Libyodrilus platybrachyoncus, Clausen, 2004

Clausen, Martha Weis, 2004, Description of seven new species of Libyodrilus Beddard from Cameroon, with a key to the species of the genus (Oligochaeta: Eudrilidae), Journal of Natural History 38 (15), pp. 1851-1880 : 1864

publication ID 10.1080/00222930310001613575

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Libyodrilus platybrachyoncus

sp. nov.

Libyodrilus platybrachyoncus View in CoL n. sp.

(figures 6E, 7B, 9C, D)

Material examined

Type material. Cameroon, 13 miles E of Kribi , 2 ‡ 57 ’ N, 9 ‡ 55 ’ E at Kribi- Akom II road, in wet soil on bank of small stream, 11 January 1966, coll. M. W. Clausen [holotype: one clitellate, ZMUC OLI-7 ; paratypes: one clitellate (badly damaged), one juvenile, all ZMUC OLI-8 ] .

Additional material. Cameroon, 14 miles E of Kribi at Kribi-Akom II road, wet soil on bank of small stream, 11 January 1966, coll. M. W. Clausen (one clitellate with hind end damaged, ZMUC OLI-9 ) .

External characters (figure 7B)

HOLOTYPE: length 125 mm, maximum diameter of all three clitellate specimens 4.5 mm, number of segments of type 166. Annulation: segment 9 bi-annulate, 10 tri-annulate, 11–13 and 18–20 multi-annulate, annulation posterior to 20 gradually fading away. Prostomium prolobous. Clitellum orange, genital swellings yellowish, rest of body without pigment. Setae uniform and closely paired. Setal formula: aa: ab: bc: cd ~ 8.0:1.0:5.5:1.0, dd ~ two-thirds of body circumference at segment 10; 5.5:1.0:4.0:1.0, dd ~ two-thirds of body circumference at segment 30. Clitellum annular, with 3 K segments in segments 14–1/2 17, replaced by genital swelling ventrally in posterior half of 17 (see below).

No dorsal pores. Nephridiopores not discernible.

Spermarial pore unpaired, transverse slit (length about 1 1/2 ab) m/v in 13 just behind setal zone. Slit surrounded by low swelling (width about 1/2 aa, length a little less).

Female pores paired, minute openings on segment 15 between setal zone and 15/16, dorsal to d, distance to d ~ 1–4 cd.

Male pores closely paired, m/v in 17 between eq and 17/ 18 in type. The pores are situated on yellow glandular swelling (clearly distinctive from clitellar tissue) covering or almost covering area between setal lines d on anterior half of segment 17. Penial sacs opening together with euprostates.


Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen

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