Telaepolella, Lahr & Anderson & Kubik & Grant & Gant & Katz, 2012

Lahr, Daniel J. G., Anderson, O. Roger, Kubik, Gabriela M., Grant, Jessica, Gant, Anastasia L. & Katz, Laura A., 2012, Morphological Description of Telaepolella tubasferens n. g. n. sp., Isolate ATCC © 50593 ™, a Filose Amoeba in the Gracilipodida, Amoebozoa, Acta Protozoologica 51 (4), pp. 305-318 : 317

publication ID 10.4467/16890027AP.12.024.0784

persistent identifier

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scientific name


gen. nov.

Telaepolella View in CoL n. g.

Diagnosis: Multi-nucleated freshwater naked amoeba with fine, sometimes branching pseudopodia and rapid cytoplasmic movement. Fan-shaped hyaloplasm with shorter pseudopodia and thinner, longer trailing pseudopodia during locomotion. Trumpet-shaped microtubular structures of unknown function distributed at varying angles throughout the cytoplasm, and particularly near the periphery. Produces hyaline cysts.

Etymology: Telaepolella in reference to the dynamically moving cytoplasm, which resembles the busy network of roads in large cities Gr. Telae – net, polis – city, plus the diminutive feminine suffix ella.

Type-species: Telaepolella tubasferens .

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