Galeopsomyia carinifer Hansson, 2023

Hansson, Christer & Hanson, Paul E., 2023, EULOPHIDAE OF COSTA RICA (HYMENOPTERA: CHALCIDOIDEA), 5: The genus Galeopsomyia Girault, Taxonomic Monographs on Neotropical Hymenoptera (Oxford, England) 3 (1), pp. 1-743 : 267-269

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Felipe (2023-11-07 22:43:29, last updated 2024-11-28 18:30:32)

scientific name

Galeopsomyia carinifer Hansson


Galeopsomyia carinifer Hansson sp.nov.

( Figs 22 View Figs 15–22 , 330, 331 View Figs 328–331 , 764 View Figs 760–767 , 966 View Figs 965–967 , 1114)

Diagnosis (female). Antenna with a constriction between C1 and C2 ( Fig. 764 View Figs 760–767 ); genal carina absent; mesoscutellum ( Fig. 330 View Figs 328–331 ) with median part with weak reticulation, submedian grooves diverging towards posterior part; dorsellum smooth with median carina; propodeum ( Fig. 330 View Figs 328–331 ) short with strong reticulation but without irregular carinae, callus with four setae; fore coxa with a carina along both anterior and posterior margins ( Fig. 22 View Figs 15–22 ), and hind coxa with a carina along posterior margin; petiole very short, just a narrow band; gaster ( Fig. 330 View Figs 328–331 ) very long and ±narrowed at base, 3.4× as long as wide, with weak reticulation and shiny, Gt 1 0.5× as long as wide, Gt

2 0.3× as long as Gt


Female holotype: length of body 2.3mm (paratypes 1.9–4.2mm).

Scape yellowish-brown, pedicel pale brown, flagellum dark brown. Head with frons metallic greenish-blue, antennal scrobes black with metallic tinges and clypeus yellowish-brown; vertex black with metallic blue tinges. Mesoscutum black with metallic green tinges; mesoscutellum and propodeum metallic pale golden-green. Legs with fore and mid coxae dark brown, hind coxa black; trochanters yellowish-brown; femora dark brown with apex yellowish-brown; tibiae yellowish-white; T1–3 yellowish-white, T4 brown. Petiole dark brown. Gaster with Gt 1 metallic greenish-blue in anterior half and dark brown with metallic purple tinges in posterior half, Gt2-5 dark brown with metallic purple tinges, Gt6-7 black; gonoplac dark brown.

Antenna with a constriction between C1 and C2. Frons with strong reticulation, clypeus smooth; with scattered setae except antennal scrobes that are bare; genal carina absent. Vertex with weak reticulation, with a strong sulcus from eye margin to posterior ocelli, sulcus continuing from there to median ocellus.

Mesoscutum with strong reticulation, meshes isodiametric on sidelobes, elongate on midlobe; midlobe with median groove indicated but weak, with eight adnotaular setae in two rows. Mesoscutellum with strong reticulation on lateral parts, with weak reticulation on median part, meshes strongly elongate; submedian grooves strong and diverging towards posterior part; with a weak median groove in anterior one-quarter; with five setae scattered over lateral parts. Dorsellum smooth, with median carina. Propodeum with a strong wide median carina that expands strongly posteriorly; with strong reticulation; callus with four setae. Fore and hind coxae with strong reticulation, mid coxa with very weak reticulation; fore coxa with a carina along both anterior and posterior margins, and hind coxa with a carina along posterior margin. Fore wing with 5&6 setae on dorsal surface of submarginal vein; speculum open below and towards base of wing.

Petiole very short, just a narrow band. Gaster elongate, ±narrowed at base; tergites with weak reticulation and shiny.

Relative measurements: head length, dorsal view 21; head length, frontal view 32; POL 9; OOL 5; lateral ocellus diameter 3.5; head width 41; mouth width 17; malar space 9.5; eye length 18.5; scape length 16; scape width 4; pedicel+flagellum length 52; pedicel length 7; pedicel width, dorsal view 3.5; F1 length 8; F1 width 4; F2 length 8; F2 width 4; F3 length 7.5; F3 width 4.5; clava length 17.5; clava width 5; C3 length 5.5; spicule length 1.5; mesosoma length 55; mesosoma width 36; midlobe of mesoscutum length 24; mesoscutellum length 20; mesoscutellum width 17.5; median part of mesoscutellum width (measured medially) 6.5; median part of mesoscutellum, width in anterior part 6.5; median part of mesoscutellum, width in posterior part 8.5; lateral part of mesoscutellum, width (measured medially) 4; dorsellum length 3; propodeum length 6.5; costal cell length 33; costal cell width (measured at widest part) 2; marginal vein length 33; stigmal vein length 11; gaster length 105; gaster width 31; Gt 2 length (measured medially) 6; Gt 4 length (measured medially) 21; Gt 7 length (measured medially) 17; Gt 7 width (measured at base) 12; longest cercal seta length 11; shortest cercal seta length 5.

Male. Length of body of body 1.6–2.6mm.

Antenna ( Fig. 966 View Figs 965–967 ) with scape widest medially; plaque dark brown, situated in apical half; dorso-basal whorls of long setae present on F1–F4, and C1 with dorso- and ventro-basal whorls of long setae, C2 with a ventro-basal whorl. Gaster as in female but shorter. Otherwise as in female.

Relative measurements: head length, dorsal view 22; head length, frontal view 36; head width 46; mouth width 20; malar space 12; eye length 20; scape length 18.5; scape width 7; plaque length 9.5; pedicel length 7; pedicel+flagellum length 89; F1 length 5.5; F1 width 4.5; F2 length 12; F2 width 4.5; F3 length 13.5; F3 width 4.5; F4 length 14; F4 width 4; clava length 35; clava width 4; mesosoma length 67; mesosoma width 44; gaster length 85; gaster width 27; longest subbasal seta on F1, length 52.

Hosts. Reared from seeds (fruits) of Paliocourea lasiorrhachis , Palicourea padifolia , Psychotria elata , Psychotria valeriana ( Rubiaceae ), and Myrsine juergensenii ( Myrsinaceae ).

Distribution. Costa Rica, Ecuador, West Indies ( Trinidad).

Material examined.

Holotype ♀ COSTA RICA , Alajuela, Parque Nacional Volcan Arenal , 10º26’N, 84º43’W, 600m, 26.ii.2013, J.S. Noyes ( NHMUK) GoogleMaps . Paratypes (85♀ 38♂, CNC, MZLU, MZUCR, NHMUK): 1♀ with same label data as holotype; GoogleMaps 2♂ from same locality as holotype but collected 26.ii.2013; GoogleMaps 1♀ COSTA RICA, Alajuela, San Carlos, Reserva Forestal Arenal , Sendero Pilón, LN 269100_ 457900, 600m, 9.ix-1.x1999, malaise trap, G. Carballo; GoogleMaps following from same locality as previous but collected 22.xii.1991 (1♀), 5.ix-7.x.2000 (1♀); GoogleMaps 1♂ COSTA RICA, Alajuela , Parque Nacional Arenal , Sendero Ceibo, 10°27’N, 84°41’W, 620m, 22-23.ii.2016, J.S. Noyes GoogleMaps ; 1 GoogleMaps COSTA RICA, Alajuela, Estación Biológica San Ramón   GoogleMaps , 10°13’N, 84°37’W, 900m, ii-iii.2000; 1♀ 1♂ COSTA RICA, Cartago, Humo, El Copal , 9°47’N, 83°45’W, 1050-1250m, 29.ii-6.iii.2008, C. Hansson; GoogleMaps 1♀ COSTA RICA, Guanacaste, Parque Nacional Guanacaste, below Pitilla, 500m, 7-8.iii.1990, J.S. Noyes; GoogleMaps 2♂ COSTA RICA, Guanacaste , 18km N Liberia , Buena Vista Lodge , 10º48’N, 85º24’W, 770m, 15-17.ii.2016, J.S. Noyes; GoogleMaps 1♀ COSTA RICA, Heredia, Estación Biológica La Selva, LN 264463_532850, 100-200m, 30-31.iii.2002, swept, J. Azofeifa; GoogleMaps following from same locality as previous but collected 28-29.ii.2008 (2♀), 25.ii.2016 (1♀); GoogleMaps 1♀ COSTA RICA, Heredia , 16km SSE La Virgen, 10º16′N, 84º05′W, 1050-1150m, 11-20.ii.2001, 11_TN_ALL, INBio-OET-ALAS intersect; GoogleMaps 6♀ 2♂ COSTA RICA, Heredia , 6km ENE Vara Blanca , 10°11’N, 84°07’W, 2000m, 9.iv.2001 – iv.2002, INBio, OET,ALAS; GoogleMaps 1♀ COSTA RICA, Heredia, Vara Blanca, 2000m, iv.2002, from Paliocourea lasio, seeds, K. Nishida; GoogleMaps 1♀ COSTA RICA, Heredia, San Rafael de Vara Blanca , ii.2013, from Myrsine juergensenii fruit/seed; GoogleMaps 1♀ COSTA RICA, Limón, Reserva Biológica Hitoy-Cerere, Headquarter , 100m, 14-18.i.1991, J.S. Noyes; following from same locality as previous but collected 24-26.ii.2008 (4♀ 1♂), 20-21.ii.2006 (2♀); GoogleMaps 4♀ COSTA RICA, Puntarenas, San Vito, Las Cruces, Wilson Botanico , 1150m, 18-22.iii.1990, J.S. Noyes; GoogleMaps following from same locality as previous but collected 15-16.ii.2006 (1♀ 1♂), 7-19.ii.2007 (6♀ 1♂), 15-16.ii.2012 (3♀); GoogleMaps 15♀ 11♂ COSTA RICA, Puntarenas , San Vito , Estación Biológica Las Alturas , 8°57’N, 82°50’W, 1500m, 17-18.ii.2012, J.S. Noyes; GoogleMaps 1♀ from same locality as previous but collected xi-xii.1992; GoogleMaps 1♀ 1♂ COSTA RICA, Puntarenas, Estación Altamira, Sendero a Casa Coca , 9º02’N, 83º00’W, 1450-1700m, 7.ii-5.iii.2002, swept, C. Hansson & Parataxonomos; following from same locality as previous but collected 15.i-14.ii.2001 (1♀), 12.ix-12.x.2001 (1♀); GoogleMaps 2♀ 1♂ COSTA RICA, Puntarenas, Estación Altamira , Sendero Los Gigantes, 9º02’N, 83º00’W, 1450m, 7.ii-5.iii, 2002, swept& malaise traps, C. Hansson & Parataxonomos; GoogleMaps 1♂ COSTA RICA, Puntarenas, Estación Biológica Monteverde , 10º20’N, 84º49’W, 1540m, 18-25.ii.2004, C. Hansson GoogleMaps ; 1♀ COSTA RICA, Puntarenas, Monteverde , “ Ecological Farm ”, 10º18’N, 84º49’W, 1300m, 16-17.ii.2003, J.S. Noyes GoogleMaps ; 7♀ 5♂ COSTA RICA, Puntarenas, Monteverde , 29.xii.2014, from fruit of Psychotria valeriana, K. Nishida ; 1♀ COSTA RICA, Puntarenas, Estación Los Patos , LS 517900_ 281600, 210m, 21.ii.2002, J. Azofeifa ; 1♂ COSTA RICA, Puntarenas, Golfito , Estación Agujas , LS 526550_ 276750, 300m, 9.i 2001, malaise trap, J. Azofeifa ; 1♀ 1♂ COSTA RICA, Puntarenas, Corcovado , Agujas , 500m, 3.x.2000, from Psychotria elata seeds, J.A. Azofeifa ; 1♀ COSTA RICA, Puntarenas, Parque Nacional Piedras Blancas , Estación El Bonito , 8º43’N, 83º13’W, 100m, 13-14.ii.2012, J.S. Noyes; GoogleMaps 4♀ 4♂ COSTA RICA, San José, Zurqui de Moravia , 1500m, ix.2005, from Palicourea padifolia seeds, P. Hanson; following from same locality as previous but collected i.1995 (1♀), x.1995 (1♀), xii.1995 (1♀); GoogleMaps 1♀ 2♂ COSTA RICA, San José, San Gerardo de Dota, El Manantial , 9º34’N, 83º43’W, 18-20.ii.2010, J.S. Noyes; GoogleMaps 1♀ from COSTA RICA labelled “00-JAAZ-0232”, i.e. collected by J.A. Azofeifa, and presumably reared, but no further information has been possible to retrieve GoogleMaps ; 1♀ ECUADOR, Pichin, Tinalandia , 800m, 7.ii.1983, Lars Huggert ; 1♀ TRINIDAD, St. George, Tumpuna Reserve, 9.viii.1976, from Caribbean Pine Plantation, J.S. Noyes. Barcoded specimen: 1♀ COSTA RICA, Guanacaste , Area de Conservacion , Guanacaste , Sector Pailas , Pailas Dos PL 12-5, 10º76’N, 85º34’W, 831m, 4-11.v.2017, D. Janzen, W. Hallwachs ( BIOUG 57707 - E 02) .

Etymology. From the Latin carina = keel, and the suffix - fer = carry, referring to carinae on coxae.

Gallery Image

Figs 15–22. Galeopsomyia spp., ♀. 15–17. Head lateral view – (15) G. seminarum; (16) G. noyesi (arrow pointing at short genal carina); (17) G. graciliclava (arrow pointing at long genal carina). 18–19. Fore coxa lateral view – (18) G. myrsineae (arrow pointing at carina along anterior margin); (19) G. alas (arrow pointing at carina along posterior margin). 20–21. Hind coxa lateral view – (20) G. noyesi; (21) G. aliosa (arrow pointing at carina along posterior margin). 22. G. carinifer, dorsellum (arrow pointing at median carina).

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Figs 328–331. Galeopsomyia carbonis, holotype ♀ – (328) habitus dorsal view; (329) habitus lateral view. Galeopsomyia carinifer, holotype ♀ – (330) habitus dorsal view; (331) habitus lateral view.

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Figs 760–767. Head incl. antennae, lateral view ♀ – (760) Galeopsomyia cararaensis; (761) G. carballoi; (762) G. cecropiae; (763) G. bimaculata; (764) G. carinifer; (765) G. cernia; (766) G. chrysops; (767) G. clematisae.

Gallery Image

Figs 965–967. Head incl. antennae/body, lateral view, paratype ♂. (965) Galeopsomyia blakeae; (966) G. carinifer; (967) G. cecropiae.




Canada, Ontario, Ottawa, Canadian National Collection of Insects


Sweden, Lund, Lund University


Costa Rica, Santo Domingo de Heredia, Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad (INBio)


United Kingdom, London, Linnean Society


Natural History Museum, London


Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids, and Nematodes


Lund University













