Pseudomyrmex cognatus, Ward & Branstetter, 2022

Ward, Philip S. & Branstetter, Michael G., 2022, Species Paraphyly and Social Parasitism: Phylogenomics, Morphology, and Geography Clarify the Evolution of the Pseudomyrmex elongatulus Group (Hymenoptera:, Insect Systematics and Diversity (AIFB) 6 (1), pp. 1-31 : 20-21

publication ID

persistent identifier

treatment provided by

Felipe (2022-10-08 22:27:41, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-07 16:45:43)

scientific name

Pseudomyrmex cognatus

sp. nov.

Pseudomyrmex cognatus sp. nov.

Figs. 7, 8 and 22

Zoobank LSID:

Pseudomyrma championi ; Wheeler and Bailey 1920: 260. Description of larva (misidentified as P. championi ).

Pseudomyrmex championi View in CoL ; Wheeler and Wheeler 1956: 382. Description of larva (misidentified as P. championi View in CoL ).

Pseudomyrmex championi View in CoL ; Kempf 1961: 392. Description of queen (misidentified as P. championi View in CoL ).

Pseudomyrmex championi View in CoL ; Chomicki et al. 2015: 4. Placement in molecular phylogeny (misidentified as P. championi View in CoL ).

Pseudomyrmex View in CoL psw159; Ward 2017: 533. Comparison with Pseudomyrmex feralis .

Holotype Worker. MEXICO Chiapas: Tziscao, Lagos de Montebello , 1,500 m, 16° 05 ′ N 91° 41 ′ W, 21 Dec 1991, ex dead twig of vine, mixed tropical/temperate mesic forest, P. S. Ward PSW11560 ( UNAM) ( CASENT0863537 ) GoogleMaps . Paratypes: series of workers, 1 dealate queen, same data as holotype ( CASC, CZUG, IEXA, JTLC, MCZC, PSWC, UCDC, USNM).


El Salvador: Santa Ana : Monte Cristo (Cartwright, O. L.) ; Guatemala: Alta Verapaz: 1 km NE Santa Cruz Verapaz , 1,400 m (Ward, P. S.) ; 7 km SW Cobán , 1,460 m (Ward, P. S.) ; airport near Cobán , 1,320 m (Janzen, D. H.) ; Tactic, Finca Xilicá (Andrade, L.) ; Tactic, Finca Xilicá (Haeussler, A.) ; Baja Verapaz: 1 km SSW La Cumbre , 1,480 m (Ward, P. S.) ; 2 km N La Unión Barrios , 1,620 m (Ward, P. S.) ; 3 km ESE Purulhá , 1,620 m (Ward, P. S.) ; 4 km WSW Purulhá , 1,700 m (Ward, P. S.) ; Chimaltenango: km. 143 a Chimalte (Perez, R.) ; Escuintla: ex San José (in quarantine San Francisco, USA) (c.u.) ; Guatemala: ex Guatemala City (in quarantine San Francisco, USA) (c.u.) ; Guatemala City (Bloem, K.; Bloem, S.) ; Retalhuleu: Puente Samala, 3.8 mi NE San Felipe, Quezal-Retal. Rd. (Janzen, D. H.) ; Sacatepéquez: Antigua , 2,000 m (Ekis, G.) ; Antigua (Bloem, S.) ; Antigua (Krauss, N. L. H.) ; Parque Florencia, nr. San Miguel Milpas Altas, 1,900 m (Ward, P. S.) ; Santa Rosa : Barberena , El Naranjito (Perez, R.) ; Sololá: 1 km N San Andrés Semetabaj , 1,840 m (Ward, P. S.) ; 2 km ESE San Lucas Tolimán , 1,780 m (Wild, A. L.) ; 7 km SSE San Lucas Tolimán , 1,140 m (Ward, P. S.) ; Lake Atitlan (Wheeler, W. M.) ; Panajachel , 1,573 m (Stange, L. A.) ; San Lucas Toliman (Wheeler, W. M.) ; Tsanjuyo (c.u.) ; unknown: ex ‘ Guatemala’ (in quarantine San Francisco, CA, USA) (c.u.) ; Zacapa: 2 km SE La Unión , 1,550 m ( LLAMA) ; San Lorenzo, 1,800 m (LeSage, L.) ; Honduras: Comayagua: 10 km E Comayagua , 1,730 m ( LLAMA) ; 10 km E Comayagua , 2,000 m (Boudinot, B.) ; 9 km E Comayagua , 1,730 m ( LLAMA) ; Cortés: P.N. Cusuco, 5 km N Buenos Aires (Hansson, C.) ; PN Cusuco , 1,220 m ( LLAMA) ; Francisco Morazán: Cerro Uyuca , 2,000 m (Gupta, V.; Gupta, S.) ; Montañita [as ‘Montañito’] (Hubbell, T. H.) ; Olancho: 9 km N Catacamas , 1,270 m ( LLAMA) ; 9 km N Catacamas , 1,330 m ( LLAMA) ; 9 km N Catacamas , 1,340 m ( LLAMA) ; 9 km NNW La Unión , 1,460 m (Ward, P. S.) ; 9 km NNW La Unión , 1,470 m (Ward, P. S.) ; Parq. Nac. La Muralla , 1,450 m (Ward, P. S.) ; Parq. Nac. La Muralla , 1,470 m (Ward, P. S.) ; PN La Muralla, 1,440 m ( LLAMA) ; PN La Muralla, 1,450 m ( LLAMA) ; PN La Muralla, 1,460 m ( LLAMA) ; PN La Muralla, 1,480 m ( LLAMA) ; PN La Muralla, 1,490 m ( LLAMA) ; Mexico: Chiapas: 1 km E Tulanca (Pérez, L.) ; 2 km SE Custepec , 1,520 m ( LLAMA) ; 3 km E San Cristóbal (Jones, R. W.) ; 36 mi N inters. Hwy. 190 × Tux.Gut.-Vil.Her. Rd. , km 58 (Janzen, D. H.) ; 5 km E Rayón , 1,700 m (Ward, P. S.) ; km 44 Tuxtla Gutierrez to San Cristobal, near Chiapa de Corzo (Whitacre, D. F.) ; Laguna Montebello , 1,430 m (O’Brien, C. W.; O’Brien, L.; Marshall) ; Río Yashanal (Girón, M.) ; San Miguel, Mpio. El Bosque, 1,105 m (Philpott, S. M.) ; Tziscao, Lagos de Montebello , 1,500 m (Ward, P. S.) ; Tzuluwitz, Mpio. San Juan Cancuc, 1,310 m (Philpott, S. M.) ; Yevalchen, Mpio. Tumbala , 1,350 m (Philpott, S. M.) ; Zinacantan , 1,900 m (Ekis, G.) ; Nicaragua: Jinotega: 5 km [from] Jinotega, Los Pinares (Maes; Pineda) ; PN Cerro Saslaya , 1,110 m ( LLAMA) ; Santa Maria de Ostuma (Maes; Pineda); Matagalpa: Fuente Pura (Maes, J. M.; et al.) ; Hotel Selva Negra , km 139 N of Matagalpa, 1,200 m (Kugler, C.; Hahn, J.) ; Reserva Miraflor , 1,369 m (MacKay, W.) ; Santa Martha , 8 km N Matagalpa , 1,219 m (Ross, E. S.) ; Selva Negra , 1,285 m (MacKay, W.) ; Nueva Segovia: 9 km NW Jalapa , 1,410 m ( LLAMA) ; 9 km NW Jalapa , 1,470 m ( LLAMA) .

Worker measurements (n = 14). HW 0.93–1.06, HL 1.07–1.22, MFC 0.040 –0.057, LHT 0.82–0.94, CI 0.82–0.88, FCI 0.039 –0.058, REL 0.45–0.48, REL2 0.52–0.56, FI 0.40–0.44, PLI 0.49–0.57, PWI 0.44–0.52, MSC 2–5.

Worker Diagnosis. Medium-sized species ( HW 0.93–1.06) with moderately elongate head ( CI 0.82–0.88) (Fig. 7) and relatively large eyes (see REL and REL2 values); frontal carinae separated by less than basal scape width; metanotal groove weakly impressed, in profile barely discernable; dorsal face of propodeum flat and more or less differentiated from declivitous face, rounding into the latter, and the two faces subequal in length; petiole moderately slender ( PLI 0.49–0.57, PL/HL 0.53–0.59); in profile petiole with slight or no anterior peduncle, the anterodorsal face flat to convex, ascending gradually to summit in posterior half of node, then rounding into more steeply descending posterior face; profemur slender; hind leg relatively short ( LHT /HL 0.71–0.77). Head subopaque, densely punctulate-coriarious, the punctulae on vertex usually separated by less than their diameters. Standing pilosity sparse, absent from propodeum and mesonotum ( MSC 2–5). Head, postpetiole, gaster and legs dark brown, mesosoma and petiole varying from concolorous to lighter medium-brown, not strongly contrasting, however, with rest of body (mesosoma sometimes darkened dorsally); mandibles, antennae, and distal portions of legs tending to be a lighter medium-brown to yellowish-brown.

Comments. This is a widespread and rather common Mesoamerican species that was previously confused with P. championi , although the two are not sister taxa—in fact, UCE data demonstrate that they belong to different complexes within the P. elongatulus group (Fig. 1). Pseudomyrmex cognatus can be recognized by the combination of dark brown coloration of most of the body (mesosoma often lighter but not contrastingly so); densely punctulate-coriarious head; relatively large eyes (worker REL 0.45–0.48, queen REL 0.42–0.46); and weakly developed metanotal groove (in the worker). For distinctions between P. cognatus and P. championi , see under the latter species.

Workers from a single nest collection from Parque Florencia, Sacatepéquez, Guatemala ( PSW 15039) have more widely separated frontal carinae ( MFC 0.065 –0.070; n = 3), shorter eyes ( REL 0.43– 0.45), and a broader and shorter petiole ( PWI 0.56–0.58, PL/HL 0.50–0.53). In the UCE phylogeny this sample is sister to all others of P. cognatus (Fig. 1). We have no other P. cognatus workers from this site, i.e., no sympatric association with more ‘typical’ P. cognatus that would confirm PSW15039 as a distinct species. Hence there is some ambiguity about the status of these divergent individuals. For the moment we treat them as conspecific with P. cognatus , while noting that further study might support their treatment as a different species.

Distribution and Biology. Pseudomyrmex cognatus ranges from Chiapas, Mexico to Nicaragua, and has been recorded from mixed tropical/temperate mesic forest, montane rainforest, montane rainforest edge, oak-pine forest, mixed pine-mesophyll forest, oak cloud forest, roadside, and old field/pasture, at elevations ranging from 1,105 m to 2,000 m (mean 1,507 m; n = 47). Nests have been collected from dead twigs of various woody plants, including Asteraceae , Fabaceae , Orchidaceae , and Pinus ; one was collected from a dead sedge culm.

Chomicki, G., P. S. Ward, and S. Renner. 2015. Macroevolutionary assembly of ant / plant symbioses: Pseudomyrmex ants and their ant-housing plants in the Neotropics. Proc. R. Soc. B. 282: 20152200.

Kempf, W. W. 1961. Estudos sobre Pseudomyrmex. III. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Stud. Entomol. 4: 369 - 408.

Ward, P. S. 2017. A review of the Pseudomyrmex ferrugineus and Pseudomyrmex goeldii species groups: acacia-ants and their relatives (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Zootaxa. 4227: 524 - 542.

Wheeler, W. M., and I. W. Bailey. 1920. The feeding habits of pseudomyrmine and other ants. Trans. Am. Philos. Soc. 22: 235 - 279.

Wheeler, G. C., and J. Wheeler. 1956. The ant larvae of the subfamily Pseudomyrmecinae (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 49: 374 - 398.


Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico


Universidad de Guadalajara,Centro de Estudios en Zoologia, Entomologia


R. M. Bohart Museum of Entomology


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


American Museum of Natural History


El Colegio de la Frontera Sur, Colleccion de Insectos Asociados a Plantas Cultivadas en la Frontera Sur


California State Collection of Arthropods


Florida State Collection of Arthropods, The Museum of Entomology


Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County


Lund University


Sao Paulo, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo


Collecion de Artropodos


Chicago Academy of Sciences


Carnegie Institution of Washington


Lahti City Museum


Michigan State University


Matsushima Fungus Collection











