Pseudonodosinella nodulosa ( Brady, 1879 )

Besen, Richard M., Struck, Ulrich & Seibertz, Ekbert, 2021, Albian to Turonian agglutinated foraminiferal assemblages of the Lower Saxony Cretaceous sub-basins - implications for sequence stratigraphy and paleoenvironmental interpretation, Fossil Record 24 (2), pp. 395-441 : 410

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Pseudonodosinella nodulosa ( Brady, 1879 )


Pseudonodosinella nodulosa ( Brady, 1879) View in CoL

Fig. 7b View Figure 7

1879. Reophax nodulosa Brady , p. 52, pl. 4, figs. 7–8.

2005. Pseudonodosinella nodulosa (Brady) ; Kaminski and Gradstein, p. 259, pl. 49, figs. 1–9.

2017. Pseudonodosinella nodulosa (Brady) ; Setoyama, p. 193, pl. 1, fig. 21.


A total of 48 specimens from the Baddeckenstedt section, 72 specimens from the Söhlde section, 27 specimens from the Wunstorf Wu2010/3 core, and 84 specimens from the Wunstorf Wu2010/4 core.


First occurrence in the lower Cenomanian of Wunstorf above The Rib. Abundant to common in the upper Cenomanian at Baddeckenstedt and Söhlde and in the middle Turonian at Wunstorf, otherwise rare to very rare.

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