Drawida sp. 1

Blakemore, Robert J., Lee, Seunghan & Seo, Hong-Yul, 2014, Reports of Drawida (Oligochaeta: Moniligastridae) from far East Asia, Journal of Species Research 3 (2), pp. 127-166 : 153

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Drawida sp. 1


24. Drawida sp. 1 “Gaeun”

Material examined. IV0000249935 mature specimen 80 mm long, undissected, from under Gaeun Bridge, Munkyung, Gyungsanbuk, 6 th April, 2012 collected by RJB; DNA sample WO 21 resampled as w13; and WO 21 vs w13=603/603 (100%).

Remarks. Identified in the field as “ Drawida cf. japonica ”. BLAST analysis indicated <83% for unidentified Megascolecidae , i.e., DNA confirmed but specimen shown no near relationship in Fig. 1 and is quite anomalous. Further work is required.

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