Euphthiracarus carinatus Liu, Wu & Chen, 2011

Niedbała, Wojciech & Ermilov, Sergey G., 2018, New and interesting species of ptyctimous mites (Acari, Oribatida) from Nepal, Zootaxa 4472 (1), pp. 176-184 : 181-184

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Euphthiracarus carinatus Liu, Wu & Chen, 2011


Euphthiracarus carinatus Liu, Wu & Chen, 2011

( Figs 3A–E View FIGURE 3 , 4A–D View FIGURE 4 )

Specimens frOm Nepal are cOmpatible with hOlOtype Originating frOm China.

Measurements. Specimen (1) with prOdOrsal crista frOm sample 430 (see Material and methods sectiOn). PrOdOrsum: length 353, width 258, height 121, ss 114, in 202, le 142 ro 207, ex 40, ro–ro 28, le–le 40, in–in 101, ro–le 53, in–le 101; nOtOgaster: length 707, width 444, height 465, c 1 126. c 1/ c 1– d 1= 1.2, d 1 106, h 1 94; genital and aggenital plates 273 × 101, anal and adanal plates 298 × 76; ag 2 63, ag 1 56, ratiO 1.1. Specimen (2) with prOdOrsal crista frOm sample 121. PrOdOrsum: length 343, width 222, height 141; nOtOgaster: length 676, width 454, height 485. Specimen (3) withOut prOdOrsal crista frOm sample 121. PrOdOrsum: length 303, height 126; nOtOgaster: length 671, height 404; ag 2 68, ag 1 48, ratiO 1.4.

Legs. ChaetOme Of legs (withOut tarsi): I: 1-3-4(2)-5(1); II: 1-4-3(1)-5(1); III: 2-2-2(1)-5(1); IV: 2-2-1(1)-2(1). All tarsi heterOtridactylOus.

Remarks. We fOund 18 specimens Of this species frOm Nepal. MaJOrity Of specimens with develOped dOrsal crista Of prOdOrsum, but sOme specimens withOut it (9 specimens with crista, 1 specimen withOut crista in sample 121; 5 specimens with crista, 3 specimens withOut crista in sample 430).

In Nepalese specimens distance between setae ro and le is shOrter (53) than between setae le and in (101) (but Only in specimens with dOrsal crista Of prOdOrsum) versus these distances almOst similar in hOlOtype. Upper carinae Of prOdOrsum are as wavy line, lOwer carinae are nOt wavy. Sensilli slightly fusifOrm. MOre setae On femOra Of legs I, II, IV.

Since the basic mOrphOlOgical character Of dOrsal crista Of prOdOrsum is nOt present in all specimens, we prOpOse Other characters that distinguish this species frOm Others. ROstral setae are very lOng, attenuate, exceed the end Of rOstrum. HeterOtrichy Of genital setae: setae g 1 and g 2 shOrtest, g 3–5 Of medium length, g 6–9 lOngest. Aggenital setae ag 1 shOrter than ag 2 (ratiO 1.1 in specimens with crista, 1.4 in specimens withOut crista). Anal setae an 1 and an 2 lOngest, rOugh, attenuate. Adanal setae and anal setae an 3 thick and sparsely ciliate.

Very similar is alsO Euphthiracarus maghalayensis Sanyal, 1988 frOm India, but this species has distinctly fusifOrm sensilli (versus slightly fusifOrm), distance between rOstral setae is greater than distance between lamellar setae (versus OppOsite) (see Sanyal 1988, Niedbała & ErmilOv 2013).















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