Cyanus sect. Protocyanus (Dobroczajeva, 1949) Olšavská, 2013

Negaresh, Kazem, 2020, Cyanus uysalii (Asteraceae, Cardueae), a new combination for the flora of Turkey, Phytotaxa 440 (3), pp. 245-248 : 246

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Cyanus sect. Protocyanus


Key to species of Cyanus sect. Protocyanus in Turkey

1. Flowering stem lateral at base of a rosette, usually arising from base of rosette ...............................................................................2

- Flowering stem terminal out of centre of rosette, never arising from base of rosette........................................................................8

2. Capitula large, 18–25 × 15–25 mm; cilia of appendages 3–4 mm long................................................................. C. cheiranthifolius

- Capitula smaller, 10–17 × 6–13(–15) mm; cilia of appendages 1–2.5(–3) mm long.........................................................................3

3. Rosettes leaves usually with broadly lanceolate to oval or suborbicular terminal segment ......................................... C. reuterianus

- Rosettes leaves usually with linear-lanceolate or lanceolate terminal segment .................................................................................4

4. Basal and lower cauline leaves pinnatifid to pinnatipartite, with 3–5 pairs of linear-lanceolate or lanceolate and entire or pinnatifid segments ........................................................................................................................................................................... C. lanigerus

- Basal and lower cauline leaves undivided or lyrate, with 3(–4) pairs of lateral lobes or teeth..........................................................5

5. Plant often with underground stolons, without thickened roots, stems ascending to decumbent ......................................................6

- Plant without stolons, with thickened roots, stems erect or ascending ..............................................................................................7

6. Rosette leaves generally pinnatipartite, with 1–5 pairs of lateral segments; peripheral florets blackish-violet or yellowish-white, 20–21 mm long; median appendages 7–10 × 2.5–3 mm; achenes 3.6–3.9 mm long........................................................... C. uysalii

- Rosette leaves entire or lyrate, with l–2(–3) pairs of short lateral lobes or teeth; peripheral florets blue, 23–30 mm long; median appendages 10–14 × 3.5–5 mm; achenes 4–5 mm long...................................................................................................... C. pichleri

7. Stem 9–21.5 cm length; involucres 12–14 × 6–10 mm; flowers violet.......................................................................... C. raimondoi

- Stem 3–10 cm length; involucres 15–17 × 10–13 mm; flowers violet to rose-purple or yellowish-white ....................... C. bourgaei

8. Appendages with a wide scarious margin, black or dark brown; cilia dark brown to blackish ................................. C. nigrifimbrius

- Appendages with a narrow scarious margin, light to dark brown; cilia whitish ................................................................................9

9. Plant with thickened roots ................................................................................................................................................................10

- Plant without thickened roots ...........................................................................................................................................................11

10. Involucres 11–15 × 8–11 mm; cilia 0.9–1.1 mm long; flowers violet-purple................................................................. C. eflanensis

Involucres 16–20 × 10–15 mm; cilia 2–3 mm long; flowers usually whitish....................................................................... C. thirkei

11. All leaves undivided .........................................................................................................................................................................12

- Basal and lower cauline leaves divided............................................................................................................................................13

12. Stem 12–14 cm length; involucres subcylindrical, 15–16 × 7(–8) mm; width of scarious margin of appendages 0.2–0.5 mm; cilia 1.3–1.5 mm long; central florets few, 10–15 in each capitulum ..................................................................... C. germanicopolitanus

- Stem 10–60 cm length; involucres ovoid, 15–22 × 8–15(–20) mm; width of scarious margin of appendages 0.5–1.5 mm; cilia 1.5–3.5 mm long; central florets numerous, more than 15 in each capitulum ................................................................ C. triumfettii

13. Stem erect, simple or with 1–2 branches; lower and median cauline leaves linear-lanceolate in outline, pinnatifid to pinnatipartite, with (1–)2–3 pairs of distant linear lobes; pappus 1–2 mm long .............................................................................. C. mathiolifolius

- Stem ascending, mostly with several branches as long as stem; lower and median cauline leaves lanceolate or spathulate in outline, pinnatilobate to lyrate, with 2–5 pairs of lobes or repand-dentate or partly entire; pappus 0.5–1 mm long.................. C. woronowii

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