Pseudomyrmex apache Creighton, 1953

Ward, Philip S. & Branstetter, Michael G., 2022, Species Paraphyly and Social Parasitism: Phylogenomics, Morphology, and Geography Clarify the Evolution of the Pseudomyrmex elongatulus Group (Hymenoptera:, Insect Systematics and Diversity (AIFB) 6 (1), pp. 1-31 : 10-18

publication ID

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Felipe (2022-10-08 22:27:41, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-07 16:45:43)

scientific name

Pseudomyrmex apache Creighton


Pseudomyrmex apache Creighton View in CoL

Figs. 4 and 19

Pseudomyrmex apache Creighton 1953: 134 View in CoL . Syntype workers, queens, males, Brown Canyon, Baboquivari Mtns., Arizona, 4400 ft., 2 Sept 1951, in Quercus oblongifolia (W. S. Creighton) (AMNH, BMNH, LACM, MCZC, MZSP) View in CoL [examined].

Pseudomyrmex apache Creighton View in CoL ; Creighton 1954. Biology and distribution.

Pseudomyrmex apache Creighton View in CoL ; Wheeler and Wheeler 1956: 380. Description of larva.

Pseudomyrmex apache Creighton View in CoL ; Ward 1985. Taxonomy and distribution.

Pseudomyrmex apache Creighton View in CoL ; Ward and Downie 2005: 314 View Cited Treatment , 316. Placement in morphological and molecular phylogenies.

Pseudomyrmex apache Creighton View in CoL ; Chomicki et al. 2015: 4. Placement in molecular phylogeny.


Mexico, Baja California: 10 km W Mexicali (Snelling, R. R.); 10 mi E Bahia San Quintín (Williams, F. X.); 19 mi S Ensenada (Timberlake); 28 km E Ensenada, 750 m (Ward, P. S.); 3.5 mi Arroyo Santo Tomas (Sleeper, E. L.); 5 km S San Quintin (Heydon, S. L.); La Rumorosa, 1,200 m (Ward, P. S.); Mexicali (Snelling, R. R.); Chihuahua: 16 mi W Gral. Trias, 1,770 m (Creighton, W. S.); 23 mi S Parral, 1,675 m (Creighton, W. S.); 3 mi S Encinillas, 1495 m (Creighton, W. S.); 34 mi S Parral, 1,770 m (Creighton, W.S.); 6 mi S Villa Matamoros (Gardner, R. C.; Kovacic, C. R.; Lorenzen, K.); Nogales Ranch, Sierra de en Medio, 1,525 m (Creighton, W. S.); Nogales Ranch, Sierra de en Medio, 1,585 m (Creighton, W. S.); Ojo del Cerro Chilicote (Townsend); Durango: 9 mi E Palmito (Alpert, G.); Villa Ocampo, 1,735 m (Creighton, W. S.); Nuevo León: China, 185 m (Creighton, W. S.); Sonora: 3 mi E Punta Cirios, 60 m (Johnson, R. A.); 30 mi SE Agua Prieta (Roth, V.); 4.8 mi S Cananea (Roth, V.); Nogales (Perkins, R. C. L.); United States, Arizona: Cochise Co. : 13 mi SW Apache (Rozen; Pavreau); 3 km SW Portal, 1,510 m (Ward, P. S.); 3 mi N Paradise, 1,525 m (Creighton, W. S.); 5 mi W Portal (Linsdale, D. D.); 7 km SE Sunnyside, 1670 m (Ward, P. S.); 9.5 km SW Portal, 1,775 m (Ward, P. S.); Carr Canyon, Huachuca Mtns., 1,645 m (Creighton, W. S.); Carr Canyon, Huachuca Mtns., 1,890 m (Obrien, C. W.); Cave Ck. Cyn., Chiricahua Mts., Herb Martyr Dam, 1,768 m (Hespenheide, H. A.); Cave Ck. Cyn., Chiricahua Mts., Sunny Flat, 1,554 m (Hespenheide, H. A.); Cave Creek Ranch, Chiricahua Mtns., 1,525 m (Wallace, G. E.); Cave Creek, Chiricahua Mts., 1,675 m (Kusche, J. A.); Chiricahua Mtns. (Knull, D. J.; Knull, J. N.); Chiricahua Mtns., 6 mi SE Camp Rucker (MacKay, W.); Chiricahua Mtns., Portal, 1,450 m (c.u.); Chiricahua Mtns., SWRS, 8 km W Portal, 1,650 m (Fisher, B. L.); Chiricahua Mtns., Tex Canyon, 14 km W Jct. Rt. 80 on FSR74, 1,615 m (Ward, P. S.); Chiricahua Mtns., Tex Canyon, 8.6 mi W Jct. Rt. 80 on FSR 74, 1615 m (Saux, C.); Chiricahua National Monument Cpgrd., 1,645 m (Creighton, W. S.); Cochise Stronghold, Dragoon [as ‘Dragon’] Mtns. (O’Brien, C. W.); Cochise Stronghold, Dragoon Mtns. , 1,585 m (Creighton, W. S.); Coronado Peak, 2,020 m (Ward, P. S.); Cottonwood Canyon, Peloncillo Mtns., 1,465 m (Creighton, W. S.); Garden Canyon, Huachuca Mtns., 1,770 m (Creighton, W. S.); Garden Canyon, Huachuca Mtns., 1,770 m (Creighton, W. S.); Huachuca Mtns. (c.u.); Huachuca Mtns. [as ‘Huachuca M.’] (Knull, J. N.); Miller Canyon, Huachuca Mtns. (Creighton, W. S.); Paradise, Chiricahua Mts., 1,675 m (Kusche, J. A.); Portal (Alpert, G.); Portal (Raske, A. G.); Portal Mtn. (Nelson, J. W.); Portal, Cave Creek Ranch (Forister, G. W.); Ramsey Canyon [based on coordinates; no locality name cited], 1,700 m (Irwin; et al.); San Simon Rd., 4 mi NNW Portal, 1,400 m (Hespenheide, H. A.); Southwest Research Station, 8 km W Portal, 1,800 m (Alpert, G. D.); Southwestern Research Station, 1,680 m (Ward, P. S.); SW Res. Sta., Portal (Ewart, W. H.); Gila Co. : 18 km NNE Globe, 1,500 m (Ward, P. S.); Globe (Nutting); Jones Water Recr. Area, 17.3 mi N Globe (Schlinger, E. I.); Parker Ranch, Sixshooter Cyn. (Leech, H. B.; Green, J. W.); Graham Co.: Noon Creek, Pinaleña Mtns. (O’Brien, C. W.); Pinaleno Mts. (c.u.); Pinaleno Mts. [as ‘Graham Mts., 3500 to 4500 ft. ’], 1,220 m (Bohart, R. M.); Post Canon, Pinaleno Mtns., 1,675 m (Wheeler, W. M.); La Paz: Colorado R., 1 mi S Ehrenberg (Smith, N. J.); Maricopa Co.: 0.5 mi N Pinnacle Peak, 745 m (Johnson, R. A.); Mohave Co.: Hualapai Mtns., s. of Kingman, 1,450 m (Schlinger, E.); Pima Co. : 3 km ESE Schuchuli (Aalbu, R. L.); Abra Wash, Growler Mtns., OCNM, 395 m (Creighton, W. S.); Alamo Cañon, Ajo Mtns. , 670 m (Creighton, W. S.); Alamo Cañon, Ajo Mtns. , 700 m (Creighton, W. S.); Alamo Cañon, Ajo Mtns. , 760 m (Creighton, W. S.); Alamo Cañon, Ajo Mtns. , 790 m (Creighton, W. S.); Brown Canyon, Baboquivari Mtns., 1,340 m (Creighton, W. S.); Forestry Cabin, Baboquivari Mtns., 1,065 m (Creighton, W. S.); Gates Pass, Tucson Mountain Park, 960 m (Ward, P. S.); Madera Canyon, Santa Rita Mts. , 1,060 m (Schlinger, E. I.); Madera Cyn. (Nelson, G. H.); Organpipe (Melander, A. L.); Organpipe Cactus National Monument (Tinkham, E. R.); Sabino Basin, Sta. Catalina Mts. (c.u.); Sabino Cyn. (Vesterby, V. L.); San Miguel (Algert, E. D.); San Miguel (c.u.); Santa Rita Exp. Range (Rudgers, J. A.) ; Santa Rita Exp. Stn. , nr. Green Valley, 1,360 m (Karban, R.); Sasabe (Oman); Tucson (Dietrich, A.; Dietrich, H.); Tucson (Knull, J.); Pima Co. or Pinal Co.: Santa Catalina Mts. (Crandall, R. H.) ; Sta Catalina Mtns.

Fig. 4–6. Pseudomyrmex elongatulus group, workers, full-face dorsal view of head (a), and lateral profile of body (b). 4, P. apache , syntype, United States ( CASENT0902872 ) ; 5, P. arcanus , holotype, Mexico ( CASENT0863536 ) ; 6, P. championi , Mexico ( CASENT0246349 ). Images from AntWeb ( ; photographers Zach (Ziv) Lieberman (4), Phil Ward (5), Leah Benuska (6).

(Chrisman, M.); Pima Co. or Santa Cruz Co. : Catal Springs (Hubbard; Schwarz); Santa Rita Mtns. (Knull, J.) ; Santa Rita Mts. (Beamer, R. H.) ; Santa Rita Mts. (Bohart, R. M.) ; Santa Rita Mts. (Hubbard; Schwarz); Pinal Co.: 1.5 mi N Oak Flat Cpgrd., 1,235 m (Johnson, R. A.); 5 km NE Superior, 1,320 m (Ward, P. S.); Santa Cruz Co. : Canelo Pass, 1,615 m (Creighton, W. S.); Gooding Research Natural Area, Sycamore Canyon, 1,200 m (Ward, P. S.); Madera Canyon, Santa Rita Mtns. (Creighton, W. S.) ; Madera Cyn., 1,485 m (Kovac, C. R.); Madera Cyn., 1,485 m (Vesterby, V. L.); Madera Cyn. (Gilbert, A. J.; Smith, N. J.); Nogales (Burdine); Nogales (Knull, D. J.; Knull, J. N.); Pajarito Mtns., Sycamore Canyon, 1,220 m (Johnson, R. A.); Patagonia (Timberlake); Patagonia Mts., 2.6 mi W Harshaw (Leech, H. B.; Green, J. W.); Peña Blanca Springs, 1,130 m (Creighton, W. S.); Peña Blanca Springs (Byars, L. F.); Sweetwater, Santa Rita Mtns. , 1,770 m (Creighton, W. S.); Sweetwater, Santa Rita Mtns. , 1,830 m (Creighton, W. S.); Tumacacori Mtns. [as ‘Tumacacori M.’] (Knull, D. J.; Knull, J. N.); Walker Canyon, vic. Pena Blanca (Gilbert, A. J.; Smith, N. J.); Washington Camp [as ‘Camp Washington, Patagonia Mts.’] (c.u.); Yavapai Co.: Montezuma Castle, 977 m (Gadau, J. R.); Yuma Co. : Palm Cañon, Kofa Mtns., 670 m (Creighton, W. S.); Tacna (Hubbard, H. G.); California: Alameda Co.: Cedar Mtn. Rancho, Los Mochos Scout Cmp. (Gagne, W. C.); Butte Co.: 6 km N Feather Falls (town), 600 m (Ward, P. S.); Magalia, 730 m (Ward, P. S.); Colusa Co. : 1 km W Fouts Springs, 600 m (Ward, P. S.); 3 km W Fouts Springs,

Fig. 7–9. Pseudomyrmex elongatulus group, workers and queens, full-face dorsal view of head (a), and lateral profile of body (b). 7, P. cognatus , holotype worker, Mexico ( CASENT0863537 ) ; 8, P. cognatus , dealate queen, Mexico ( CASENT0762787 ) ; 9, P. comitator , holotype queen, Mexico ( JTLC000010310 ). Images from AntWeb ( ; photographer Phil Ward.

1,125 m (Ward, P. S.); 4 mi E Leesville (Levin, D. P.); Contra Costa Co.: 2 km NW Mount Diablo, 650 m (Ward, P. S.); Arroyo del Cerro, Mount Diablo, 375 m (Ward, P. S.); Knobcone Point, Mt. Diablo SP, 550 m (Ward, P. S.); Long Ridge, Mount Diablo State Park, 560 m (Ward, P. S.); El Dorado Co.: 14 km NW Shingle Springs, 340 m (Ward, P. S.); 15 km ENE Georgetown, 960 m (Ward, P. S.); 2 km ENE Georgetown, 880 m (Ward, P. S.); 9 km SW Pilot Hill, 340 m (Ward, P. S.); Fresno Co.: Prather, 470 m (Clark, J.); Glenn Co.: Open Ridge, 4 km N St. John Mountain, 990 m (Ward, P. S.); S end, Black Butte Lake, 150 m (Ward, P. S.); S end, Black Butte Lake, 150 m (Wild, A. L.); Imperial Co. : Andrade (Johnson, B.); El Centro (Paddock); Holtville (Snelling, R. R.); Seeley (Pineda, L.); Winterhaven (c.u.); Winterhaven (Westcott, R. L.); Lake Co.: 14 km ESE Middletown, 240 m (Ward, P. S.); 20 km ESE Lower Lake, 575 m (Fisher, B. L.); 20 km ESE Lower Lake, 575 m (Ward, P. S.); Borax Lake (Westcott, E. L.); Los Angeles Co.: 1.8 km ENE Topanga, 370 m (Ward, P. S.); 3 mi N Mt. Baldy, San Gabriel Mtns., 1,585 m (Weidert, E.); Altadena (c.u.); Eaton Canyon Park (Thompson, M. E.); Foothill, Pasadena (Sturtevant, A. H.); Glendale (Schlinger, E. I.); Griffith Park (Nisson); Los Angeles [as ‘Ls Angls’] (Coquillett); Pasadena (c.u.); Pasadena (Hamsher, C. A.); S. Gabriel Mtns., 7 mi N Mt. Baldy, 1,585 m (Weidert, E.); San Gabriel Canyon (Flock, R. A.); San Pedro (Peterson, D. L.); Sister Elsie Peak (c.u.); SW of Valyermo, San Gabriel Mtns., 1,435 m (Henné, C. A.); Tanbark Flat (Bechtel, R. C.); Tanbark Flat (Bohart, R. M.); Tanbark Flat (Lawrence,T.); Tanbark Flat (MacSwain, J. W.); Tanbark Flat (Williams, F. X.); Los Angeles Co. or San Bernardino Co.: Mtns. near Claremont (Baker); Mariposa Co. : Mariposa (c.u.); Monterey Co.: 15 km SW Jolon, Fort Hunter Liggett

Fig. 10–12. Pseudomyrmex elongatulus group, workers and queens, full-face dorsal view of head (a), lateral profile of body (b), and dorsal view of petiole, postpetiole and gaster (c). 10, P. elongatulus , syntype worker, Mexico ( CASENT0902874 ) ; 11, P. elongatulus , queen, Mexico ( CASENT0762874 ) ; 12, P. ereptor , holotype queen, Mexico ( CASENT0863524 ). Images from AntWeb ( ; photographers Zach (Ziv) Lieberman (10), Phil Ward (11, 12).

MR, 490 m (Ward, P. S.); Hastings Res. (Shelford, V. E.); Indians Rd., Los Padres Natl. Forest, 720 m (Ward, P. S.); Napa Co.: 4 km E summit Mt. St. Helena, 450 m (Ward, P. S.); 5 km W Oakville, 560 m (Ward, P. S.); Bothe-Napa Valley St. Pk., 270 m (Ward, P. S.); Cedar Roughs, 10 km ESE Pope Valley, 610 m (Ward, P. S.); Mt. George, 8 km NE Napa, 320 m (Ward, P. S.); Mt. St. Helena (Buckett, J. S.); Nevada Co.: Empire Mine SHP, 780 m (Ward, P. S.); Orange Co.: Cleveland Nat. For., Chiguto Trail, below Blue Jay, 838 m (Strawn, A. J.); Irvine Park (Brown, K.); Laguna Beach (Culbertson); Limestone Canyon, El Toro Rd., 1.8 mi E Cooks Corner (Suarez, A. V.); Orange (Shanafelt, J. G.); Ortega Hwy, 4.3 mi NE Hwy 5 (Andersen, H.); San Clemente (Melander, A. L.); Santa Ana (McDonald, W.); Starr Ranch, 520 m (Ward, P. S.); Tonner Cyn. (MacKay, W. P.); Trabuco Cyn (Irwin, M. E.); Trabuco east (Eidert, E.); Riverside Co.: 6 mi S Valle Vista, Sec. 9, T.6S, R.1E, 716 m (Pinto, J.; Frommer, S.); Ag Ops citrus orchard, Riverside (c.u.); Blythe (Hardman, R. M.); Blythe (Van Duzee, E. P.); Cactus Spring Trail, between Hwy. 74 & Horsethief Cr., Deep Canyon area (Frommer, S.); Deep Canyon (MacKay, W. P.); Dripping Springs, Agua Tibia Mtns., 455 m (Creighton, W. S.); Hwy. 243, San Jacinto Mts., 915 m (Burnett, J.; Wasbauer, M.); Keen Camp, San Jacinto Mtns. (Shanafelt, J. G.); Palms to Pines Hwy. (Ross, E. S.); Pinyon Flat [as ‘Pinon Flat’], San Jacinto Mts (Macdonald, R. L.); Pinyon Flat [as ‘Pinon Flat’], San Jacinto Mts (Ross, E. S.); Poppet Flats (Clark, G.); Riverside (Clancy, D.); Riverside (Hokke, Z.); Riverside (Schlinger, E. I.); Riverside (Timberlake); Santa Rosa Plat. Res. ( PEET survey); The Gavilan (Timberlake); White Water [as ‘Whitewater’] (Melander, A. L.); Winchester (Icenogle, W.); San Benito Co.: San Benito Mtn., 1,320 m (Ward, P. S.); San Bernardino Co.: 2 mi N Yucaipa (Smith, N.; Smith, E.); Deep Canyon (‘E. D. W.’); Deep Canyon (Niilns, T. W.); Mtn. Home Canyon (Timberlake); nr. Cajon Pass (c.u.); Oak Glenn, 1,065 m (Smith, N.); Yucaipa (Harp, G.; Cronk, W.); Yucaipa (Harper, G.); San Diego Co.: ‘San Diego Co.’ (Van Duzee, E. P.); 5.2 mi NW Ramona, Hwy. 78 (Frommer, S.; et al.); 5.9 mi NE Ramona, Hwy. 78 (Frommer, S.; et al.); 7 mi S Jct. 76 & 395 (Musgrove, C. H.); Campo (c.u.); Chula Vista (Bonita Long), 90 m (Suarez, A. V.); Chula Vista (Terranova), 78 m (Suarez, A. V.); Elliott Reserve, 150 m (Suarez, A. V.); Elliott Reserve, 1 km E Miramar, 180 m (Ward, P. S.); Jacumba (Knull, D. J.; Knull, J. N.); La Jolla (Todd, E. L.); La Mesa (Mathers, R.); no specific locality (c.u. [Cook Colln.]); Pine Hills Lodge, 1,300 m (Wild, A. L.); Point Loma Naval Res. (Hawks; Bruyea); Poway (Sixtus; Bowers); San Diego (Blaisdell, F. E.); San Diego (Van Duzee, E. P.); Scripps Beach, La Jolla (Trepanier, M.); Torrey Pines S.P. (Trepanier, M.); Torrey Pines State Pk. (Faulkner; Brown); Torrey Pines State Reserve, 75 m (Carney, S. E.); Vista (Metcalf, H.); Witch Creek (Rude, P. A.); San Luis Obispo Co.: Cuesta Ridge, San Luis Obispo (Ball; Gilbert); La Panza Cp., 12 mi NE Pozo (Toschi, C. A.); Santa Lucia Range , 2 mi NW Cuesta Pass (Toschi, C. A.); Selby Campground, Carrizo Plain NM, 800 m (Ward, P. S.); San Mateo Co.: Jasper Ridge, 150 m (Ward, P. S.); Santa Barbara Co. : 1 km W Field Stn., Santa Cruz I. , 240 m (Ward, P. S.); Can. del Medio, Santa Cruz I. (Schuster, R. O.; Toftner, E. C.); Cascada, Santa Cruz I. , 110 m (Ward, P. S.); El Tigre Ridge, Santa Cruz I. (Waugaman, R. D.) ; N end Sedgwick Ranch, 610 m (Ward, P. S.); Ranger Peak, Los Padres N.F., 1,110 m (Ward, P. S.); Santa Cruz Island, Upper Maripro (Wetterer, J. K.); Santa Ynez Superstar Ranch (Schlinger, E. I.) ; Sedgwick Ranch, 740 m (Schlinger, E.); Santa Clara Co. : ‘ Santa Clara Co. ’ (c.u.); Shasta Co. : 1 km WNW Lamoine, 630 m (Ward, P. S.); Solano Co.: Cold Canyon, 300 m (Ward, P. S.); Cold Canyon, 420 m (Ward, P. S.); Cold Canyon, 600 m (Ward, P. S.); Cold Canyon, 19 km NNW Vacaville, 120 m (Ward, P. S.); Cold Canyon, 19 km NNW Vacaville, 95 m (Ward, P. S.); G. L. Stebbins Cold Canyon Reserve (French, L. D.); Pleasants Ridge, 18 km NNW Vacaville, 240 m (Ward, P. S.); Sonoma Co. : 2 km ENE Glen Ellen, 150 m (Ward, P. S.); 3 km NW Camp Meeker, 120 m (Ward, P. S.); 8 km NNW Cazadero, 300 m (Ward, P. S.); Annadel State Pk., 360 m (Ward, P. S.); Mt. Hood, 820 m (Ward, P. S.); Sugarloaf Ridge St. Pk., 640 m (Ward, P. S.); Stanislaus Co.: Del Puerto Canyon, 18 km WSW Patterson, 300 m (Ward, P. S.); Sutter Co.: 1 km W North Butte, Sutter Buttes, 200 m (Ward, P. S.); Tehama Co. : 26 km WSW Red Bluff, 240 m (Ward, P. S.); Tulare Co.: 15 km NE Three Rivers, 900 m (Ward, P. S.); 9 mi S Fairview (Rude, P.); Ash Mountain, Kaweah Power Station #3 (Hannel, M.); Ash Mtn., Kaweah Power Sta. #3 (Bezark, L. G.); Ash Mtn., Kaweah Power Sta. #3 (Burdick, D. J.); Ash Mtn., Kaweah Power Sta. #3 (Halstead, J. A.); Ash Mtn., Sequoia Natl. Pk., 915 m (Fitton, M. G.); Ash Mtn., Three Rivers (Haines, R. D.); Horse Creek Rd. (Brawner, O. L.); Strathmore (Snelling, R. R.); Three Rivers (Pierce, D.); Tulare (Snelling, R. R.); Visalia (Mankins, E. O.); Tuolomne Co.: Sonora (Addiego); Ventura Co.: Big Sycamore Cyn., Pt. Mugu St. Park (Nagano, C.); Matilija Crk., T5N, R24W, s. 22, 500 m (Longino, J.); Saticoy (Barrett, R. E.); Yolo Co.: 13 km W Rumsey, 650 m (Fisher, B. L.); 3 km NE Guinda, 410 m (Ward, P. S.); 4 km NW Rumsey, 150 m (Ward, P. S.); 6 km WNW Rumsey, 190 m (Ward, P. S.); Guinda, 150 m (Ward, P. S.); New Mexico: Dona Ana Co.: La Cueva, Organ Mts. (c.u.); Hidalgo Co.: Deer Creek, Diamond A Ranch, 1,500 m (Andersen, A. N.); Texas: Bexar Co.: San Antonio, 230 m (Ward, P. S.); San Antonio (Ward, P. S.); Cameron Co. : Esprza Rch., Brownsville (c.u.); Duval Co.: Freer (Rogers, R. R.); San Diego (c.u.); Goliad Co.: [no specific locality] (Mitchell, J. D.); Hidalgo Co.: Monte Alto, 20 m (Creighton, W. S.); La Salle Co.: Fowlerton, 90 m (Creighton, W. S.); Maverick Co.: El Indio [as ‘El Indigo’] (Bixby, D. H.); Presidio Co.: Arsaca Canyon, Chinati Mtns., 1,465 m (Creighton, W. S.); Big Bend Ranch SP, Las Cruces Amarillas (Ubick, D.); Real Co.: Camp Wood (Ward, C. R.); Starr Co.: [no specific locality] (Knull, D. J.; Knull, J. N.); Travis Co.: Austin, 150 m (Ward, P. S.); Austin (Ward, P. S.); Austin, Zilker Park, Rollingwood Drive, 155 m (Wild, A. L.); Uvalde Co.: [no specific locality] (Knull, D. J.; Knull, J. N.); Uvalde (Bradley, J. C.).

Worker measurements (n = 17). HW 0.88–1.00, HL 1.08–1.21, MFC 0.039 –0.066, LHT 0.77–0.87, CI 0.80–0.84, FCI 0.042 –0.070, REL 0.40–0.44, REL2 0.48–0.53, FI 0.38–0.44, PLI 0.55–0.61, PWI 0.50–0.57, MSC 3–8.

Worker Diagnosis. Medium-sized species ( HW 0.88–1.00) with moderately elongate head ( CI 0.80–0.84) (Fig. 4) and relatively short eyes (see REL and REL2 values); frontal carinae separated by about basal scape width or slightly less; metanotal groove present but weakly impressed; in profile, dorsal face of propodeum almost flat and more or less differentiated from declivitous face, rounding into the latter, and the two faces subequal in length; petiole relatively short and high ( PLI 0.55–0.61, PL/ HL 0.48–0.54), with a slight anterior peduncle; profemur slender; hind leg relatively short ( LHT /HL 0.69–0.73). Head subopaque, densely punctulate-coriarious. Standing pilosity sparse, absent from propodeum and (nearly always) the mesonotum ( MSC 3–8). Uniformly light yellow- to orange-brown, the tip of gaster usually infuscated.

Comments. P. apache is closely related to P. championi , and our UCE phylogeny recovers it nested phylogenetically within that species (Fig. 1). The main distinction between the two taxa rests on body color: workers of P. apache are concolorous yellow- or orangebrown, whereas those of P. championi are bicolored with at least the gaster and hind leg dark brown and contrasting with the lighter orange-brown mesosoma (other body parts are usually dark brown but in some individuals they are concolorous with the mesosoma). The distinction is a slight one, but where the two species are geographically adjacent to one another in Sonora and Chihuahua ( Figs. 19 and 21 View Fig ) the color differences appear to be sustained. For the moment, we treat P. apache as a distinct species, presumably recently derived from P. championi , in a daughter and parent relationship that renders P. championi paraphyletic at most loci. Nevertheless, further study of populations in northwest Mexico is desirable; it might reveal evidence of gene flow between the two taxa. P. apache can also be confused with P. arcanus , a more distantly related species in the P. elongatulus group, whose workers are similarly colored (light yellow- to orange-brown) but have more elongate eyes and a more gently rounded propodeum and petiole (see under P. arcanus for more discussion).

Distribution and Biology. Pseudomyrmex apache occurs widely across the southwestern United States from northern California to east Texas, and south into adjacent northern Mexico ( Fig. 19 View Fig ). This species inhabits a variety of xeric habitats, including chaparral, coastal sage scrub, mesquite scrub, oak woodland, and oakpine-juniper woodland, nesting in dead branches of various woody plants, especially Arctostaphylos , Baccharis , Prosopis , and Quercus . Colonies are polydomous—occupying multiple dead branches within a tree or shrub—and they contain one to several inseminated queens ( Ward 1985). For locality records with elevation, the range is 20 m to 2,020 m (mean 905 m; n = 145). In addition to the examined material listed above, we have seen one old worker labeled as coming from Washington, DC. (24 Aug 1919, leg. B. P. Currie) ( USNM). We judge this to be either mislabeled or representing an accidental introduction.

Chomicki, G., P. S. Ward, and S. Renner. 2015. Macroevolutionary assembly of ant / plant symbioses: Pseudomyrmex ants and their ant-housing plants in the Neotropics. Proc. R. Soc. B. 282: 20152200.

Creighton, W. S. 1953. Pseudomyrmex apache, a new species from the southwestern United States (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Psyche (Cambridge). 59: 131 - 142.

Creighton, W. S. 1954. Additional studies on Pseudomyrmex apache (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Psyche (Cambridge). 61: 9 - 15.

Ward, P. S. 1985. The Nearctic species of the genus Pseudomyrmex (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Quaest. Entomol. 21: 209 - 246.

Ward, P. S., and D. A. Downie. 2005. The ant subfamily Pseudomyrmecinae (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): phylogeny and evolution of big-eyed arboreal ants. Syst. Entomol. 30: 310 - 335.

Wheeler, G. C., and J. Wheeler. 1956. The ant larvae of the subfamily Pseudomyrmecinae (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 49: 374 - 398.

Gallery Image

Fig. 19–26. Pseudomyrmex elongatulus group: distribution maps. 19, P. apache; 20, P. arcanus (circles), P. fasciatus (triangles); 21, P. championi; 22, P. capillatus (triangles), P. cognatus (circles); 23, P. elongatulus (circles), probable introduced populations (stars); 24, P. comitator (square), P. ereptor (triangle), P. exoratus (circles); 25, P.salvini; 26, P. nimbus (circles), P. veracruzensis (triangle).


American Museum of Natural History


Australian National Insect Collection


The Cleveland Museum of Natural History


California State Collection of Arthropods


Cornell University Insect Collection


Essig Museum of Entomology


Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle


Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova 'Giacomo Doria'


Sao Paulo, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo


University of Kansas - Biodiversity Institute


R. M. Bohart Museum of Entomology


University of California, Riverside


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


University of Texas at El Paso Biodiversity Collections


Carnegie Institution of Washington


Lahti City Museum


Michigan State University











