Nephrolepis biserrata (Sw.) Schott (1834: 30)

Mezonda, C. P. J., Simão, I., Silva, H. & Silveira, P., 2020, New records for the fern and lycophytes flora of Uíge, Northern Angola, Phytotaxa 442 (1), pp. 1-10 : 4-5

publication ID

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Felipe (2024-10-02 00:04:52, last updated 2024-10-02 01:36:34)

scientific name

Nephrolepis biserrata (Sw.) Schott (1834: 30)


* Nephrolepis biserrata (Sw.) Schott (1834: 30) View in CoL ; Schelpe (1977: 125); Roux (2006: 91, 2008: 213)

Aspidium biserratum Swartz (1801:32)

Terrestrial or epiphyte fern. Elev. In Uíge: 800–1213 m. Open forests or near roads. In moist conditions or shaded habitats. Distribution in Angola: Cabinda, Cuanza Norte, Huambo, Huíla, Lunda Norte, Lunda Sul, Uíge. Global distribution: pantropical distribution.

Collections : Kika village [7°29’43” S, 15°04’25” E], 31-07-2018, Mezonda, Barros & Matondo 3 GoogleMaps ; 12-12-2018, Mezonda & Menga 46 ( COI). Surroundings of Kindenuco village [7°38’51” S, 15°03’03” E], 01-08-2018, Mezonda, Barros & Matondo 6. Surroundings of Mucaba [7°25’53” S, 15°10’01” E], 05-08-2018, Mezonda, Dos Santos & Mani 19. Surroundings of Matuta village [7°32’03” S, 15°05’13” E], 28-08-2018, Mezonda & Menga 30 ( COI) GoogleMaps .

* Nephrolepis undulata (Afzel. ex Sw.) Smith View in CoL in Hooker (1846: 35); Schelpe (1977: 125); Roux (2006: 91, 2008: 213)

Aspidium undulatum Afzelius ex Swartz (1801: 32)

Terrestrial or epiphyte fern. Elev. In Uíge: 800 m. Near roads. Distribution in Angola: Bengo, Cuanza Norte, Cuanza Sul, Huambo, Huíla, Lunda Norte, Lunda Sul, Malanje, Moxico, Uíge. Global distribution: worldwide, widespread in Africa and tropical Central and South America.

Collections: Surroundings of Kindenuco village [7°38’51” S, 15°03’03” E], 18-12-2018, Mezonda, Barros & Menga 61 (COI).


Microsorum scolopendria (Burm.f.) Copeland (1929: 112) View in CoL ; Schelpe (1977: 122); Roux (2006: 91, 2008: 213) Polypodium scolopendria Burman (1768: 232) View in CoL

Epiphyte, lithophyte or terrestrial fern. Elev. in Uíge: 800 m. Shaded habitats. Distribution in Angola: Cuanza Norte, Huambo, Lunda Norte, Malanje, Uíge. Global distribution: from eastern South Africa to Mozambique, eastern Zimbabwe, tropical Africa, Madagascar, Comoro and Mascarene islands, Sri Lanka, south-eastern Asia, China, Australia and Polynesia.

Collections: Surroundings of Kindenuco village [7°38’51” S, 15°03’03” E], 18-12-2018, Mezonda, Barros & Menga 59 (COI).


* Pityrogramma calomelanos View in CoL (L.) Link (1833: 20) var. calomelanos View in CoL ; Schelpe (1977: 84); Roux (2006: 89) Acrostichum calomelanos Linnaeus (1753: 1072) View in CoL

Terrestrial fern. Elev. in Uíge: 842–1213 m. Open forests or near roads. In moist conditions or shaded habitats. Distribution in Angola: Cabinda, Uíge. Global distribution: original from tropical and subtropical America, currently spreading through the old world tropics.

Collections : Kika village [7°29’43” S, 15°04’25” E], 31-07-2018, Mezonda, Barros & Matondo 1 GoogleMaps ; 12-12-2018, Mezonda & Menga 48 ( AVE). Katula village [7°34’10” S, 15°05’45” E], 04-08-2018, Mezonda 10 GoogleMaps ; 15-12-2018, Mezonda & Menga 54 ( AVE). Surroundings of Mucaba [7°25’53” S, 15°10’01” E], 05-08-2018, Mezonda, Dos Santos & Man i 16 GoogleMaps ; 07-12-2018, Mezonda, Mani & Barros 37 ( COI). Surroundings of Senga village [7°40’04” S, 15°12’03” E], 15-08-2018, Mezonda, Barros & Matondo 27 GoogleMaps .

Burman, N. L. (1768) Flora Indica: cui accedit series zoophytorum indicorum, nec non prodomus florae capensis, Apud Cornelium Haek, New York, 260 pp. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 60581

Copeland, E. B. (1929) The oriental genera of Polypodiaceae. University of California publications in botany 16: 45 - 128.

Hooker, W. J. (1846) Companion to the Botanical Magazine. Curtis's Botanical Magazine 72: 1 - 42.

Link, J. H. F. (1833) Handbuch zur Erkennung der nutzbarsten und am ha ¨ ufigsten vorkommenden Gewa ¨ chse, 3. Spenerschen Buchhandlung, Berlin, 536 pp.

Linnaeus, C. von (1753) Species plantarum, 2 (1). Laurentius Salvius, Stockholm, pp. 561 - 1200.

Roux, J. P. (2006) An annotated checklist of the pteridophyte flora of Angola. Garcia de Orta, Serie Botanica 17 (1 / 2): 83 - 96.

Roux, J. P. (2008) Pteridophyta. In: Figueiredo, E. & Smith, G. F. (Eds.) Plants of Angola / Plantas de Angola. Strelitzia 22. South African National Biodiversity Institute, Pretoria, pp. 210 - 216.

Schelpe, E. A. C. L. E. (1977) Pteridophyta. In: Fernandes, R. B., Launert, E. & Mendes, E. J. (Eds.) Conspectus Florae Angolensis. Junta de investigacoes cientificas do Ultramar, Lisboa, 400 pp.

Schott, H. W. (1834) Genera Filicum, vols. 1 - 4. Wallishauser, Vindobonae, 43 pp.

Swartz, O. P. (1801) Genera et species filicum ordine systematico redactorum. Journal fur die Botanic (Schrader). 1800 (2): 1 - 136, t. 1 - 2.


University of Coimbra Botany Department


Universidade de Aveiro











