepec, 29 viii 1965, A.R. Gillogly, Calligrapha multipustulata Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011; (5) one specimen: X0535267, Mexico, Michoacán, 10 mi S Uruapan, 29 vii 1988, Ferreira & Joseph C. Schaffner, Calligrapha multipustulata Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011; (6) one specimen: X0535765, Mexico, Morelos, 5 mi E Cuernavaca, 29 vii 1981, Peter M. Jump, Calligrapha multipustulata Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011; (7) one specimen: X0539314, Mexico, Jalisco, 11 mi N Autlan, 6 vii 1984, Carroll, Schaffner & Friedlander, Calligrapha multipustulata Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011; (8) one specimen: X0542127, Mexico, Sinaloa, Mazatlan, 26 vii 1970, A.W. Tuttle, Calligrapha multipustulata Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011; (9) one specimen: X0549255, Mexico, Colima, W rd to El Terrero, 10 iii–10 v 1992, James E. Wappes, Calligrapha multipustulata Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011. ZSM: (1) one specimen: Oaxaca 15, Polyspila geographica Stal, Staatssammlung München 1975 Erwerb Coll. Machatschke , Calligrapha multipustulata Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011; (2) twelve specimens: Vulkan Colima, coll. Joh. Laue 1918 [one with: Calligrapha multipustulata Stål det. Dr. J. Bechyné 1949]; (3) one specimen: Vulkan Colima, coll. Joh. Laue 20.6.1918; (4) one specimen: Vulcan Colima, Mexico 1918, Coll. Joh. Laue, Esperanza 1000 m; (5) five specimens: Mexico, Tapalpa 25-5-82, leg. Fittkau [one with: Calligrapha multipustulata Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011].
NMNH: (1) one specimen: Consequina [Cosigüina] Slope, Nicaragua, vii.7.32, M. Willows Jr. Collector, Templeton Crocker Exped. 1932, Calligrapha multipustulata Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011.
MCZ: (1) two specimens: 1st Jacoby Coll. MfN: (1) two specimens: multipustulata St. [one without label].
Variation. Some specimens seem to be less melanised than the type in several respects, not matching the most usual configuration of markings for the species, including a largely separated humeral spot and lunule (seen in the Guatemalan specimen at NHM, and also in NMB specimens at G. Frey collection), which are most usually confluent at least for 2/3 of the length of the humeral spot; the humeral markings nearly always reach the basal margin of elytra, even if narrowly in some specimens. In one specimen from Guadalajara, Mexico (MZC), the basal part of the humeral spot is missing, but not so the apical part, and the humeral lunule is also split in two halves, so that the humeral marking appears as three free spots at obtuse angles. The spot enclosed by the humeral lunule can have its two constituent longitudinal spots free, with only apices confluent forming a U shape, with only basal ends free appearing as an emargination, or closed at both ends but not in the middle, enclosing a small pale marking. At least in two specimens at MfN and two at ZSM the midlateral spot is very reduced, almost obsolete, and those at NMB have this spot reduced and only narrowly touching the margin of elytron; in the specimens from Sinaloa (NMNH), slightly different from typical C. multipustulata [I originally determined some of them as C. geographica ], this feature is large and confluent with elytral margin, but it is narrowed before reaching it. A few specimens have a slightly violaceous tint to dark parts instead of the typical greenish bronze.
Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History |
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
Kingdom |
Phylum |
Class |
Order |
Family |
SubFamily |
Chrysomelinae |
Genus |
Calligrapha multipustulata Stål, 1859
Gómez-Zurita, Jesús 2015 |
Calligrapha multipustulata:
Wilcox 1975 |
Calligrapha multipustulata:
Blackwelder 1946 |
Polyspila multipustulata:
Weise 1916 |
Chrysomela multipustulata: Dugés, 1901
Duges 1901 |
Calligrapha multipustulata:
Jacoby 1892 |
Calligrapha multipustulata:
Jacoby 1882 |
Calligrapha multipustulata:
Gemminger & Harold 1874 |