Orthocentrus kasparyani, Humala, 2019

Humala, Andrei E., 2019, Mexican species of the genus Orthocentrus (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae: Orthocentrinae), Zootaxa 4709 (1), pp. 1-83 : 14-15

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scientific name

Orthocentrus kasparyani

sp. nov.

Orthocentrus kasparyani sp. nov.

( Figs 2 D View FIGURE 2 , 9 D View FIGURE 9 , 13 D View FIGURE 13 , 16 D View FIGURE 16 , 21 View FIGURE 21 )

Material examined. Holotype ♀: México, Tamaulipas: Gómez Farias, Centro Interpretativo Ecologico 23.066° N, 99.170° W, 350–600 m, 16.IX.2016, leg. A.I. Khalaim ( UAT).

Paratypes: 1 ♀, Tamaulipas, Gómez Farias, Alta Cima , 900 m, MT, 18–25.XI.2000, leg. D. R. Kasparyan ( UAT) ; 1 ♀, Tamaulipas, Tula, Ejido Acahuales, B. Quercus, 1400 m , MT, 13–26.VIII.2016, leg. E. Ruíz C. & J. M. Coronado ( UAT) ; 1 ♀, Tamaulipas, Ocampo, Ej. El Bejuco. S. baja caducifolia, 900 m, MT, 26.IX–9.X.2016, leg. E. Ruíz C., M. & R. Ruíz C. ( ZISP) ; 1 ♀, Nayarit: Tepic, V. Carranza , 28 m, 20.I.2016, leg. A. Robles B. ( UNAM) ; 1 ♀, Veracruz: Est. Biol. Trop. Los Tuxtlas, C 3, MT- II, Pte- Aula- Lab. EBTLT, 13.V–16.VI.2013, leg. M. Madora ( UNAM) ; 1 ♀, Oaxaca, Santiago Comaltepec , La Esperanza 1600 m, N 17.62661°, W 96.36950°; humid oak pine forest, MT, 2–12.VIII.2008, leg. A. López García ( UNAM) GoogleMaps .

Description. Female. Fore wing length 2.9 mm.

Face medially 1.0 × wider than high; face protuberant, smooth, polished, finely and densely punctate, eyes not setose, dorsal ridge of face inbetween antennal sockets without a median prominence; frons matt; face profile slightly convex, edge of clypeus straight, antennal sockets on a high shelf (Hw/Fp = 5.3); subocular sulcus sharp, not deep, bent towards occiput; maxillary palp not exceptionally long, reaching to about epicnemial carina. In dorsal view, head posteriorly deeply concave, temples distinct, about 1/3 of eye width, posterior ocelli distant from eye by 0.9 × ocellar diameter, anterior ocellus separated from eye by 1.8 × ocellar diameter, ocellar-ocular grooves present. Minimum distance between antennal sockets about one quarter diameter of socket; antenna thick, curled, with 32–33 similar-sized (n=7) transverse-quadrate flagellomeres which not gradually shortening towards apex; basal flagellomere 1.2 × as long as wide and about 1/3 of the length of scape; scape parallel-sided.

Mesosoma smooth and polished, some microsculpture on propodeum; mesoscutum lacking notauli, sparsely punctate; in profile, scutellum not particularly high, metapleuron slightly convex; propodeum with posterior transverse carina clearly present between lateral longitudinal carinae and traces of posterior transverse carina present laterally to lateral longitudinal carinae, median longitudinal carinae complete, narrowed posteriorly, lateral longitudinal carinae clear posteriorly, fading just posterior to spiracles, spiracles small.

Legs all slightly flattened, broad; coxae polished, femora, tibiae and tarsi coriaceous-granulate; hind coxa 1.1 × as long as first tergite, hind femur 3.0–3.2 × as long as high, hind tibia 4.0 × as long as apically wide; tibiae with scattered, inconspicuous, spine-like setae. Claws and arolium of the same length.

Wings not particularly narrow; fore wing without areolet (in one paratype specimen indistinct traces of 3rs-m present in right wing), nervulus postfurcal; vein Rs nearly straight; hind wing with nervellus intercepted at lower third.

First tergite elongate, dorsally slightly wider at spiracles, 1.5–1.7 × as long as apically wide; rugose-coriaceous, with two parallel, posteriorly almost complete median longitudinal carinae, with transverse impressions originating at about middle of tergite, sloping posteriorly, not meeting centrally. Second tergite 1.0–1.2 × as long as apically wide; rugose, with transverse impressions originating at apical 0.4 of tergite, meeting centrally; basal thyridia of second tergite oval/elongate. Third tergite coriaceous basally, with basal thyridia narrow, remaining tergites smooth, polished. Ovipositor thin, slightly upcurved, without subapical notch; ovipositor sheath pointed, with sparse setae longer than sheath width, backwards pointing.

Body largely setose except eyes, pronotum, mesopleuron and metapleuron; setae scattered on propodeum, basal tergites, and posterior sides of coxae.

Dark brown except mesosoma ventrally orangey brown; face dark yellow, antenna with some dark yellow basally; mesoscutum mostly reddish-brown, infuscate apically and centrally; scutellum brown; fore and mid legs, hind coxa ventrally, hind trochanter and trochantellus, base of hind femur, basal band of hind tibia, yellow; tegula, wing bases, mouthparts and sternites creamy.

Male. Unknown.

Biology. Hosts unknown. All specimens were collected at mid and high-altitudes.

Distribution. Mexico (Nayarit, Oaxaca, Tamaulipas, Veracruz).

Etymology. I am pleased to name this species after Dmitry Kasparyan—well-known expert in Ichneumonidae , who contributed a lot in the study of Mexican ichneumonid fauna.

Comments. Compared with the other species that have antennal sockets on a high protruding shelf, thick, curled antennae, and whole body not laterally flattened, mesoscutum mostly brown, fore wing without areolet and antenna with more flagellomeres. Similar to O. lostuxtlasi but differs in glabrous eyes and more flagellomeres.


Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas


Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences


Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico

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