Galeopsomyia noyesi Hansson, 2023

Hansson, Christer & Hanson, Paul E., 2023, EULOPHIDAE OF COSTA RICA (HYMENOPTERA: CHALCIDOIDEA), 5: The genus Galeopsomyia Girault, Taxonomic Monographs on Neotropical Hymenoptera (Oxford, England) 3 (1), pp. 1-743 : 144-146

publication ID

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treatment provided by

Felipe (2023-11-07 22:43:29, last updated 2024-11-28 18:30:32)

scientific name

Galeopsomyia noyesi Hansson


Galeopsomyia noyesi Hansson sp.nov.

( Figs 16, 20 View Figs 15–22 , 37 View Figs 35–43 , 168, 169 View Figs 168–171 , 720 View Figs 717–723 )

Diagnosis (female). Antenna with solid clava ( Figs 37 View Figs 35–43 , 720 View Figs 717–723 ); with genal carina; mesoscutellum ( Fig. 168 View Figs 168–171 ) 0.9× as long as wide, with elongate meshes; fore coxa with a sharp edge along posterior margin, hind coxa without carina along posterior margin; propodeum ( Fig. 168 View Figs 168–171 ) with median carina that splits in posterior part to form an inverted “Y”; petiole transverse with strong sculpture on dorsal surface; gaster ( Fig. 168 View Figs 168–171 ) 2.2× as long as wide, Gt 2 0.26× as long as Gt 4, medio-basal Gt 1 with a ±rectangular incision, with weak reticulation, more shiny than remaining tergites.

Female holotype: length of body 2.1mm (paratypes 1.2–2.2mm).

Scape yellowish-brown, pedicel and flagellum dark brown. Head with frons and vertex metallic greenish-blue, antennal scrobes black with metallic tinges, clypeus dark brown. Thoracic dorsum golden-green, mesoscutum also with metallic blue tinges. Legs with coxae golden-green; trochanters pale brown; fore and mid femora dark brown with apex yellowish-brown, hind femur black with metallic tinges; tibiae yellowish-brown; T1–3 yellowish-brown, T4 dark brown. Petiole black. Gaster with Gt 1 golden-green, Gt 2-4 golden-purple, Gt 5 golden-purple with posterior margin metallic greenish-blue, Gt 6 metallic greenish-blue tinges, Gt 7 black with metallic tinges; gonoplac black.

Antenna with solid clava. Frons with strong reticulation, clypeus smooth and scrobes with weak reticulation; with genal carina. Vertex with strong reticulation.

Mesoscutum with strong reticulation, meshes isodiametric on sidelobes and elongate on midlobe; midlobe with six adnotaular setae in a single row, without median groove. Mesoscutellum with strong reticulation, meshes elongate, submedian grooves weak, wide apart and diverging towards posterior part; anterior pair of setae placed in the middle of mesoscutellum. Dorsellum with strong reticulation. Propodeum with complete but short median carina, posterior part splits into an inverted “Y”; callus with two setae. Fore and hind coxae with strong reticulation, mid coxa with weak reticulation; fore coxa with a sharp edge along posterior margin; hind coxa without carina along posterior margin. Fore wing with five setae on dorsal surface of submarginal vein; speculum ±open towards base of wing; costal setal row unbroken.

Petiole transverse, with strong sculpture on dorsal surface. Gaster elongate; medio-basal Gt 1 with a ±rectangular incision, with weak reticulation and shiny, remaining tergites with strong reticulation.

Relative measurements: head length, dorsal view 23; head length, frontal view 38; POL 12; OOL 5; lateral ocellus diameter 4; head width 49; mouth width 17; malar space 14; eye length 20; scape length 15; scape width 4; pedicel+flagellum length 37; pedicel length 7; pedicel width, dorsal view 4; F1 length 6; F1 width 4; F2 length 5.5; F2 width 4; F3 length 5; F3 width 5; clava length 12.5; clava width 6; C3 length 3.5; spicule length 1; mesosoma length 61; mesosoma width 45; midlobe of mesoscutum length 25; mesoscutellum length 22.5; mesoscutellum width 25; median part of mesoscutellum width (measured medially) 14; median part of mesoscutellum, width in anterior part12.5; median part of mesoscutellum, width in posterior part 16.5; lateral part of mesoscutellum, width (measured medially) 4.5; dorsellum length 2; propodeum length 8.5; costal cell length 33; costal cell width (measured at widest part) 2.5; marginal vein length 25; stigmal vein length 9; gaster length 85; gaster width 38; Gt 2 length (measured medially) 6; Gt 4 length (measured medially) 23; Gt 7 length (measured medially) 7; Gt 7 width (measured at base) 11; longest cercal seta length 10; shortest cercal seta length 4.5.

Male. Unknown.

Hosts. Unknown.

Distribution. Costa Rica, Trinidad & Tobago.

Material examined.

Holotype ♀ COSTA RICA, Heredia, Santo Domingo , INBio-Parque, 16.ii.2013, J.S. Noyes ( NHMUK) . Paratypes (68♀, CNC, MZLU, MZUCR, NHMUK): 1♀ with same label data as holotype; following from same locality as holotype but collected 8-29.ii.2000 (7♀), iii.2000 (1♀), iii.2002 (1♀), 1-12.iv.2002 (2♀), 6.x.2002 (1♀), 11-25.ii.2006 (4♀), 16.ii.2008 (1♀), 13.ii.2010 (1♀), 12.ii.2011 (2♀), 13.ii.2016 (1♀) ; 1♀ COSTA RICA, Heredia, Estación Biológica La Selva , 75m, 10º26’N, 84º01’W, ii-iv.2005, ALAS, 15_M_NOTN GoogleMaps ; 25♀ COSTA RICA, Alajuela, Parque Nacional Arenal , La Peninsula , 10º27’N, 84º45’W, 25.ii.2003, J.S. Noyes GoogleMaps ; 1♀ COSTA RICA, Alajuela, Parque Nacional Arenal , 10°28’N, 84°45’W, 617m, 21-28.ii.2005, C. Hansson GoogleMaps ; 1♀ COSTA RICA, Alajuela, 7 km N Boca Tapada, Laguna Lagerta Lodge , 10º41’N, 84º11’W, 55m, 18-19.ii.2018, J.S. Noyes GoogleMaps ; 1♀ COSTA RICA, Alajuela, San Carlos, Reserva Forestal Arenal , Sector La Península, LN 271500_ 453800, 600m, 6-10. ii.2000, yellow pan trap, G. Carballo ; 1♀ COSTA RICA, Guanacaste, Macizo Miravalles , Estación Cabro Muco , LN 299769_411243, 1100m, 18.iii.2003, J. Azofeifa, B. Hernández, J.D. Gutiérrez ; 1♀ COSTA RICA, Guanacaste, Bosque Nacional Diriá, Cerro Retallano , Alrededores Torre de Control de Incendio , LN 238550_358650, 600-700m, 18.ix-18.x.2001, malaise trap, I. Jimenez ; 2♀ COSTA RICA, Guanacaste, Reserva Forestal Monte Alto , Cerro Romo , LN 220700_ 382545, 883m, 27-29.x.2001, swept, I. Jiménez ; 1♀ COSTA RICA, Puntarenas, Reserva Privada Karen Mogensen , 9º52′N 85º03′W, 305m, 23-24.ii.2013, J.S. Noyes GoogleMaps ; 3♀ COSTA RICA, Puntarenas, Estación Altamira, Sendero a Casa Coca , 9º02’N, 83º00’W, 1450-1700m, 7.ii-5.iii, 2002, swept, C. Hansson & Parataxonomos GoogleMaps ; 1♀ COSTA RICA, Puntarenas, Estación Altamira, Estación , 9º02’N, 83º00’W, 1450m, 7.ii-5.iii, 2002, yellow pan trap, C. Hansson & Parataxonomos GoogleMaps ; 1♀ “ COSTA RICA, Puntarenas, Buenos Aires, Estación Altamira , Sendero Los Gigantes , LS 572200_ 331700, 1450m, 15.vii-16.viii.2000, malaise trap, D. Rubí ; 1♀ from same locality as previous but collected 14.i-13.ii.2001 ; 1♀ COSTA RICA, Puntarenas, Reserva Forestal Golfo Dulce, Estación Agujas , Sendero Trocha, LS 276750_ 526550, 310m, 17.ix-18.x.2001, malaise trap, J. Azofeifa ; 1♀ COSTA RICA, Puntarenas, Golfito, Parque Nacional Corcovado , Cerro Rincón , La Tigrilla , LS 523600_ 274500, 600m, 20.ii-15.iii.2001, malaise trap, J. Azofeifa ; 1♀ COSTA RICA, Puntarenas, Golfito , Estación Agujas . LS 526550_ 276750, 300m, 15.iii.2000, Solis ; 1♀ COSTA RICA, San José, Zurqui de Moravia , 10º03’03’’N, 84º00’22’’W, 1600m, iv.1992, P. Hanson GoogleMaps ; 1♀ from same locality as previous but collected xii.1995 GoogleMaps ; 1♀ TRINIDAD, St.Augustine , 15.vii-15.viii.1976, J.S. Noyes.

Etymology. Named in honour of John S. Noyes (NHMUK), major collector of material for this revision.

Gallery Image

Figs 15–22. Galeopsomyia spp., ♀. 15–17. Head lateral view – (15) G. seminarum; (16) G. noyesi (arrow pointing at short genal carina); (17) G. graciliclava (arrow pointing at long genal carina). 18–19. Fore coxa lateral view – (18) G. myrsineae (arrow pointing at carina along anterior margin); (19) G. alas (arrow pointing at carina along posterior margin). 20–21. Hind coxa lateral view – (20) G. noyesi; (21) G. aliosa (arrow pointing at carina along posterior margin). 22. G. carinifer, dorsellum (arrow pointing at median carina).

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Figs 35–43. Galeopsomyia spp., ♀. 35–36. Base of fore wing with ventral setal row in costal cell – (35) G. illydris, row unbroken; (36) G. osaensis, row broken. 37–38. Antenna lateral view – (37) G. noyesi, solid antennal clava; (38) G. illydris, with distinct constriction between C1 and C2. 39–40. Apex of gaster lateral view – (39) G. illydris; (40) G. flora. 41–43. First gastral tergite (Gt1) dorsal view – (41) G. saga, arrow pointing at medio-basal carina; (42) G. pagana, arrow pointing at medio-basal sharp edge; (43) G. druparum, arrows pointing at ovate flat areas.

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Figs 168–171. Galeopsomyia noyesi, holotype ♀ – (168) habitus dorsal view; (169) habitus lateral view. Galeopsomyia pelora, holotype ♀ – (170) habitus dorsal view; (171) habitus lateral view.

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Figs 717–723. Head incl. antennae, lateral view ♀ – (717) Galeopsomyia perseae; (718) G. ramyamanjunathae; (719) G. saga; (720) G. noyesi; (721) G. plaumanni; (722) G. rubii; (723) G. seminarum.




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