Rhyncaphytoptus mandshuricae, Xue & Li, 2020

Xue, Xiao-Feng & Li, Ni, 2020, Two new species of diptilomiopid mites (Acari: Eriophyoidea) from China, Zootaxa 4896 (4), pp. 560-570 : 565-567

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scientific name

Rhyncaphytoptus mandshuricae

sp. nov.

Rhyncaphytoptus mandshuricae sp. nov.

( Figs 3–4 View FIGURE 3 View FIGURE 4 )

Description. Female (n = 8): Body fusiform, 229 (201–229), 75 (66–75) wide, 68 (66–68) thick; light yellow in colour. Gnathosoma 40 (35–40), projecting downwards, cheliceral stylets 42 (36–42), pedipalp coxal seta (ep) 5 (4–5), dorsal pedipalp genual setae (d) 15 (13–15). Prodorsal shield 60 (55–60), 65 (59–65) wide including the frontal lobe, two short admedian lines concaved at center and present at center of shield; scapular tubercles near rear shield margin, 24 (24–26) apart, scapular setae (sc) 8 (7–8). Coxigenital region with 6 (6–7) smooth semiannuli between coxae and genitalia; coxal plates with many granules; anterolateral setae on coxisternum І (1b) 15 (12–15), 15 (14–15) apart; proximal setae on coxisternum І (1a) 17 (16–17), 9* apart; proximal setae on coxisternum ІІ (2a) 30 (26–30), 31 (29–31) apart. Prosternal apodeme 4 (4–5). Leg І 35 (34–35), femur 11 (10–11), basiventral femo-ral setae (bv) 17 (15–17); genu 5*, antaxial genual setae (l’’) 33 (32–36); tibia 8 (7–8), paraxial tibial setae l’ 18 (17–18), located at basal 2/3; tarsus 8 (7–8), paraxial fastigial tarsal setae ft’ 26 (24–26), antaxial fastigial tarsal setae ft’’ 30 (27–30); seta u’ 10 (8–10), tarsal empodium (em) 9 (8–9), simple, 6-rayed, tarsal solenidion (ω) 9 (9–10), tapered. Leg ІІ 32 (32–33), femur 10*, basiventral femoral setae (bv) 11 (10–11); genu 5*, antaxial genual setae (l’’) 18 (15–18); tibia 6*; tarsus 6*, setae ft’ 14 (12–15), setae ft’’ 25 (24–26); seta u’ 8 (8–9), tarsal empodium (em) 7 (7–8), simple, 6-rayed, tarsal solenidion (ω) 8 (8–9), tapered. Opisthosoma dorsally with 83 (81–83) semiannuli, smooth at center while with granules laterally, ventrally with 95 (93–95) semiannuli, with elliptical to linear microtubercles. Setae c2 45 (45–50) on ventral semiannulus 14 (13–14), 55 (55–57) apart; setae d 42 (40–44) on ventral semiannulus 30 (29–30), 37 (33–37) apart; setae e 33 (33–35) on ventral semiannulus 52 (52–55), 23 (22–23) apart; setae f 35 (32–35), 19 (18–19) apart, on 9th ventral semiannulus from rear. Setae h1 5 (4–5), h2 45 (40–45). Female genitalia 17 (16–17), 25 (25–27) wide, coverflap with four transverse line at base, setae 3a 25 (21–25), 18 (16–18) apart. Internal genitalia: spermathecae ovoid, oriented posterolaterad; spermathecal tubes relatively short; transverse genital apodeme trapezoidal.

Male: Not found.

Type material. Holotype, female (slide number NJAU-SC 8.1; marked Holotype), found on Manchurian ash, Fraxinus mandshurica Rupr. ( Oleaceae ), Hongkou, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, 31°5′29″N, 103°36′53″E, elevation 1040 m, 17 September 2018, coll. Xiao-Feng Xue,=deposited as a slide-mounted specimen in NJAU. Paratypes, 7 females (slide number NJAU- SC8.2–NJAU- SC 8.8; marked Paratypes), from Fraxinus mandshurica Rupr. (Oleaceae) , same details as holotype, deposited as slide-mounted specimens in NJAU.

Relation to the plant host. Vagrant on lower leaf surface. No apparent damage to the host plant was observed.

Etymology. The specific designation mandshuricae is from the species name of host plant, mandshurica ; masculine in gender.

Differential diagnosis. The new species is differentiated from Rhyncaphytoptus acutifoliae Song, Xue & Hong, 2009 by coxal plates with granules (coxal plates smooth in R. acutifoliae ), female genital coverflap with ridges (female genital coverflap smooth in R. acutifoliae ), and scapular setae (sc) 8μm (scapular setae 35μm in R. acutifoliae ).


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