Ethmia trifida, Kun, 2004

Kun, A., 2004, A Review Of The Ethmia Lineatonotella Species Group, With Description Of Two New Species (Lepidoptera, Ethmiidae), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 50 (4), pp. 337-351 : 340-343

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12586651

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Ethmia trifida

sp. nov.

Ethmia trifida sp. n.

( Figs 1 View Figs 1–5 , 6–7 View Figs 6–7 )

Ethmia palawana sensu DIAKONOFF, 1967, p. 253 View in CoL –254, nec SCHULTZE, 1925

Ethmia palawana sensu ROBINSON et al., 1994, p. 67 View in CoL , nec SCHULTZE, 1925

Ethmia palawana sensu KUN & SZABÓKY, 2000, p. 55 View in CoL , nec SCHULTZE, 1925

Holotype: male, “ Malaysia, Pahang state, Cameron Highlands, Tanah Rata , 21.III.-2.IV.1995, leg. G. Csorba, O. Merkl & I. Szikossy. ” KUN Gen. No. 43. The holotype is deposited in the HNHM.

Paratypes. 61 specimens from the following localities: India: Kerala, 6 km N of Munnar, 1700 m, Kodalar Tea Estate , 10°06’N, 77°04’E, 14–15.IV.1997, leg. SCHINTLMEISTER & SINJAEV GoogleMaps . Burma: Tenasserim , 800 m, 20.IV.1995, leg. STEINKE . Indonesia. Sumatra: 80 km SSW of Medan, Berantagi , 1000 m, 4. VI .1973, leg. E. DIEHL; Siantar, 1200m, 6.IX. 1969, 1050m, 24.VI.1968, 10.XI.1969, leg. E. DIEHL ; Dolok Melangir, 250 m, 6.X. 1969, 180 m, 10.I.1970, IX. 1970 – I.1971, leg. E. DIEHL ; Ksbon Balok, NNW from Medan , 24.XI.1968, leg. DIEHL ; Pasar Manduge, Pematang Siantar , 30.VIII.1979, leg. ERBER ; Prov. S. Borat, Air Sirah, Telephone station , 1200 m, 25 km E of Padong, leg. R . U. ROESLER. Borneo: Kalimantan, Prov. Selatan, 30 km E of Kandangan, 800 m, 15 km NE Loksado , XI.1997, 1–20.XII.1997, I.1998, leg. JÄKL ; Mt. Trus Madi , 1150–1200 m, 1–7.IV.1997, IV.1998, leg. B. & K. MARTINI ; Philippines: Tawi Tawi, Tarawakan, north of Batu Batu , 20.X.1961, Noona, Dan Exp. 61–21. The paratypes are deposited in the collections of SMTK, ZSM, ZMUC and HNHM .

Slides. Altogether 8 male and 4 female genitalia preparations of E. trifida were made by A. KUN Slide Nos 43, 86, 87, 97, 98, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, respectively.

Diagnosis. The new species is closely related to Ethmia lineatonotella , E. palawana , E. thomaswitti sp. n. and to E. galactarcha . At the first sight, E. trifida differs from its close relatives by the presence of three characteristically long parallel striae on the fore wing ( Fig. 1 View Figs 1–5 ). Ethmia lineatonotella has four striae in the ( Fig. 4 View Figs 1–5 ) same area of the fore wing, while E. palawana has only one ( Fig. 3 View Figs 1–5 ); in the case of E. thomaswitti these striae are absent ( Fig. 2 View Figs 1–5 ). The fore wing colour and pattern of E. galactarcha ( Fig. 5 View Figs 1–5 ) show greater differences compared with those of the other species. The hind wing of E. thomaswitti is much brighter yellow than those of all other species of the group.

The basic structure of the male genitalia is homogeneous within the species-group, even in the externally conspicuously different taxa, showing only slight but constant differences in the shape of the labis and sclerotization of the valva (see Figs 6 View Figs 6–7 , 8 View Figs 8–9 , 10 View Figs 10–11 , 12 View Figs 12–13 , 14 View Figs 14–15 ). The labis of E. palawana is not so long and slender as that of E. thomaswitti sp. n. (digitiform) or in E. lineatonotella where the labis is very narrow, rather as in E. trifida . The most interesting and usable character for the separation of the species by their male genitalia is the shape of the valva and the pattern of more and less sclerotised areas between the costal, saccular and cucullar parts of the valva ( Fig 6 View Figs 6–7 ).

The female genitalia of the members of the species-group are very similar (Figs

7, 9, 11, 13, 15), the main differences lie in the shape of the apophyses anteriores.

Description ( Fig. 1 View Figs 1–5 ). Wingspan 42–43 mm. Fore wing ornamented by seven spots at basal part and five additional spots (“apical spots”); three characteristic comparatively long black striae running parallel with costa; one spot at middle of wing. Hind wing black, yellow at base. Valva wide, bean-shaped, with slight concave curve on distal edge covered with bristles, cucullus with a short but strong, acute and curved process ( Fig. 6 View Figs 6–7 ). Labis wide and short. The apophyses anteriores of the female genitalia ( Fig. 7 View Figs 6–7 ) are cuneiform, acute.

Distribution. The species occurs in the southern part of South-East Asia, it is known from: India, Burma, Thailand, Malaysia, Borneo ( Brunei, Sabah), the Philippines, and Indonesia (Sumatra).

Etymology. The specific name refers to the three parallel striae of the fore wing. genitalia, KUN Gen. No. 266

Remarks. Based on the original description of E. palawana where SCHULTZE stated (1925) “in the middle along the subcosta an elongate black streak” (illustrated in a colour plate 1, figure 6), and on the fact that during my study more than 75 specimens were examined and I could not find any specimen originating from Palawan island, and only one from the Philippines (the same specimen which DIAKONOFF figured in his paper from Tawi Tawi with three striae), this circumstance was confirmed that E. palawana was constantly misidentified. The night collectings on several localities and periods of recent years resulted in the capture of E. palawana only from Palawan island (see below).


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)


Mykotektet, National Veterinary Institute


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Bavarian State Collection of Zoology


Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen














Ethmia trifida

Kun, A. 2004

Ethmia palawana sensu KUN & SZABÓKY, 2000 , p. 55

KUN, A. & SZABOKY, CS 2000: 55

Ethmia palawana sensu

ROBINSON, G. S. & TUCK, K. R. & SHAFFER, M. 1994: 67
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