Galeopsomyia philyra Hansson, 2023

Hansson, Christer & Hanson, Paul E., 2023, EULOPHIDAE OF COSTA RICA (HYMENOPTERA: CHALCIDOIDEA), 5: The genus Galeopsomyia Girault, Taxonomic Monographs on Neotropical Hymenoptera (Oxford, England) 3 (1), pp. 1-743 : 150-151

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Felipe (2023-11-07 22:43:29, last updated by Julia 2024-05-10 15:10:55)

scientific name

Galeopsomyia philyra Hansson


Galeopsomyia philyra Hansson sp.nov.

( Figs 176, 177 View Figs 176–179 , 1038)

Diagnosis (female). Antenna with solid clava (Fig. 1038); with genal carina; mesoscutellum ( Fig. 176 View Figs 176–179 ) with strong reticulation, meshes elongate, submedian grooves indistinct but traceable; propodeum ( Fig. 176 View Figs 176–179 ) with median carina that splits in posterior part (Y-shaped carina); fore coxa with a sharp edge along posterior margin and hind coxa without carina along posterior margin; gaster ( Fig. 176 View Figs 176–179 ) 2.0× as long as wide, Gt 2 0.3× as long as Gt 4, medio-basal Gt 1 with a ±rectangular incision, Gt 1 with strong reticulation with posterior margin smooth.

Female holotype: length of body 2.1mm (paratypes 1.9–2.3mm).

Antenna dark brown. Frons metallic bluish-green, clypeus dark brown, antennal scrobes black; vertex metallic bluish-purple. Thoracic dorsum golden-green with blue tinges. Legs with coxae golden-green; trochanters dark brown; femora dark brown to black, with metallic tinges; fore tibia yellowish-brown, mid and hind tibiae pale brown; T1–3 yellowish-brown, T4 brown. Petiole black. Gaster with Gt 1,5,6 golden-green; Gt 2-4 metallic purple, Gt 7 black; gonoplac black.

Antenna with solid clava. Frons with strong reticulation, clypeus smooth, antennal scrobes with weak reticulation; with genal carina. Vertex with strong reticulation.

Mesoscutum with strong reticulation, meshes isodiametric on sidelobes, elongate on midlobe; midlobe without a median groove, with ten scattered adnotaular setae. Mesoscutellum with strong reticulation, meshes elongate; submedian grooves indistinct but traceable, wide apart, slightly curved and diverging towards posterior part; anterior pair of setae in median part of mesoscutellum. Dorsellum with strong sculpture, hidden under mesoscutellum and not visible in dorsal view. Propodeum with a strong median carina that splits in posterior part, forming an inverted “Y”; callus with two setae. Fore and hind coxae with strong reticulation, mid coxa with weak reticulation, fore coxa with a sharp edge along posterior margin, hind coxa without carina along posterior margin. Fore wing with 3–5 setae on dorsal surface of submarginal vein; speculum open below; costal setal row unbroken.

Petiole transverse with strong sculpture on dorsal part. Gaster elongate; medio-basal Gt 1 with a ±rectangular incision and with strong reticulation in anterior two-thirds, smooth in posterior one-third, remaining tergites with strong reticulation.

Relative measurements: head length, dorsal view 20; head length, frontal view 35; POL 11; OOL 5.5; lateral ocellus diameter 3.5; head width 45; mouth width 13; malar space 13; eye length 20; scape length 16; scape width 4; pedicel+flagellum length 40.5; pedicel length 7; pedicel width, dorsal view 4; F1 length 6.5; F1 width 4; F2 length 5.5; F2 width 4.5; F3 length 5; F3 width 5; clava length 13.5; clava width 6.5; C3 length 3; spicule length 1; mesosoma length 63; mesosoma width 47; midlobe of mesoscutum length 26; mesoscutellum length 26; mesoscutellum width 24; median part of mesoscutellum width (measured medially) nm; median part of mesoscutellum, width in anterior part nm; median part of mesoscutellum, width in posterior part nm; lateral part of mesoscutellum, width (measured medially) nm; dorsellum length 2; propodeum length 10; costal cell length 35; costal cell width (measured at widest part) 2.5; marginal vein length 34; stigmal vein length 12; gaster length 89; gaster width 37; Gt 2 length (measured medially) 6; Gt 4 length (measured medially) 23; Gt 7 length (measured medially) 6; Gt 7 width (measured at base) 13.5; longest cercal seta length 10; shortest cercal seta length 6.

Male. Unknown.

Hosts. Unknown.

Distribution. Costa Rica, Peru.

Material examined.

Holotype ♀ PERU, Cusco, Machu Picchu , 21.xii.1983, Lars Huggert ( MZLU) . Paratypes (6♀, MZLU, NHMUK) : 2♀ with same label data as holotype ; 1♀ PERU, Cusco, Aqua Caliente [=Aguas Calientes], 28.vii.1983, Lars Huggert ; 2♀ from same locality as previous but collected 20.xii.1983 ; 1♀ COSTA RICA, San José, Zurqui de Moravia , 10º02’58’’N, 84º00’57’’W, 1600m, i.1996, P. Hanson GoogleMaps .

Gallery Image

Figs 176–179. Galeopsomyia philyra, holotype ♀ – (176) habitus dorsal view; (177) habitus lateral view. Galeopsomyia plaumanni, holotype ♀ – (178) habitus dorsal view; (179) habitus lateral view.


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Natural History Museum, London











