Amauroderma schomburgkii (Mont. & Berk.) Torrend, Brotéria Série Botânica

Gomes-Silva, Allyne C., De Lima-Júnior, Nelson C., Malosso, Elaine, Ryvarden, Leif & Gibertoni, Tatiana B., 2015, Delimitation of taxa in Amauroderma (Ganodermataceae, Polyporales) based in morphology and molecular phylogeny of Brazilian specimens, Phytotaxa 227 (3), pp. 201-228 : 218-220

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Amauroderma schomburgkii (Mont. & Berk.) Torrend, Brotéria Série Botânica


Amauroderma schomburgkii (Mont. & Berk.) Torrend, Brotéria Série Botânica View in CoL 18: 140 (1920), Fig. 10 View FIGURE 10

Polyporus schomburgkii Mont. & Berk., London View in CoL Journal of Botany 4: 331 (1844).

Description:— Furtado (1981), Ryvarden (2004a).

Substrate: —on dead wood and on soil.

Distribution: — Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, French Guyana, Guyana, Jamaica, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Trinidad and Venezuela.

Specimens examined: — BRAZIL. Amapá: Porto Grande, Floresta Nacional do Amapá, September 2013, A.M. Soares 800 (URM 86881). Amazonas: Jutaí, margem direita do rio Solimões, localidade Monte Cristo, abaixo de Jutaí, 5 km da margem, October 1986, E.S.S. Silva 815 (INPA 153801), Barcelos, Serra de Aracá, July 1985, E.S.S. Silva et al. (INPA 154966, as Amauroderma sp. ), track leading SE from camp, vic. Rio Janarí, March 1984, G.J. Samuels 954 (INPA 129968), 0–3 km S of Central Portion of Serra Aracá and 08 km E of Rio Jauarí, March 1984, G.J. Samuels 617 (INPA 129636), Rio Demeni, Basin of Rio Demeni, Vicinity of Tototobí, March 1969, G.T. Prance 10402 (INPA 26176); Manaus-Caracaraí Road, km 48, April 1971, G.T. Prance 11402 (INPA 29802); Manaus, Reserva Florestal Adolfo Ducke, January 1961, P.S. Colares w/n (INPA 75171); São Gabriel da Cachoeira, Rio Negro, 20 km ca. de São Gabriel da Cachoeira, January 1978, I.J. Araújo 946 (INPA 78718). Pará: Itaituba, Parque Nacional da Amazônia, km 76, April 1977, M.A. Sousa 255 (INPA 74638, as A. praetervisum ); Oriximinã, June 1980, V.L.R. Bononi w/n (INPA 103508, INPA 103535, INPA 103578, as Polyporus sp. ); Melgaço, Estação Científica Ferreira Penna, March 2007, T.B. Gibertoni w/n (URM 79307, URM 79308, URM 79310, URM 79311, URM 79312), August 2007, T.B. Gibertoni w/n (URM 79309); February 2008, T.B. Gibertoni et al. w/n (URM 79306). Pernambuco: Tamandaré, Reserva Biológica de Saltinho, July 2011, L.S. Araujo-Neta 6LSM (URM 84214); Jaqueira, RPPN Frei Caneca, Mata das Moças, March 2012, L.S. Araujo-Neta 18LSM (URM 84226), L.S. Araujo-Neta 20LSM (URM 84228), July 2012, L.S. Araujo-Neta 20AN (URM 84253), L.S. Araujo-Neta 21AN (URM 84254). Rondônia: Porto Velho, Fazenda Mucuim, July 2007, A.C. Gomes‒Silva w/n (URM 79466, URM 79467, URM 79468), Estação Ecológica de Cuniã, February 2008, A.C. Gomes‒Silva w/n (URM 79469), February 2011, A.C. Gomes‒Silva et al. 2114 (URM 83228), March 2012, A.C. Gomes‒Silva & T.B. Gibertoni 51 (URM 83902), A.C. Gomes‒Silva & T.B. Gibertoni 54 (URM 83903), A.C. GomesSilva & T.B. Gibertoni 55 (URM 83904), Parque Natural Municipal de Porto Velho, w/d, A.C. Gomes‒Silva w/n 944 (HFSL), February 2010, A.C. Gomes‒Silva et al. 901 (URM 83420). Roraima: Boa Vista, BR174, ca. do km 360., Estrada Manaus-Caracaraí, Km 360, November 1977, I.J. Araújo et al. 613 (INPA 78298), I.J. Araújo et al. 615 (INPA 78334); Rio Uraricoera, vicinity of uaicá airstrip, December 1973, G.T. Prance 19984 (INPA 43909); Vicinity of Auaris, July 1974, G.T. Prance 21382 (INPA 45355), G.T. Prance 21537 (45365), G.T. Prance 21537 (INPA 45476), G.T. Prance 21534 (INPA 45473, as A. sp.); July 1986, B. Lowy et al. [INPA 145353, as Hymenochaete damicornis (Link) Lév. 1846: 151 ].

Additional specimen examined: — BRAZIL. Amazonas: Panuré, w/d, Spruce (55) [BPI 237145, isotype of Polyporus brunneopictus Berk. (1856: 176) ].

Remarks: — Amauroderma schomburgkii is a macromorphological variable species, characterised by globose, distinctly ornamented basidiospores [7‒9 (‒10) μm]. Some specimens are similar to A. sprucei (Pat.) Torrend (1920: 121) , which has white context without black lines.














Amauroderma schomburgkii (Mont. & Berk.) Torrend, Brotéria Série Botânica

Gomes-Silva, Allyne C., De Lima-Júnior, Nelson C., Malosso, Elaine, Ryvarden, Leif & Gibertoni, Tatiana B. 2015

Amauroderma schomburgkii (Mont. & Berk.) Torrend, Brotéria Série Botânica

Torrend 1920: 140

Polyporus schomburgkii

Mont. & Berk. 1844: 331
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