Scolytocis novaezelandiae Lopes-Andrade, 2008

Lopes-Andrade, Cristiano, 2008, An essay on the tribe Xylographellini (Coleoptera: Tenebrionoidea: Ciidae), Zootaxa 1832 (1), pp. 1-110 : 33-34

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scientific name

Scolytocis novaezelandiae Lopes-Andrade

sp. nov.

Scolytocis novaezelandiae Lopes-Andrade sp. nov. ( Figs 105–107 View FIGURES 105–107 , 121 View FIGURES 120–122 , 126B View FIGURES 126–127 , 128B View FIGURES 128–129 , 135 View FIGURE 135 )

Etymology The specific epithet refers to New Zealand, terra typica of this species.


The species belongs to the werneri species-group, and so is distinguishable from the other Scolytocis by the combination of a rugose border along the posterior pronotal margin and a concave prosternum. It lacks the long metaventrite discrimen of Scol. werneri sp. nov. and has a broader rugose border along the posterior pronotal margin. Besides the species in this group, the other Scolytocis with such rugose border all have a biconcave prosternum with a narrow longitudinal carina at midline (the danielssoni group).


Holotype. ( Figs 105–107 View FIGURES 105–107 ) Measurements in mm: TL 1.21; PL 0.42; PW 0.53; EL 0.74; EW 0.58; GD 0.53. Ratios: PL/PW 0.80; EL/EW 1.27; EL/PL 1.75; GD/EW 0.91; TL/EW 2.09. Body dark brown; antennae and mouthparts yellowish brown; legs reddish brown. Head with coarse, sparse, shallow punctation; interstice between punctures inconspicuously microreticulate, shiny. Each antenna ( Fig. 126B View FIGURES 126–127 ) with nine antennomeres (FL 0.083mm; CL 0.133mm; CL/FL 1.61); length of the antennomeres (in mm) as follows: 0.088; 0.038; 0.038; 0.015; 0.015; 0.015; 0.038; 0.038; 0.058. Eyes with greatest width 1.0X the basal width of scutellum. Pronotum with coarse, shallow, confuse punctation; punctures irregular, separated by a distance of one to three puncture widths; interstice between punctures microreticulate, being much more conspicuous near the lateral margin; anterolateral margins slightly arched inwards; posterolateral angles broadly rounded; posterior margin bearing a conspicuous rugose border along it. Scutellum impunctate, rugose; basal width 0.16X the EW. Elytra with confuse punctation, coarser and denser than that of pronotum; interstice between puncture finely microreticulate near the anterior margin, then getting rugose posteriorly; elytral apex truncate, declivity conspicuously concave and bearing very small cuticular globules. Each hindwing ( Fig. 121 View FIGURES 120–122 ) with apical area without conspicuous pigmented lines. Prosternum concave, without longitudinal carina at midline; surface regularly granulose. Metaventrite glabrous, regularly granulose; discrimen one-sixth the length of the metaventrite at midline. Abdominal ventrites glabrous, regularly granulose. Each metatibia ( Fig. 128B View FIGURES 128–129 ) near 3.25X as long as broad; outer apical and outer lateral edges forming an obtuse angle that is broadly rounded; outer edge with spines (around 15) regularly distributed at apical two-thirds. Male genitalia. Unknown.

Type series

Holotype. (ANIC) New Zealand: / New Zealand: ND: Waipoua SF, Wairau Summit 387m 11-14 iv.1980 podocarp-mixed broadleaf A. Newton, M. Thayer/ Ganoderma sp. / Scolytocis novaezelandiae Lopes- Andrade HOLOTYPUS [printed on red paper]/. Paratypes. New Zealand: 1 specimen, same data as holotype (ANIC); 1 specimen (LAPC) / New Zealand, CL Kirikiri Saddle, 835m Coromandel Range 1 Feb. 1986 J. F. Lawrence / J. F. Lawrence Lot Ganoderma sp. /. The paratypes with an additional label / Scolytocis novaezelandiae Lopes-Andrade PARATYPUS [printed on yellow paper]/.


Measurements in mm (n = 3, including the holotype): TL 1.16–1.26 (1.21 ± 0.05); PL 0.42–0.47 (0.44 ± 0.03); PW 0.47–0.58 (0.53 ± 0.05); EL 0.68–0.79 (0.74 ± 0.05); EW 0.53–0.63 (0.58 ± 0.05); GD 0.47–0.58 (0.53 ± 0.05). Ratios: PL/PW 0.80–0.89 (0.84 ± 0.05); EL/EW 1.25–1.30 (1.27 ± 0.03); EL/PL 1.63–1.75 (1.68 ± 0.06); GD/EW 0.90–0.92 (0.91 ± 0.01); TL/EW 2.00–2.20 (2.10 ± 0.10).

Distribution Known only from New Zealand ( Fig. 135 View FIGURE 135 ).

Host fungi Ganoderma sp. (Ganodermataceae) .

Comments This species was cited by Leschen et al. (2003) as Scolytocis sp.













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