Chactidae, Pocock, 1893

Soleglad, Michael E. & Fet, Victor, 2003, High-level systematics and phylogeny of the extant scorpions (Scorpiones: Orthosterni), Euscorpius 2003 (11), pp. 1-175 : 95

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Chactidae View in CoL

1. Major neobothriotaxy, type Ch1; patella external trichobothrial series esb 1 –esb 2 and em 1 –em 2 situated on proximal aspect, distance between esb 1 and esb 2 is small, approximating distance between em 1 and em 2.… (Subfamily Chactinae ) …………. 2

Orthobothriotaxic or exhibiting major neobothriotaxy types Ch2 or Ch3; patella external trichobothrial series esb 1 and em 1 –em 2 situated on midsegment, distance between esb 1 and esb 2 is much greater than distance between em 1 and em 2 ……………………….. 3

2. Patellar trichobothria ventral series with five (5) trichobothria and external series est with three (3) trichobothria; chelal ventroexternal (V1) carina extends to external finger condyle; ventral edge of cheliceral movable finger is smooth ……….……. Tribe Chactini

Patellar trichobothria ventral series with six (6) trichobothria and external series est with four (4) trichobothria; chelal ventroexternal (V1) carina does not meet external finger condyle, curving internally on distal aspect; ventral edge of cheliceral movable finger is dentated distally …………………….. Tribe Nullibrotheini

3. Ventral surface of leg tarsus predominantly equipped with lateral paired setae, ventral median row of spinules essentially obsolete; ventral surface of cheliceral movable finger smooth; dorsal and ventral patellar spurs (DPS and VPS) underdeveloped or obsolete; chelal ventroexternal (V1) carina extends to external finger condyle …..… (Subfamily Brotheinae ) ……………… 4

Ventral surface of leg tarsus equipped with ventral median row of spinules and lateral paired setae; ventral surface of cheliceral movable finger with dentition, basally or on entire edge; DPS and/or VPS well-developed; chelal ventroexternal (V1) carina does not meet external finger condyle, curving internally on distal aspect ………………. Subfamily Uroctoninae

4. Major neobothriotaxy, type Ch 2; chelal trichobothria series Db and Dt found on mid-segment to distal aspects of palm, distance between Db and Dt at least one-half the length of palm ……. (Tribe Brotheini ) ……………….. 5

Orthobothriotaxic; chelal trichobothria series Db and Dt found on extreme proximal aspect of palm, distance between Db and Dt considerably less than one-third length of palm …… Tribe Belisariini

5. Chelal fixed finger trichobothrial series eb–et found on proximal two-thirds of finger; est–esb–eb juncture angles away from finger edge, eb situated quite close to articular member of movable finger, esb situated more toward dorsal aspect; chelal trichobothria Et 3 –Et 5 situated on distal-middle aspect of palm, Et 5 not on fixed finger; chelal trichobothrial series Db–Dt situated on proximal to midsegment of palm, Db situated proximally on palm ………. Subtribe Neochactina

Chelal fixed finger trichobothrial series eb–et found on distal two-thirds of finger; est–esb–eb juncture angles toward finger edge, eb removed from articular member of movable finger, esb situated more toward finger edge; chelal trichobothria Et 3 – Et 5 situated on distal-dorsal aspect of palm, Et 5 situated on or at base of fixed finger; chelal trichobothrial series Db–Dt situated on midsegment to distal aspect of palm, Db situated proximal to midsegment on palm ………. Subtribe Brotheina











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