Zercon kastamonuensis, Urhan & Abstract, 2019

Urhan, Raşit & Abstract, Mehmet Karaca, 2019, A new species of the genus Zercon (Acari, Mesostigmata, Zerconidae) from Kastamonu, Turkey, Acarological Studies 1 (1), pp. 3-10 : 3-4

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.13269774

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scientific name

Zercon kastamonuensis

sp. nov.

Zercon kastamonuensis sp. nov. ( Figs 1 View Figure 1 , 2 View Figure 2 )

Material: Holotype (♀). Kastamonu, Turkey, (41° 24' 53.77'' N, 33° 46' 02.45'' E), 875 m a.s.l., 21. VI.2018, collected by R. Urhan & M. Karaca. Samples of litter and soil underlying Pinus nigra and Juniperus sp. – Paratypes: 2 ♀♀, same data as holotype.

Diagnosis. Anterior margin of the ventrianal shield with 2 setae. Dorsal cavities general size and appearance, saddle-like, well sclerotized, and axes parallel to that of the body. On podonotum, setae j1 feathered or finely barbed and r4–r6 pilose. All the remaining setae on podonotum (j2-j6, z1, z2, s1-s6 and r1-r3) are short, smooth, and needle-like. On opisthonotum, setae J1, J2, Z1, Z2, and S1-3 similar in appearance, all of them short, smooth, and needle-like. Setae J3, Z3, Z5, and R 1-3 pilose without hyaline ending. Setae J3 not reaching the base of setae J4. Setae J4 and J5 short and barbed with hyaline ending. Setae J4 not reaching the base of setae J5. Setae J6, Z4, and S4 similar in appearance and length, all of them elongated, finely barbed, with hyaline ending. Setae Z3 not reaching the base of setae Z4 but setae Z4 reaches posterior margin of opisthonotum. Setae S1-S3 not reaching margin of opisthonotum. Setae R 1- R 3 pilose and R 4- R 7 short and smooth. Podonotum covered by reticulate pattern. Opisthonotal shield with a distinct reticulate pattern in the anterior region and smooth pattern in the posterior region.

Description. Female ( Figs 1 View Figure 1 A-B, 2A-C). Length of idiosoma of holotype (excluding gnathosoma) 407, width 280. Measurements of 2 paratypes: Mean length 406 (402– 410), mean width 278 (276–280).

Dorsum ( Figs 1A View Figure 1 , 2A View Figure 2 ). Twenty pairs of different setae present on podonotum’s dorsal side: j -row with 6 pairs, zrow with 2 pairs, s-row with 6 pairs, r -row with 6 pairs. On podonotum, setae j1 feathered or finely barbed and r4–r6 pilose. All the remaining setae on podonotum (j2-j6, z1, z2, s1-s6 and r1-r3) are short, smooth, and needle-like. Twenty-two pairs of different setae present on opisthonotum’s dorsal side: J -row with 6 pairs, Z -row with 5 pairs, S -row with 4 pairs, R -row with 7 pairs. On opisthonotum, setae J1, J2, Z1, Z2 and S1-S3 similar in appearance, all of them short, smooth, and needle-like. Setae J3, Z3, Z5 and R 1- R 3 pilose without hyaline ending. Setae J3 not reaching the base of setae J4. Setae J4 and J5 short and barbed with hyaline ending. Setae J4 not reaching the base of setae J5. Setae J6, Z4 and S4 similar in appearance and length, elongated, finely barbed, with hyaline ending. Setae Z3 not reaching the base of setae Z4, but setae Z4 reaches posterior margin of opisthonotum. The distances between setae J6–J6 and J6–Z5 are 95 (92-98) and 20 (18-22), respectively. Setae S1-S3 not reaching margin of opisthonotum. But setae S4 reaches beyond posterior margin of opisthonotum. Setae R 1- R 3 pilose and R 4- R 7 short and smooth. Average lengths of opisthonotal setae and distances between setae within longitudinal rows are given Table 1.

Pores. Location of pores is shown in Figs 1A View Figure 1 and 2A View Figure 2 . Three pairs of pores presented on podonotum. Pores po1 locat- ed inside of the base of setae s1, po2 under the line connecting setae j4 and s4, po3 located inside the line connecting setae s5 and s6 (closer to s5). Podonotum reticulated. Four pairs of pores present on opisthonotum. Pores Po1 located anteromedially to the base of setae Z1, Po2 under the line connecting Z2 and S2, Po3 on the line connecting setae Z4 and J4 (closer to Z4), Po4 located below the base of setae S4. Opisthonotal shield with a distinct reticulate pattern in the anterior region and smooth pattern in the posterior region. Dorsal cavities general size and appearance saddle-like, well sclerotized, and axes parallel to that of the body ( Figs 1A View Figure 1 , 2 View Figure 2 A-B).

Venter ( Figs 1B View Figure 1 , 2C View Figure 2 ). Shape, chaetotaxy of ventral shields, and shapes of peritremes typical for the genus Zercon . Setae p1 short, smooth, and needle-like, seta p2 slightly elongated and finely barbed. Lateral ends of peritremal shield reach setae R 1. Adgenital shields present, with 3 opening valves. Ventroanal shield with 8 pairs of setae and all of them short, smooth, and needle-like. Anterior margin of ventroanal shield with 2 setae, postanal seta is single.


Mykotektet, National Veterinary Institute


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile













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