Discretella aff. discreta ( Müller, 1956 )

Leu, Marc, Bucher, Hugo, Vennemann, Torsten, Bagherpour, Borhan, Ji, Cheng, Brosse, Morgane & Goudemand, Nicolas, 2022, A Unitary Association-based conodont biozonation of the Smithian-Spathian boundary (Early Triassic) and associated biotic crisis from South China, Swiss Journal of Palaeontology (19) 141 (1), pp. 1-61 : 45

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1186/s13358-022-00259-x



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scientific name

Discretella aff. discreta ( Müller, 1956 )


Discretella aff. discreta ( Müller, 1956)

Figs. 15B, J View Fig ; 16C View Fig ?.

1989 Neospathodus bransoni (Müller) ; Tang, p. 417, pl. 29, fig. 10.

2009 Guangxidella ? sp. A; Orchard & Zonneveld, p. 780, fig. 14, parts 33, 34.

2013 Discretella discreta (Müller) ; Yan et al., p. 516, fig. 6W.

Number of specimens:>15

Diagnosis. Segminate P 1 element with rounded, upturned basal cavity at the posteriormost part. Large conspicuous cusp above basal cavity. Discrete, smaller upright denticles in the anterior part.

Description. Tese P 1 elements have markedly discrete denticles and a large cusp. Te lower margin is straight in the anterior and upturned at the posterior part. Te basal cavity is drop-shaped, being rounded at the posterior edge and tapered at the anterior end. Te cusp is relatively large and reclined. A small, accessory, posterior denticle is occasionally present.

Remarks. In comparison to Discretella discreta , this species has a rounded posterior margin of the basal cavity, more discrete denticles and the cusp is relatively larger and often recurved. In lateral view, the lower margin is upturned as in morphotype B of Discretella discreta (Maekawa & Igo, in Shigeta et al., 2014).

Occurrence. Luolou formation, Owenites beds Smithian age, Shanggang road cut, Guangxi, South China.

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