Parygrus guarani Barr and Shepard, 2020

Barr, Cheryl B. & Shepard, William D., 2020, Hiding in plain sight: rediscovery and review of Parygrus Erichson, 1847, with description of five new species from the Neotropics (Coleoptera: Byrrhoidea Dryopidae), Zootaxa 4755 (1), pp. 99-128 : 114-117

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Plazi (2020-03-23 13:01:47, last updated 2024-11-27 23:22:59)

scientific name

Parygrus guarani Barr and Shepard

sp. nov.

Parygrus guarani Barr and Shepard , new species

(Figs 3, 14, 15) ADB49206-58A4-48C0-8578-8BC67B175FDB

Type material. Holotype male. PARAGUAY. “ PARAGUAY: ITAPUA / 17 km N Hohenau / Feb. 2-4, 1983 / Coll. E.G.Riley // HOLOTYPE / Parygrus guarani / Barr & Shepard [red label, handwritten] // EMEC49556” ( EMEC) . Paratypes (1 M). [as above] // PARATYPE / Parygrus guarani / Barr & Shepard [yellow label, printed] (1 M, EMEC) .

Additional material examined (2 F). [ as above] (1 F, LSAM); PARAGUAY: Cordillera Dept. / Caacupé, Campamento Jack / Morment ; UV light trap / S25°22.116′, W057°07.917′/ 11-14-XI-2016, J.E.Eger / 812ft., permit #271/2016 (1 F, FSCA) .

Diagnosis. The male genitalia of Parygrus guarani are distinctive (Fig. 15); none of the other species (for which the genitalia are known) have a phallobase more than twice as long as the parameres in addition to parameres

with inner teeth. In both the males and females, the body is slender, parallel-sided, and narrowly tapered posteriorly (Fig. 14); nearly all of the other species are slightly narrowed anterior to the middle and widened at the posterior 1/3, and are broadly rounded at the elytral apices. Parygrus angustatus is similarly parallel-sided ( Fig. 8 View FIGURES 8–11 ), but it is much longer (7–8 mm) than P. guarani (less than 5.6 mm). Because of the very small number of specimens on hand, it is possible that the above external characters may not be reliable for diagnosing the species. The two females were assigned to this species due to their association with a male and/or their similar morphology; they are not designated as paratypes.

Description. Holotype male. Cuticle dark brown, legs, antennae and mouthparts lighter; slender, elongate, subparallel, elytra dorsally flattened along midline; length 5.50 mm (pronotum + elytra), width 1.90 mm, more than 2x as long as wide; body covered with erect and semi-erect, moderately long, golden setae and much shorter, recumbent setae (Fig. 14).

Head dark brown; punctures separated by 1x puncture diameter; setae moderately long; vertex flat; frons protruding slightly forward between antennal bases, anterior margin barely arcuate, distance between antennal bases less than length of antennomere 1. Antenna with antennomeres 1 and 2 dark brown, setose; antennomeres 3–11 yellow-brown, more densely setose; antennomere 1 slightly shorter than antennomere 2, antennomere 2 covering antennomeres 3–6. Clypeus densely setose, deeply punctate, margin nearly straight. Maxillary palpus with terminal palpomere slightly clavate, ventral face flat. Labrum emarginate, densely setose, bordered with dense fringe of short setae. Labial palpus with terminal palpomere dorsoventrally flattened, vaguely kidney-shaped with one side straight, one side curved; length shorter than that of terminal maxillary palpomere.

Pronotum dark brown; convex, disc weakly flattened at center; length 1.20 mm, width 1.55 mm, widest at basal 1/3 to 1/2; anterior margin straight except at strongly acute, depressed, anterolateral angles; lateral margins weakly arcuate, sinuate at base, narrowly margined, fringed with erect setae; posterior border trisinuate; posterolateral angles acute, moderately explanate. Disc evenly punctate, punctures separated by about 1x puncture diameter; setae moderately long. Scutellum dark brown, subcordate, wider than long; anterior margin strongly arcuate between two anterolateral notches; disc flat; punctation fine.

Elytron dark brown; length 4.30 mm, width 0.95 mm; flattened; little variation in width except at apical 1/3. Humeral angle rounded; lateral margin widened and shallowly sulcate at basal 1/3, entire length narrowly margined; apex acute. Disc punctate and shallowly striate; central disc with moderately deep, closely spaced, punctures; base and apex with punctures shallow, striae effaced; stria 9 at basal 1/3 with larger, deeper punctures; disc at anterior 3/4 flattened at midline between suture and interval 2, other intervals weakly convex; setae shorter than on pronotum, semi-erect and recumbent, uniformly distributed. Hind wing: Macropterous.

Legs. Profemur dark red-brown, covered with fine, evenly spaced punctures and long, recumbent golden setae; protibia red-brown, mostly bare and shiny, dorsal surface with sparse short setae and a few very long setae, ventral surface with dense row of short, stiff setae, arcuate with narrow spines at ventral apex; protarsus red-brown, shiny, dorsal surface with a few sparse, very long setae, ventral surface with dense, shorter setae, protarsomeres 4 and 5 each with a few much-longer dorsal setae. Mesofemur similar to profemur; mesotibia red-brown, mostly bare and shiny, dorsal surface with a few long setae, ventral surface with a patch of dense, short setae at apical 1/2, weakly arcuate with spinose ventral apex; mesotarsus similar to protarsus. Metafemur similar to pro- and mesofemur; metatibia weakly arcuate, setation like that of pro- and mesotibia; both metatarsi missing, but in the male paratype the metatarsi are similar to the pro- and mesotarsi. [Note: left metatarsus was lost after being imaged for Fig. 14.]

Venter dark brown; heavily setose. Prosternum with anterior border narrowly margined; prosternal process wide between procoxae, widest at midlength, lateral margins weakly arcuate, thickly margined; process with median longitudinal carina, bordered laterally by sulci, terminating in a low, elongate protuberance near apex. Metaventrite with intercoxal process margined and depressed; posterior disc weakly depressed at junction of sulcate metakatepisternal suture and metathoracic discrimen. Abdomen with some setae longer than on rest of body except legs; ventrite 1 with triangular intercoxal process weakly depressed between metacoxae, thickly margined laterally; ventrites 2–4 of equal length, finely and evenly punctate at center of disc, coarser laterally, punctures aligned with faint, transverse strigae; ventrite 5 longest, disc coarsely punctate, covered with long setae prominent at margins.

Genitalia. Aedeagus elongate (Fig. 15). Phallobase about 3x longer than parameres and wider than paramere bases together. Parameres each blade-like, inner surface concave; in dorsal view each with an inward-facing tooth near midlength; each paramere laterally sinuate, widest at base, narrowest near midlength, apex narrowly rounded; in lateral view aedeagus curved ventrally, each paramere wide, ventral surface nearly straight, dorsal surface weakly

Intraspecific variation. No significant non-sexual variation was noted among the small number of specimens, except that in the females the elytra are more convex in the posterior 1/2 than in the males. The two males, 5.30 and 5.50 mm long, are close in size to the two females, 5.45 and 5.55 mm long.

Geographic distribution. Known from only two localities in the departments of Cordillera and Itapúa, Paraguay (Fig. 3).

Etymology. This new species is named in honor of the Guaraní, an indigenous people who inhabit Paraguay and neighboring countries.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 8–11. Parygrus species: 8) Parygrus angustatus, holotype: dorsal habitus; specimen labels; 9) Parygrus angustatus, false holotype: dorsal habitus; specimen labels; 10) Parygrus elateroides, holotype: dorsal habitus; specimen labels; 11) Parygrus parallelus, non-type: dorsal habitus; specimen labels (images 8, 10, 11 provided by the MNHN collection-Paris).


Essig Museum of Entomology


Louisiana State Arthropod Museum


Florida State Collection of Arthropods, The Museum of Entomology













