Sparianthina Banks, 1929

Jaeger, Peter, Rheims, Cristina & Labarque, Facundo, 2009, On the huntsman spider genera Sparianthina Banks, 1929 and Anaptomecus Simon, 1903 from South and Central America (Araneae, Sparassidae), ZooKeys 16 (16), pp. 115-147 : 117-118

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scientific name

Sparianthina Banks, 1929


Genus Sparianthina Banks, 1929 View in CoL View at ENA

Sparianthina Banks, 1929 View in CoL : (description of genus). Roewer 1954: 684. Bonnet 1958: 4110. Platnick 2009.

Type species by monotypy: Sparianthina selenopoides Banks, 1929 View in CoL .

Extended diagnosis. Small sized Sparassidae with total length: 5.2-9.8. Cheliceral teeth with 3 (in exceptional cases with 4) promarginal and 4 to 8 retromarginal teeth; cheliceral furrow with denticles, mostly arranged in a long row ( Figs 10 View Figures 1-13 , 26, 33 View Figures 22-33 , 38, 43 View Figures 34-45 , 52 View Figures 50-54 , 63 View Figures 55-64 ). Eye arrangement similar to Heteropodinae ( Jäger 1998) with lateral eyes larger than median eyes and anterior eye row recurved, posterior eye row slightly recurved to straight. Posterior lateral eyes close to transition between narrow head part and thoracic part of prosoma ( Figs 25, 32 View Figures 22-33 , 39, 44 View Figures 34-45 , 53 View Figures 50-54 , 62 View Figures 55-64 ). Lateral projections of trilobate membrane extending beyond median hook ( Fig. 11 View Figures 1-13 ). Female palpal claw with moderately elongated teeth ( Figs 13 View Figures 1-13 , 64 View Figures 55-64 ; Jäger 2004: fig. 15 sub Anaptomecus sp.). Males with tegulum shifted basally, leaving space in the distal alveolus for a strongly developed subtegulum (e.g., Figs 2, 6 View Figures 1-13 ). Embolus in some species with embolic apophysis, membranous conductor situated on a membranous base, thus being movable ( Fig. 9 View Figures 1-13 ). Heavy dorsal tegular apophysis (DTA) present, situated dorsally from embolus and being in tight contact with subtegulum by a hook or other appendages ( Figs 1-2, 4 View Figures 1-13 ). RTA arising medially to distally from tibia with complex shape and more than one apex. Females hardly diagnosable by their copulatory organs; in most species known so far epigynal furrows (“epigyneale Falte/Furche” sensu Järvi 1912, 1914) only present in anterior epigyne ( Fig. 46 View Figures 46-49 : EF), not connecting to epigastric furrow (exception: S. pumilla comb. n.), posterior epigyne slightly extending beyond epigastric furrow as a rounded median extension. Internal duct system with one pair of glandular appendages in functionally initial part, i.e. in anterior part.

Redescription. Total length (♁♁ and ♀♀) 5.2-9.8. Prosoma as long as wide. Cephalic region slightly higher than thoracic region. Fovea long and conspicuous on posterior third of prosoma. Eyes arranged in two rows, the anterior recurved and posterior straight or very slightly recurved. AME slightly smaller than ALE and further apart from each other than from laterals. PME smaller than PLE, equidistant. Clypeus low, as high as or slightly lower than AME diameter. Chelicerae longer than wide, the two retrolateral basal teeth smaller than others. Intermarginal denticles present, mostly scattered at the base of the cheliceral groove. Gnathocoxae parallel, longer than wide with dense scopula on internal margin ( Fig. 45 View Figures 34-45 ). Leg formula 2143. Tarsi I-IV with pair of pectinate claws bearing 15-20 short and slightly curved teeth. Female pedipalp with single pectinate claw with 5-6 long and curved teeth. Opisthosoma slightly triangular, longer than wide. Tracheal spiracle contiguous to spinnerets. Anal tubercule small and triangular, covered by a few long hairs. Six spinnerets: anterior lateral spinnerets contiguous, conical and bi-segmented. Basal segment slightly elongate and cylindrical. Distal segment short and truncated. Posterior median spinnerets conical and short. Posterior lateral spinnerets conical and bi-segmented. Basal segment elongate and cylindrical. Distal segment short and truncated.

Male palp: Tibia slightly longer than cymbium, with one retrolateral, one dorsal and three prolateral spines. Distal margin with small ventro-retrolateral, triangular projection and retrolateral RTA. Cymbium with large median alveolus and elongate dorsal scopula. Subtegulum oval, smooth. Tegulum with retrolateral swelling and subembolic projection, the latter notched onto the subtegulum. Embolus with wide base and distally narrowed, with one or two small projections at its base. Conductor long and hyaline.

Female epigynum: epigynum divided longitudinally into a median septum and lateral borders. Lateral borders smooth, lacking projections. Anterior atrium bearing pair of copulatory openings. Vulva with long and convoluted internal duct system with small, anterior glandular projection close to copulatory openings. Fertilisation ducts very long and hook shaped.

Distribution. Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana (undescribed species are known from Ecuador, Trinidad and Tobago, French Guyana).

Composition. Sparianthina selenopoides Banks, 1929 , Sparianthina pumilla ( Keyserling, 1880) comb. n., Sparianthina rufescens ( Mello-Leitão, 1940) comb. n., Sparianthina milleri ( Caporiacco, 1955) comb. n., Sparianthina deltshevi sp. n., Sparianthina adisi sp. n., Sparianthina saaristoi sp. n.

Relationships. Sparianthina resembles in several characters Heteropodinae from Asia and Africa: Eye arrangement with lateral eyes larger than median eyes and at least the anterior eye row distinctly recurved, denticles in cheliceral furrow present in combination with 3 promarginal teeth, long teeth on the ♀ palpal claw and trilobate membrane with all three elements, i.e., median hook and lateral projections well developed and of about the same size ( Jäger 1998). Cheliceral denticles occur in various genera of Sparassidae , e.g., in the Asian genera Gnathopalystes Rainbow, 1899 , Prychia L. Koch, 1875 and Tychicus Simon, 1880 , in some African, European and Asian species of Eusparassus Simon, 1903 , and in the South American genus Adcatomus Karsch, 1880 [only females of A. flavovittatus (Simon, 1897) ] ( Jäger 1998, 2001; Rheims 2008). All these species have less than three promarginal teeth on the chelicerae and are not considered closely related to either Heteropodinae or Sparianthina . The character combination of denticles with three promarginal teeth is known from Asian, Australian, and African Heteropodinae . Moreover, it occurs in some representatives in East Africa and Madagascar ( Jäger 2004). However, as Sparassidae exist with denticles and three retromarginal teeth in combination with different character states in eye arrangement and female palpal claw, Sparianthina is not included in Heteropodinae . An extended systematic grouping (“ Heteropodinae s. l.”) may include Heteropodinae s. str. (sensu Jäger 1998, 2002), East African, Madagascan (key in Jäger and Kunz 2005: 166; Berlandia Lessert, 1921 , species group near “ Rhitymna ” saccata Järvi, 1914) and South American ( Sparianthina , Sadala Simon, 1880 , Anaptomecus Simon, 1903 ) genera.

Banks N (1929) Spiders from Panama. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College 69: 53 - 96.

Bonnet P (1958) Bibliographia araneorum. Douladoure, Toulouse 2 (4): 3027 - 4230.

Caporiacco L di (1955) Estudios sobre los aracnidos de Venezuela. 2 a parte: Araneae. Acta biologica venezuelica 1: 265 - 448.

Jager P (1998) First results of a taxonomic revision of the SE Asian Sparassidae (Araneae). In: Selden PA (Ed) Proceedings of the 17 th European Colloquium of Arachnology, Edinburgh, 1997. British Arachnological Society, Burnham Beeches, Bucks, 53 - 59.

Jager P (2001) Diversitat der Riesenkrabbenspinnen im Himalaya. Uber eine Radiation zwei- er Gattungen in den Schneetropen. (Araneae: Sparassidae: Heteropodinae). Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg 232: 1 - 136.

Jager P (2002) Heteropodinae: transfers and synonymies (Arachnida: Araneae: Sparassidae). Acta Arachnologica 51 (1): 33 - 61.

Jager P (2004) A study of the character ' palpal claw' in the spider subfamily Heteropodinae (Araneae: Sparassidae). In: Logunov DV, Penney D (Eds) Proceedings of the 21 st European Colloquium of Arachnology, St. - Petersburg, 4 - 9 August 2003. KMK Scientifik Press, Moscow, 107 - 125.

Jager P, Kunz D (2005) An illustrated key to genera of African huntsman spiders (Arachnida, Araneae, Sparassidae). Senckenbergiana biologica 85 (2): 163 - 213.

Jarvi TH (1912) Das Vaginalsystem der Sparassiden. Eine morphologische, systematische und zoogeographische Studie uber eine Spinnenfamilie. I. Allgemeiner Teil. Annales Academiae scientiarum Fennica 4 (1): 1 - 131.

Jarvi TH (1914) Das Vaginalsystem der Sparassiden. Eine morphologische, systematische und zoogeographische Studie uber eine Spinnenfamilie. II. Spezieller Teil. Annales Academiae scientiarum Fennica (Ser. A) 4 (1): 118 - 235.

Keyserling E (1880) Die Spinnen Amerikas, I. Laterigradae. Bauer & Raspe, Nurnberg 1, 283 pp.

Mello-Leitao CF de (1940) Spiders of the Guiana forest collected by O. W. Richards. Arquivos de Zoologia do Estatdo de Sao Paulo 2: 175 - 197.

Platnick NI (2009) The world spider catalog, version 9.5. American Museum of Natural History, New York. http: // research. amnh. org / entomology / spiders / catalog / (accessed: 15. I. 2009)

Rheims CA (2008) On the neotropical genus Adcatomus Karsch (Araneae, Sparassidae). Zootaxa 1809: 61 - 66.

Roewer CF (1954) Katalog der Araneen von 1758 bis 1940, bzw. 1954. Bruxelles 2: 1 - 1751.

Simon E. (1903 a). Histoire naturelle des araignees. Paris 2: 669 - 1080.

Gallery Image

Figures 1-13. Sparianthina selenopoides Banks, 1929 from Panama (1-4 ♁ MCZ 69063 5-10 ♁ lectotype 11-13 ♀ paralectotype). 1-9 Left ♁ palp (1, 5 prolateral 2, 6 ventral 3, 7 retrolateral 4 cymbium with bulbus expanded 8 RTA, dorsal 9 embolus, embolic apophysis, conductor, ventral) 10 Left chelicerae, ventral 11 Trilobate membrane, distal metatarsus IV, dorsal 12 Leg claw, lateral 13 Palpal claw, retrolateral. BH – basal haematodocha; C – conductor; DTA – distal tegular apophysis; E – embolus; EA – embolic apophysis; MH – median haematodocha; ST – subtegulum; T – tegulum.

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Figures 22-33. Sparianthina pumilla (Keyserling, 1880) comb. n. from Colombia (22-26 ♁ lectotype 27-33 ♀ paralectotypes).22-24 Left ♁ palp (22 prolateral 23 ventral 24 retrolateral) 25, 32 Eyes, dorsal 26, 33 Chelicerae, ventral 27-28 Epigyne, ventral 29 Internal duct system, dorsal 30 Schematic course of internal duct system, dorsal 31 Habitus, dorsal.

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Figures 34-45. Sparianthina rufescens (Mello-Leitão, 1940) comb. n. from Guyana (34-39 ♁ NHM 1930.4.15.48 40 ♀ holotype 41-45 ♀ NHM 1930.4.15.45). 34-37 Left ♁ palp (34 prolateral 35 ventral 36-37 retrolateral) 38, 43 Chelicerae, ventral 39, 44 Eyes, dorsal 40-41 Epigyne, ventral 42 Internal duct system, dorsal. 45 Labium and left gnathocoxa, ventral.

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Figures 50-54. Sparianthina sp. from French Guyana (♀ MZPW, PJ 1667) 50 Epigyne, ventral 51 Internal duct system, dorsal 52 Chelicerae, ventral 53 Eyes, dorsal 54 Right leg III, retrolateral.

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Figures 55-64. Sparianthina milleri (Caporiacco, 1955) comb. n. from Venezuela (55-57 ♁ holotype 58-64 NHRS, PJ 2855).55-57 Left ♁ palp (55 prolateral 56 ventral 57 retrolateral) 58 Epigyne, ventral (arrows point to lateral outgrowths of epigynal field) 59 Internal duct system, dorsal 60 Schematic course of internal duct system, dorsal 61 Detail of right glandular appendage, dorsal 62 Eyes, dorsal 63 Chelicerae, ventral 64 Palpal claw, retrolateral.

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Figures 46-49. Sparianthina rufescens (Mello-Leitão, 1940) comb. n. from Guyana (♀ NHRS, PJ 1878). 46-47 Epigyne (46 ventral 47 posterior) 48-49 Internal duct system (48 dorsal 49 detail of right half). EF – epigynal furrow (explanation see diagnosis for Sparianthina).









