Cladophora coelothrix Kützing, 1843: 272

Coppejans, Eric, Leliaert, Frederik, Verbruggen, Heroen, de Clerck, Olivier, Schils, Tom, de Vriese, Thomas & Marie, Daniel, 2004, The marine green and brown algae of Rodrigues (Mauritius, Indian Ocean), Journal of Natural History 38 (23), pp. 2959-3020 : 2969-2970

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scientific name

Cladophora coelothrix Kützing, 1843: 272


* Cladophora coelothrix Kützing, 1843: 272

References: van den Hoek, 1982: 47–52, figures 11–29 View FIGS View FIGS View FIGS View FIGS ; Børgesen, 1939: 72–73,

figure 15 View FIGS ; Sartoni, 1992: 300, figure 5B View FIGS ; Leliaert and Coppejans, 2003: 50,

figure 2 View FIGS .

Type locality. Golfo di Genova, Italy.

Vouchers. HEC 14620, HEC 14630, 18 September 2001, western part of Cotton Bay (s.s. 13) .

Ecology. Epiphytic on Digenea simplex and Gelidiopsis on vertical walls of intertidal pools.

Distribution. Australia, Chagos Archipelago (Egmont Atoll), Christmas Island, India, Iran, Kuwait, Pakistan, Rodrigues (this paper), Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Somalia.

Note. Cladophora coelothrix is very similar to C. socialis Kützing , but the cell diameter of the former is about twice as large (55–140 mm) as that of the

latter (25–55 mm).

* Cladophora vagabunda (Linnaeus) van den Hoek, 1963: 144 References: van den Hoek, 1963: 144–148, pls 33, 36–38; 1982: 137–150, figures 264–294; Jaasund, 1976: 7, figures 15, 16 View FIGS ; Sartoni, 1992: 304, figure 6C– E View FIGS ; Kraft, 2000: 562, figure 21 View FIGS ; Littler and Littler, 2000: 324, figure p. 325;

Leliaert and Coppejans, 2003: 70–71, figures 14A, B, 15 View FIGS .

Lectotype locality. Selsey , Sussex, England, UK. Vouchers. HEC 14783a (zF), HEC 14783b, HEC 14784a (zF), HEC

14784b, 25 September 2001, Passe Grand Bassin (s.s. 30); HEC 14861, 30

September 2001, south-western part of the lagoon (s.s. 27).

Ecology. Epilithic on coral rubble in the intertidal and the infralittoral fringe.

Distribution. Australia, India, Indonesia (Sunda Strait), Kenya, Laccadives, Madagascar, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritius ( Børgesen, 1940: 34–35, figure 10 View FIGS ; 1946: 21–24, figures 8a, b, 9, 10 View FIGS ), Nicobar Islands, Pakistan, Rodrigues (this paper), Seychelles, Singapore, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Thailand, Yemen.

Note. Cladophora vagabunda has frequently been mentioned as C. mauritiana Kützing. The latter species has been synonymized with the former by Børgesen (1940: 35). This species is closely related to C. dalmatica Kützing and C. laetevirens (Dillwyn) Kützing. Distinction between both is based on cell dimensions and the maximum number of laterals per cell.

General remarks on the distribution of Cladophora in the Mascarene Islands (see table 2)

Twelve Cladophora species have previously been recorded in the Mascarene Islands (11 from Mauritius, two for Réunion and none for Rodrigues) ( table 2). Of these, three species ( C. albida , C. echinus and C. sericea ) are doubtful records since their distribution pattern would normally be restricted to temperate regions. Two other species ( C. patentiramea and C. saviniana ) are most likely conspecific with C. coelothrix (based on the original descriptions and illustrations) while C. inserta is probably a missapplied name for either C. vagabunda or C. dalmatica .

Only two species were collected from Rodrigues. C. vagabunda has been recorded from both Rodrigues and Mauritius; C. coelothrix had only been reported from Mauritius (as C. patentiramea ).

BORGESEN, F., 1939, Marine algae from the Iranian Gulf especially from the innermost part near Bushire and the Island Kharg, in K. Jessen and R. Sparck (eds) Danish Scientific Investigations in Iran, Part 1 (Copenhagen), pp. 47 - 141.

BORGESEN, F., 1940, Some marine algae from Mauritius. I. Chlorophyceae, Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab, Biologiske Meddelelser, 15, 1 - 81.

JAASUND, E., 1976, Intertidal Seaweeds in Tanzania (Tromso, Norway: University of Tromso), 159 pp.

KRAFT, G. T., 2000, Marine and estuarine benthic green algae (Chlorophyta) of Lord Howe Island, south-western Pacific, Australian Systematic Botany, 13, 509 - 648.

KUTZING, F. T., 1843, Phycologia Generalis (Leipzig), 458 pp.

LELIAERT, F. and COPPEJANS, E., 2003, The marine species of Cladophora (Chlorophyta) from the South African East Coast, Nova Hedwigia, 76, 45 - 82.

LITTLER, D. S. and LITTLER, M. M., 2000, Caribbean Reef Plants. An Identification Guide to the Reef Plants of the Caribbean, Bahamas, Florida and Gulf of Mexico (Washington, DC: OffShore Graphics), 542 pp.

SARTONI, G., 1992, Research on the marine algae of south-central Somalia. 3. The Siphonocladales - Cladophorales complex, Webbia, 46, 291 - 326.

VAN DEN HOEK, C., 1963, Revision of the European Species of Cladophora (Leiden: Brill), 248 pp.

VAN DEN HOEK, C., 1982, A taxonomic revision of the American species of Cladophora (Chlorophyceae) in the North Atlantic Ocean and their geographic distribution, Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Afdeling Natuurkunde, Tweede Reeks, 78, 1 - 236.

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FIGS 7–13. Caulerpa brachypus, variation in the general morphology and margin structure of the assimilators. (7) Large growth form collected in grooves between bumps of coral rubble, frequently branching and with secondary stolons (HEC 14867). (8) Intermediately large growth form with wide assimilators (HEC 14769). (9) Intermediately large growth form with relatively narrow assimilators (HEC 14656a). (10) Typical specimen with simple or scarcely branched assimilators (HEC 14612). (11) Assimilator with smooth margin (HEC 14612). (12) Assimilator with coarsely dentate margin (HEC 14656a). (13) Assimilator with densely dentate margin (HEC 14718). Scale bars: 2 cm (7–10); 1 mm (11–13).

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FIGS 14–18. Caulerpa. (14) Caulerpa cupressoides var. lycopodium f. elegans, small, elegant specimen (HEC 14691). (15) Caulerpa cupressoides var. lycopodium f. elegans, coarse specimen with richly branched assimilators (HEC 14820). (16) Caulerpa sertularioides f. sertularioides, last order branchlets in a single plane (HEC 14739). (17) Caulerpa sertularioides f. farlowii, last order branchlets in several planes (HEC 14690). (18) Caulerpa webbiana (HEC 14699). Scale bars: 1 cm.

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FIGS 19–24. Chlorophyta. (19) Caulerpa nummularia, proliferating from primary, peltate assimilator (HEC 14609 p.p.). (20) Rhipidosiphon javensis (HEC 14763). (21) Udotea sp. (HEC 14759). (22–24) Udotea palmetta (HEC 14817): (22) general morphology of large, fertile specimen; (23) gametangia growing from the blade surface; (24) gametangia growing from the blade margin. Scale bars: 2 mm (19, 20); 1 cm (21, 22); 1 mm (23); 500 mm (24).

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FIGS 25–30. Phaeophyta. (25, 26) Cladosiphon mauritianus (HEC 14789b): (25) general morphology; (26) apical branches. (27, 28) Chnoospora implexa (HEC 14674b): (27) compact form; (28) thin, slender form. (29) Hydroclathrus tenuis (HEC 14756d). (30) Asteronema breviarticulatum, rope-like appearance of intertwined filaments (HEC 14884). Scale bars: 2 cm (25); 1 cm (26–30).

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FIGS 2–6. Chlorophyta. (2) Microdictyon tenuius, detail of branching and anastomosing patterns (HEC 14849). (3) Bryopsis pennata var. pennata, branchlets of last order contiguous and in a single plane (HEC 14796 p.p.). (4) Bryopsis pennata var. leprieurii, branchlets of last order interrupted and in a single plane (HEC 14757).(5) Bryopsis pennata var. secunda, branchlets of last order curved in one direction (HEC 14796 p.p.). (6) Chamaedoris delphinii (HEC 14617). Scale bars: 250 mm (2); 5 mm (3–5); 1 cm (6).











