Chespirito ballantyneae, Ferreira & Keller & Branham, 2020

Ferreira, Vinicius S., Keller, Oliver & Branham, Marc A., 2020, Multilocus Phylogeny Support the Nonbioluminescent Firefly Chespirito as a New Subfamily in the Lampyridae (Coleoptera: Elateroidea), Insect Systematics and Diversity (AIFB) 4 (6), No. 2, pp. 1-13 : 8

publication ID 10.1093/isd/ixaa014

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Chespirito ballantyneae

sp. nov.

Chespirito ballantyneae View in CoL new species u r n:l s i d:z o o b a n k.o r g:a c t: F 2F3D F0C -D3 1 5- 4 2F B - 8A 7E - 8BB08F55615D

Figs. 1A View Fig , 2A, 3A View Fig , 4A View Fig , 6A, 6D View Fig , 7 View Fig

Type material (1). Holotype: 1 male: Mexico: Puebla;Puerto del Gato,; 12 Km NW Tehuitzingo; 1220m, 4 July 1992; Charles L. Bellamy/ Repaired with; ethanol soluble; adhesive, 1993/ HOLOTYPE; C. ballantyneae ; new species; Ferreira det. 2020 ( CMNH).

Etymology. This species is named in honor of the Australian firefly researcher Dr. Lesley Ballantyne. Dr. Ballantyne is the current world expert of the subfamily Luciolinae and has spent decades revising the Asian and Australian genera. Gender feminine.

Diagnosis. This species can be separated from its congenerics by the absence of a longitudinal carina ( Fig. 1A View Fig ) (vs presence of a longitudinal carina in other species), by the disc region yellow (vs dark brown in other species) ( Fig. 1A View Fig ) and the unique shape of genitalia as illustrated in Fig. 6A View Fig .

Description. General color dark brown ( Figs. 1A View Fig and 3A View Fig ), pronotal disc, prosternum, legs, and ventrites VII–VIII yellow ( Figs. 1A View Fig , 2A, 3A View Fig ). Head as long as wide ( Fig. 1A View Fig ), integument dorsally smooth, posteriorly partially covered by pronotum. Antennae absent in specimen. Pronotum not constricted medially, anterior angles round, longitudinal carina absent ( Fig. 1A View Fig ). Elytra 3× length of pronotum, moderately dehiscent, basally subparallel ( Figs. 1A View Fig and 3A View Fig ), with two weakly developed elytral costae ( Fig. 1A View Fig ). Scutellum slightly bifurcated posteriorly ( Fig.1A View Fig ). Legs:femora slightly shorter than tibiae ( Fig. 2A). Abdomen with ventrite VII with shallow posterior notch ( Fig. 2A),

ventrite VIII elongate, longer than wide, entire, not notched apically ( Fig. 6D View Fig ). Male genitalia with median lobe stout, fusiform, apically acuminate, in ventral view bearing a strud-like structure, bifurcated APICALLY ( Fig. 6A View Fig ); parameres apically acuminate, acute ( Fig. 6A View Fig ), 1/3 shorter than median lobe; phallobase small, longer than wide, anterior margin deeply v-shaped notched, posteriorly round ( Fig. 6A View Fig ).

Length (exposed portion of head+pronotum+elytra). 2.5 mm. Width (across humerus): 0.5 mm.

Distribution. Mexico, Puebla ( Fig. 7 View Fig ).

Notes. The specimen was damaged in transport and its head and pronotum were lost.


The Cleveland Museum of Natural History













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