Ethmia galactarcha MEYRICK, 1928

Kun, A., 2004, A Review Of The Ethmia Lineatonotella Species Group, With Description Of Two New Species (Lepidoptera, Ethmiidae), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 50 (4), pp. 337-351 : 347-350

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12586651

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scientific name

Ethmia galactarcha MEYRICK, 1928


Ethmia galactarcha MEYRICK, 1928 View in CoL

( Figs 5 View Figs 1–5 , 14–15 View Figs 14–15 )

Ethmia galactarcha MEYRICK, 1928 , Exotic Microlepidoptera 3: 418. The type locality of the species lies in Java (Tjibodas, Mt. Gede ).

The new data of distribution are as follows: 119 specimens from Indonesia. Sumatra : W., Mt Talang 30 km SW of Solok, 1600 m, Nebelwald , 7–9.XI.1981, leg. SCHINTLMEISTER A. & WIDAGDO; Dairi E, 1830 m, 25.IV.1961, leg Dr. DIEHL. Peureulak, 80 m, 30.VIII,1961, leg. Dr. DIEHL; Flores :

species group

W, Prov. Nusa Tenggara, Timur, Mt. Ranaka (E), 3 km S of Mano, 18 km SE of Ruteng, 1270 m, 17–21.IV.1996, leg. Dr. E. BRECHLIN; Prov. Nusa, Tenggara, Timur, Mt. Ranaka (E), 9 km E of Ruteng, 1140 m, 14–15.IV.1996, leg. Dr. E. BRECHLIN; Prov. Nusa Tenggara, Timur, Rangawattu, Telecom-Stat., 900 m, 33 km E of Labuhanbajo, 12.IV.1996, leg. Dr. E. BRECHLIN; Prov. Nusa Tenggara, Timur, 15 km E of Labuhanbajo, 200 m, 9–12.IV.1996, leg. Dr. E. BRECHLIN; Sumbawa, Prov. Nusa Tenggara, Barat, Mt. Tambora (W), 1020 m, 10 km E Tambora, primary forest, 14–15.III.1996, leg. Dr. E. BRECHLIN. Sulawesi (Celebes): Puncak, Palopo, 900–1300 m, I.1997, VI.1998, leg. local collector. Java: Meru Betiri National Park , 25 km S of Kaliburu village, 300–500 m, V-VI.1996. Bali: 1 km N lake Bulyan, Desa Vanagiri , Pura Tirta , Ketipat , 1340 m, 14–16. I.1999, leg. CERNY . The specimens are deposited in the BMNH, SMTK and HNHM.

Slides. Altogether 3 male and 10 female genitalia preparations were made ( KUN Slide Nos 93, 94, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259) .

Remarks. The species shows slight variability throughout the Indonesian islands. Some specimens from Java are larger in size and the apical spots are reduced to three spots while specimens found in Flores and Sulawesi are smaller having the typical five apical spots.


Acknowledgements – I am grateful to LÁSZLÓ RONKAY and LÁSZLÓ GOZMÁNY (HNHM) for their help and valuable advices and also for the comments on my manuscript received from NIELS P. KRISTENSEN (ZMUC) and JERRY A. POWELL (University of California, Berkeley). I am indebted to KEVIN R. TUCK (BMNH), London, THOMAS WITT (WMM), OLE KARSHOLT (ZMUC), JOËL MINET (NHMP), WOLFRAM MEY (MFN) and BERNARD LANDRY (NHMG) for their kind help and the loan of their interesting Ethmia material from SE Asia. The studies on Ethmiidae in the ZMUC, the NHMP and the SMNH were supported by the European Community – Access to Research Infrastructure Action of the Improving Human Potential Programme (COBICE, COLPARSYST, HIGHLAT).


Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences













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