Daimachus exemplificatus Distant, 1916

Viraktamath, C. A. & Webb, M. D., 2019, Revision of the Ulopinae leafhoppers (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) of the Indian subcontinent, I. Ulopini genera: Daimachus, Radhades and Ulopsina, Zootaxa 4613 (3), pp. 557-577 : 560

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https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.4613.3.8

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scientific name

Daimachus exemplificatus Distant


Daimachus exemplificatus Distant View in CoL

Figs 1 View FIGURES 1 A–F, 3I, 4A, E–H, 6A–H.

Daimachus exemplificatus Distant 1916: 225 View in CoL –226, fig. 164.

Ulopa brunnea Pruthi 1930: 5 –6, Text fig. 2–4, Pl. I, figs 1, 1a; Datta 1988: 51 –52, figs 87–90. syn. nov.

Colouration and structure as in generic description. Mesonotum medially raised and ridge-like. Forewing 2.3–2.6x as long as wide. Hind wings absent.

Male genitalia. Pygofer with dorsal margin declivous posteriorly, posterior margin strongly bilobed with dorsal lobe more rounded, tergum deeply U-shaped. Subgenital plate broad basally, with basal transverse suture, narrowed posteriorly with apex acutely rounded, depressed and held in horizontal plane. Style with apex of apophysis with mesal angular projection and lateral somewhat truncate lobe. Connective with stem and arms subequal, anteromedial lobe absent. Aedeagus with shaft of uniform width in basal 0.33, with triangular projection on ventral margin at about midlength, dorsally upturned and narrowed, shaft beyond gonopore narrowed with hooked apex. Segment X with sternite projected both anteriorly and posteriorly, apex of shaft usually not resting in tubular ventral process of segment X.

Female genitalia. Sternite VII with posterior margin broadly angularly excavated ( Fig. 4A View FIGURES 4 ). Valvula II with prominent well-spaced teeth in proximal half and decreasing in size distally ( Figs 4G, H View FIGURES 4 ).

Mesurements. Male 3.2–3.6 mm long, 1.1–1.2 mm wide across eyes and 0.9–1.1 mm wide across posterolateral angles of pronotum. Female 3.4–3.6 mm long, 1.2–1.3 mm wide across eyes and 1.0– 1.1 mm wide across posterolateral angles of pronotum.

Material examined. Type material examined: INDIA: Karnataka: Lectotype ♀ Daimachus exemplificatus (here designated), “Nandidrug, S. India, T. V. Campbell” “ Daimachus exemplificatus Dist. Type” (BMNH); Madhya Pradesh: Lectotype ♂ Ulopa brunnea (here designated), “Narrasinghpur, 1300ft, Central Provinces, 11–14.xii.27, H. S. Pruthi” “ Holotype, figured” “ Ulopa brunnea det. H. S. Pruthi” “493/H7” (ZSI); paralectotypes of Ulopa brunnea Pruthi , 1♀, same label data as lectotype except “ Holotype ♀ ”, “494/H7; 1♂, 3♀, same label data as lec- totype except the following accession numbers: 1 ♂ 499/H7, 3 ♀ 495/H7, 497/H7, 498/H7 (ZSI). Other material examined: INDIA: Karnataka: Dharwad: 3 ♂, 5 ♀, 30.viii.1978, 6 ♂, 10 nymphs, 20 vii.1972, 1 ♂, 21.v.1972, 1 nymph, 25.vii.1972; Bangalore, 4 ♂, 22.iv.1974. 2 ♂, 23.iv.1976. all collected by C. A. Viraktamath; 4 ♂, B. Mal- lik, 3 ♂, 20–22.viii.2005, 1 ♂, 6.x.2005 both Shobharani, M.; 1♂, 30.xii.2002, M. K. Sindhu; 1 ♂, Hessarghatta. 10.vi.2012, Yeshwanth, H. M. (UASB); 2 ♂, Chikkaballapura, Skandagiri Hills, 13 o 25.273’ N, 77 o 41.218’ E, 1288m, 27.vii.2011, Yeshwanth, H.M., 1♀, Nandi Hills, 3.ix.2005, Shobharani, M., 3 ♂, 3 ♀, Haveri: Ranebennur 14 o 36.87’ N, 75 o 37.628 E, 957m, 27.x.2010, Yeshwanth; 1 ♂, Sidlaghatta: Melur lake, 29.iv.2010, S. Murthy; 1 ♂ Gulbarga, 454m, 6.ix.1980, ARV Kumar; 2 ♂, 2 ♀, 20–45 Km, N Raichur, 4.xi.1985, S. Viraktamath; Kerala: 2 ♂, Calicut, 104 m, 24.viii.2009, Veenakumari (NBAIR, UASB).

Remarks. This species was described from an unknown number of specimens (syntypic) from “South India; Nandidrug (T.V. Campbell))”; there is one syntype of D. exemplificatus in the BMNH which is designated as lectotype. Ulopa brunnea was described from “ Holotypes [syntypes]. No. 493-494/H7, Ind. Mus., Calcutta, “Type-locality. Narsinghpur (1,300 ft), Central Provinces; 11-14-xii-27 (H.S. Pruthi). Numerous specimens of both sexes”; there are six syntypes in the ZSI of which one is selected as lectotype (see above). This is a very variable species as far as the colour is concerned and also very widely distributed in the states of Karnataka, Kerala and Madhya Pradesh. The synonymy of U. brunnea and D. exemplificatus is based on the study of type series of the former and the holotype female of the latter and also an associated male from the type locality (Skandagiri, Nandi Hills). This species differs from the other species of Daimachus in the shape of the male pygofer, distally tapered and hooked apex of the aedeagal shaft, and from D. matheranensis in having much longer crown and from D. robustus in having longer elytra (see key). This is the only species having larger teeth in the proximal half of female valvula II among the species of Daimachus .


















Daimachus exemplificatus Distant

Viraktamath, C. A. & Webb, M. D. 2019

Ulopa brunnea

Datta, B. 1988: 51
Pruthi, H. S. 1930: 5

Daimachus exemplificatus Distant 1916 : 225

Distant, W. L. 1916: 225
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