Telamoptilia crux, Sruoga & Prins, 2023

Sruoga, Virginijus & Prins, Jurate De, 2023, New species, new country distribution records, and a new generic combination of Afrotropical Acrocercopinae (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae), Zootaxa 5285 (1), pp. 75-115 : 112-113

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Plazi (2023-05-15 06:13:18, last updated 2024-11-26 05:37:39)

scientific name

Telamoptilia crux

sp. nov.

Telamoptilia crux , sp. nov.

( Figs 25A–E View FIGURE 25 )

Material examined. Holotype: ♀, Kenya, Kakamega Forest , 00°20’N 034°51’E, 1590 m, 15.x.2001, leg. J. De Prins. Gen. prep. VS561, in coll. RBINS. GoogleMaps

Diagnosis. In wing pattern and female genitalia, this species is most similar to Telamoptilia cathedraea ( Meyrick, 1908) known from Asia and Madagascar (for illustrations refer to Kumata et al. 1988b, figs 19; 37G, H; 41G; 44B, 49A; 54C). The main differences are the following: (1) in T. crux first broad fascia of the forewing is triangularlyshaped, it dorsal margin almost twice wider than costal, and outer edge not angulated, in T. cathedraea it is almost parallel-sided and outer margin angulated near dorsum; (2) membranous part of antrum until sclerotized ring in T. crux sp. nov. 2.7 times as long as its width, in T. catherdaea it is 1.2 times as long as its width; (3) corpus bursae in T. crux without internal spines, in T. cathedraea it is with comb-shaped small spines from 1/3 to 3/4 of corps bursa.

Description. Adult ( Figs 25A, B View FIGURE 25 ). Forewing length: 3.6 mm.

Head: Frons and vertex snowy white. Labial palpus slightly more than twice as long as width of head, weakly upcurved, snowy white, second palpomere with some brownish scales latero-apically. Maxillary palpus straight, 0.5 as long as width of head, white with third palpomere greyish brown. Antenna as long as forewing, scape white, with very weak brownish tinge and with small flap of scales below, pedicel dark grey; first flagellomere white, remaining flagellum weakly annulated by darker scales, fuscous above, underside greyish white in basal 1/3.

Thorax: White, with light ochreous brown anterior margin; tegulae same. Forewing ochreous brown with whitish base and two transverse white fasciae slightly tapering towards costa; beyond second fascia at 2/3 of costa an oblique white strigula; white spot present on dorsal margin obliquely opposite costal strigula; subapical white spot at 4/5 of forewing, apex ochreous brown, fringe pale fuscous; all white marks of forewing edged by 1–2 rows of dark brown scales on both sides. Hindwing pale brownish grey, its fringe scales somewhat paler. Fore femur dark brownish grey, fore tibia dark brownish grey; tarsomeres I–III white with brownish grey apical patches, tarsomeres IV–V brownish white; mid femur dark brownish grey with two white patches in apical part, mid tibia white with dark brownish grey basal and apical patches, tarsomeres I–III white with medial brown-grey patches, tarsomeres IV–V brownish white; hind femur white with dark brownish grey basal and subapical patches, hind tibia brownish grey with white subbasal and apical patches, tarsomeres I white with brownish grey basal and apical patches, tarsomeres II–IV white with brownish grey apical patches, tarsomere V brownish white.

Abdomen: Pale brownish grey dorsally and white ventrally, segments with brownish grey posterior margins.

Male. Unknown.

Female genitalia ( Figs 25C–E View FIGURE 25 ). Papillae anales rather short, obliquely transverse in lateral view. Apophysis posterioris 1.3 as long as apophysis anterioris, straight. Ostium simple, membranous, located near anterior margin of sternum VIII; membranous posterior part of antrum wide, as long as apophysis posterioris, with few longitudinal folds; antrum with two strongly sclerotized short irregular plates proximally; ductus bursae gradually widening towards corpus bursae, 4 times as long as apophysis anterioris, with tiny internal spines in caudal part of ductus; corpus bursae without internal spines, signum 2.5 times longer than apophysis anterioris, cruciform, consisting of slightly curved, strongly sclerotized rod, with pair of processes projecting midway along rod; short piece of sclerite jointed with signum at caudal end ( Fig. 25D View FIGURE 25 ).

Host plant(s). Unknown.

Flight period. The only known specimen was captured at mid-October.

Distribution. Known only from the type locality.

Etymology. The species name is derived from the Latin ‘ crux ’ (cross) in reference to the cruciform shape of the signum.

Remarks. The forewings of the holotype are somewhat abraded, therefore the description is approximate.

Kumata, T., Kuroko, H. & Ermolaev, V. P. (1988 b) Japanese species of the Acrocercops-group (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae). Part II. Insecta Matsumurana, 40, 1 - 133.

Meyrick, E. (1908) Descriptions of Indian Micro-Lepidoptera. VIII. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 18 (4), 806 - 832.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 25. Telamoptilia crux, holotype, female. A, adult, scale bar 1 mm; B, head, frontal view; C, caudal part of genitalia; D, corpus bursae; C, antrum and caudal part of ductus bursae, gen. prep. VS561. Scale bar 0.1 mm.


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