Campsicnemus flavissimus, Grichanov, 2012

Grichanov, Igor Ya., 2012, Review of Campsicnemus species from the Atlantic Ocean Islands (Diptera: Dolichopodidae), European Journal of Taxonomy 11 (11), pp. 1-12 : 6-8

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scientific name

Campsicnemus flavissimus

sp. nov.

Campsicnemus flavissimus View in CoL sp. nov.

Fig. 3 View Fig

Material examined


ST. HELENA: ♂, Centre, High Central Ridge , 2300-2600 ft, Feb.1967 / Coll. Mus. Tervuren, Seconda Mission Zoologique à Sainte-Hélène, J. Decelle, N. et J. Leleup [ RMCA].


ST. HELENA: 1 ♀, same data as for holotype [ RMCA] (both specimens with additional label: P. Vanschuytbroeck det. 1971, Campsicnemus armatus Zett. ).


From the Latin “the yellowest”. Refers to the new species body coloration.


Mid femur without ventral subapical excavation; mid tibia with erect ventral spinules and cilia along entire length; mid basitarsus 1.5 times longer than next segment.



LENGTH (mm). body 3.7, wing 4.3/1.4, hypopygium 0.4.

HEAD. Frons shining blue-violet; ocellar and vertical bristles long, black; postvertical seta in line with postocular setal row; occiput and vertex metallic, brownish-grey pollinose; face with brown background, yellowish-grey pollinose, reduced to thin line at middle; palpus small, oval, yellow, covered with white hairs and setae; proboscis brownish, extending below eye in lateral view; antenna with yellow scape and pedicel; postpedicel broken; lateral and lower postocular setae yellow, upper postocular setae black.

THORAX. Mesonotum light brown, weakly bluish shining; scutellum yellow; pleura yellow, weakly pollinose, with small triangular black spot and small rounded black spot below calypter; mesonotal setae black: 4 pairs of strong dorsocentrals; 2 notopleurals; 1 pair of strong scutellars; acrostichals absent; halter yellow.

LEGS. Including coxae yellow; 5 th segments of tarsi brown; fore coxa with yellow hairs and 3 brown apical setae; mid and hind coxa each with 1 outer black seta; fore femur, tibia and basitarsus simple (other tarsomeres broken); fore tibia with 1 strong middorsal bristle and 1 short anterior subapical seta; mid femur with strong subapical posterior seta, densely covered with erect ventral cilia, more than half as long as height of femur; mid tibia slightly thickened in basal half, with short erect ventral spinules in basal half, with erect ventral hairs in distal half, with dense dorsal rows of long setae, 2-2.5 times longer than width of tibia, somewhat shorter on distal fourth, with 1 strong subapical anterior and 1 strong apical ventral setae; mid basitarsus with long dorsal setae, longish at apex, and with short black apicoventral spine ( Fig. 3C View Fig ); hind leg practically simple; hind femur with single strong subapical anterior bristle, with 1 stiff subapical posteroventral cilia; hind tibia with 3 anterodorsals, 4 dorsals and 4 apicals. Mid leg length ratio (from tibia to tarsomere 5): 130/45/35/25/13/11, hind leg: 165/45/48/35/16/15.

WING. ( Fig. 3B View Fig ). hyaline; R 4+5 and M 1+2 almost straight and parallel behind level of dm-cu; ratio of crossvein dm-cu to distal part of CuA 1, 20/47; calypter yellow, with black setae.

ABDOMEN. Mostly yellow, shining, weakly pollinose; with black setae; terga 5–6 brownish; terga 1–2 with white hairs laterally; hypopygium brownish, with small yellow cercus covered with white hairs and with surstylus simple, black at apex, not dissected.


LENGTH (mm). body 4.1, wing 4.7/1.5, antenna 1.2. Similar to male except lacking male secondary sexual characters, otherwise as follows: Head ( Fig. 3A View Fig ). Face yellowish-grey, at middle half as wide as face at clypeus; antennal postpedicel mostly yellow, brownish distally, as long as high at base, pubescent; arista-like stylus brown, with 1 st segment thickened and 2 nd segment pubescent; Length ratio of scape to pedicel to postpedicel to arista-like stylus (1 st and 2 nd stylomeres), 8/5/10/4/52. Mesonotum mostly yellow, brown between posterior 3 pairs of dorsocentrals; scutellum brown in middle of dorsal surface, with few white marginal hairs in addition to pair of strong bristles. Fore tibia with subequal middorsal and posterior subapical setae; mid femur with subequal anterior and posterior subapical setae; mid tibia with 4 anterodorsals, 1 posterodorsal, 2 ventrals and 4 apicals; hind tibia with 3 anterodorsals, 5 dorsals. Fore leg length ratio (from tibia to tarsomere 5): 80/50/26/19/10/8, mid leg: 140/55/32/20/13/11, hind leg: 165/43/48/30/16/10. Abdomen mostly yellow, narrowly brown along tergal margins; oviscapt brown, concealed.

Differential diagnosis

The new species belongs to C. atlanticus group of species, but being distinctly larger and having paler body coloration than other members of the group, strongly differing in mid leg ornamentation (see key below).


Belgium, Tervuren, Musee Royal de l'Afrique Centrale


Royal Museum for Central Africa















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