Ethmia thomaswitti, Kun, 2004

Kun, A., 2004, A Review Of The Ethmia Lineatonotella Species Group, With Description Of Two New Species (Lepidoptera, Ethmiidae), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 50 (4), pp. 337-351 : 343-347

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12586651

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Ethmia thomaswitti

sp. nov.

Ethmia thomaswitti sp. n.

( Figs 2 View Figs 1–5 , 8–9 View Figs 8–9 )

Holotype: male, “S. Sulawesi (Celebes) Puncak, Palopo , 2.55°S 120.05° E.L. I.1997, 900–1300 m, leg. local collector, coll. Dr. R. Brechlin, Museum Witt”; KUN Slide No. 96. The holotype is deposited in the HNHM, Budapest. GoogleMaps

Paratypes. 46 specimens from: Indonesia: Sulawesi (Celebes): Puncak, Palopo, 2.55S 120.05 E.L. I.1997, 900–1300 m, leg. local collector coll. Dr. R. BRECHLIN; Puncak , Palopo , 900–1300 m, VI.1998, X.1997, leg. local collector; Puncak , 2.59°S 120.00°E, 17 km W Palopo, 10–19.V.1984, leg. A. SCHINTLMEISTER; Goa , Malino , 3600 ft, VI.1938, J. P. A. KALLIS; Dumoga-Bone N. P., Site 11A, Edwards Camp , 664 m, 9.VIII.1985, J. D. HOLLOWAY, R. Ent. Soc. Lond., Project Wallace ; Dumoga-Bone N. P., Clarke Camp , 1140 m, III. 1985, Goa , Lampobattang , Parang-bobo , 5000 ft, V. 1938, J. P. KALIS; G. Muagat, 1780 m, 7–8.XI.1985; G. Mogogonipa summit, 1068 m, 18–20.X. 1985; Puncak, Palopo , 2.55°S, 120.05°E, 1000 m, 13–14,.II., 25–31. I. 1995, leg. SINJAEV & TARA- SOV GoogleMaps . Two male, handwritting, illegible, 1927. Vi. 24, 27. coll. Ch. J. PITARD.

The paratypes are deposited in the Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense, the BMNH, MFN, NHMG and the HNHM.

Slides. Altogether 6 male and 1 female genitalia preparations were made ( KUN Slide Nos 95, 142, 143, 273, 274, 275, 276; BMNH Microlep. Slide No. 29712 ( KUN Slide No. 143), Slide No. 29711 ( KUN Slide No. 142).

Diagnosis. The diagnostic feature of the species is the reduction of the subcostal striae of the fore wing; the comparison of the external and internal features of the members of the E. lineatonotella group is given under the diagnosis of the preceding taxon and in the Table 1.

Description ( Fig. 2 View Figs 1–5 ). Wingspan 42–43 mm. Comparing with the general description of the species group, fore wing overlaid with black markings on yellowish background: one spot at middle of wing. Hind wing yellow, brighter yellow at base; cilia yellow. Male genitalia ( Fig. 8 View Figs 8–9 ) valva wide, bean-shaped, with slight concave curve on distal edge covered with bristles, cucullus with a short, strong, acute, curved process. Labis long, slender (digitiform). The anterior apophyses of the female genitalia are cuneiform, acute ( Fig. 9 View Figs 8–9 ).

Distribution. Indonesia: Sulawesi (Celebes).

Bionomics. The recently collected specimens from Dumoga-Bone National Park were collected in lowland rain forest and lower mountain forest ( O’DONOVAN 1990).

Etymology. The species is dedicated to Mr THOMAS WITT, founder of the Witt Museum, Munich, who has donated large ethmiid material to the Hungarian Natural History Museum.


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)


Goteborgs Naturhistoriska Museet


Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences













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