Microconilon, Besuchet & Hlaváč, 2011

Besuchet, Claude & Hlaváč, Peter, 2011, Contribution to the knowledge of Clavigeritae (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae) from Fiji and Vanuatu, with the catalogue of Clavigeritae of Oceania, Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 51 (2), pp. 517-528 : 520-523

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.5328923



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scientific name


gen. nov.

Microconilon View in CoL gen. nov.

( Figs. 2 View Figs , 6, 7 View Figs )

Type species. Microconilon acuticollis View in CoL sp. nov., by present designation.

Diagnosis. Body large; antennae with three antennomeres, last antennomere considerably longer than pedicel, compressed dorsoventrally, widened to apex, and at apex obliquely truncate; neck well-separated from the rest of head, with wide rostrum; two small lateral trichomes on first visible tergite.

Description. Whole body ( Fig. 2 View Figs ) reddish-brown, shiny, almost glabrous, with few bristle-like setae on sides of head, anterior half of pronotum and on anterior two thirds of elytra. Tergite and sternite VIII with a bunch of longer setae.

Head about 1.5 times as long as wide, with postgenae expanded postero-laterally, visible dorsally, neck separated from the rest of head by occipital carina, with two frontal patches and two temporal foveae, rostrum wide, eyes moderate, compact, not protuberant, blending with lateral edge of head. Venter with large depression in basal half and with two baso-median foveae, lacking gula.Antennae three-segmented, pubescent, antennomeres I and II very small, subequal in size, scape almost entirely and pedicel partly hidden by antennal cavity, terminal antennomere very long, about twice as long as head, evenly widened to apex, compressed dorsoventrally, slightly bent in basal third, at apex obliguely truncate, with bunch of long apical setae.

Pronotum hexagonal, clearly wider than long and much wider than head, widest in basal half where sharp, lateral spines present, with large and deep basal sulcus, lacking any fovea, scutellum not visible.

Venter of body shiny, with only very sparse and fine pubescence on metaventrite and sides of ventrites, with longer setae on sternite VIII, proventrite with large, high, Y-shaped, median keel, metaventrite at middle more than five times as long as mesoventrite, with X-shaped mesoventral process slightly separating mesocoxae, meeting apical, rounded metaventral process, metacoxae clearly separated by large, truncate, at middle finely acuminate, basal metaventral process, procoxae contiguous, second visible sternite (IV) about three times as long as third (V), third visible sternite slightly longer than fourth (VI).

Elytra large, almost glabrous, widened posteriorly, widest at level of posterior corners, at suture clearly longer than pronotum, humeri strongly projecting anteriad, basal part of elytra strongly depressed, sutural stria absent.

Legs short and stout, tibiae at base briefly pedunculate, mesotibiae each with preapical spine, femora clavate.

Abdomen shiny, almost glabrose, tergite VIII pointed, bearing few bristle-like setae, composite tergite (IV–VI) convex, with small trichomes at base in anterior corner. Paratergites of the composite tergite elongate, slender but well-defined.

Sexual dimorphism. Mesotibiae of female simple, lacking any kind of modifications.

Differential diagnosis. Microconilon gen. nov., due to its general appearance, rectangular head and hexagonal pronotum can be readily distinguished from any other species of the tribe Clavigerodina with three segmented antennae.

Etymology. The name means a small rabbit, expressing the graciousness of the new genus. Gender: masculine.













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