Eustala occidentalis, Baert, Léon, 2014

Baert, Léon, 2014, Three new Eustala (Araneae, Araneidae) species from the Galápagos Islands (Ecuador), European Journal of Taxonomy 86, pp. 1-18 : 3-9

publication ID

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scientific name

Eustala occidentalis

sp. nov.

Eustala occidentalis View in CoL sp. nov.

Figs 1 View Fig. 1 A–E, 2 A–F, 5 A, 6 A, 7

Epeira prompta Hentz, 1847 . – Banks 1902: 61; 1924: 97. — Snodgrass 1902: 76. — Roth & Craig 1970: 120 (misidentiFcation).

Eustala sp. View in CoL – Roth & Craig 1970: 116. — Baert 2013: 176, 178

Eustala vegeta (Keyserling, 1865) View in CoL . – Baert, Maelfait, Hendrickx & Desender 2008: p. 47, Map 15 — Garrett, Conner & Roque-Albelo 2008: 2–4, f. 1 (misidentiFcation).


Male: Terminal apophysis needle-like, short and slightly curved, its apical and caudal ridges equal in length and structure.


The species name refers to its distribution in the western part of the archipelago.

Type material


♂, ISLA SANTA CRUZ, Bahía Tortuga , arid zone, 14 Mar. 1986, leg. Baert, Maelfait & Desender .


♀, ISLA SANTA CRUZ, Along the road connecting the Charles Darwin Research Station to Puerto Ayora , Arid zone, 15 Apr. 1982, leg. Baert & Maelfait .


ISLA SANTA CRUZ: 1 Ƌ, 1 ♀, CDRS, 1 Mar. 1986 (B.86/046) ; 1 Ƌ, CDRS, 2 Mar. 1986 (B.86/047) ; 1 ♀, 1 j ♀, CDRS, 11 Mar. 1986 (B.86/083) ; 1 Ƌ, CDRS, 16 Mar. 1986 (B.86/0124) ; 2 ƋƋ, CDRS, dormitorio , Mar. 1986 (leg. Baert, Maelfait & Desender 1986) . 1 Ƌ, 2 j, CDRS, dormitorio , 17 Feb. 1988 (B.88/317) (leg. Baert, Maelfait & Desender 1988) ; 1 Ƌ, 3 km South of Bellavista , alt. 115 m, 1–29 Feb. 1989 (P.89/81) ; 1 Ƌ, CDRS, dormitorio , Apr. 1991 (B.91/757) (leg. Baert, Maelfait & Desender, 1991) ; 1 ♀, 2.7 km of Los Gemelos , alt. 500 m, 23 Mar. 1996 (B.96/6) ; 1 ♀, Media Luna , alt. 600m, 11 Mar. 1998 (B.98/015) (leg. Baert, Maelfait & Desender, 1998) ; 1 ♀, 1 (♀), 1 ( Ƌ), 2 j (s), Cerro Colourado , alt. 10 m, 10 Mar. 1975 (leg. W.G. Reeder) ; 1 ♀, Horneman farm, Bellavista , alt. 225 m, cultivated zone, 14 Oct. 1975 (leg. W.G. Reeder) ; 1 ♀, 1 j, nesting zone 3 area , 1 Aug. 1970 (leg. Riechert) ; 1 ♀, northern base of Media Luna , alt. 610-620 m, open shrub savanna of Miconia surrounded by ferns and grasses, 3 May 1980 (leg. W.G. Reeder) ; 2 ♀♀, 1 ( Ƌ), 1 (♀), 3 j (s), CDRS, Academy Bay , altitude 5–15 m, from Scutia , Croton , Castela and Cryptocarpus plants, 16 Aug. 1977 (leg. W.G. Reeder) ; 1 ♀, 6 j (s), CDRS, Academy Bay , alt. 10 m, from Scutia , Cryptocarpus and Scalesia plants, 18 Oct. 1975 (leg. W.G. Reeder) .

RBINS inventory number of all type material is I.G. 32722.

Other material examined originating from the islands Fernandina, Isabela (Volcán Sierra Negra, Volcán Alcedo, Volcán Darwin), Marchena, Pinta and Santiago (see Table 1 View Table 1 ).


Male (holotype)

LENGTH. Total length 5.80; carapace length 3.14, width 2.63, height 0.75; abdomen length 3.65, width 2.63.

CARAPACE. Colour (in alcohol) yellowish with clypeus and eye region black, dorsal cephalic part black with central yellow V; two short, diverging combs of long, thin, white hairs starting from PME and PLE. Chelicerae black with few yellow stains. Labium black with white apical edge. Endites black with white apical and inner edges. Sternum white with irregular blackish suffused border. Pedipalps with striped yellow-black appearance. Legs yellow with variable black annulations.

ABDOMEN. Dorsum white with distinct dorsal dark folium pattern (colour pattern A), with six sclerotized apodemes; venter black with central white patch; spinnerets dark.

EYES. MOQ: PME = 0.72 AME. Cl = 0.5 DAME.

LEGS. Measurements:

I (15.23): Fe 4.63, Pa 1.65, Ti 3.73, Mt 3.73, Ta 1.49

II (11.48): Fe 3.57, Pa 1.25, Ti 2.43, Mt 2.94, Ta 1.29

III (6.81): Fe 2.43, Pa 0.86, Ti 1.33, Mt 1.37, Ta 0.82

IV (10.35): Fe 3.57, Pa 1.25, Ti 2.20, Mt 2.39, Ta 0.94

SPINATION. All legs with numerous spines.

PEDIPALP ( Figs 1 View Fig. 1 A–B, 5A). One very long patellar seta, slightly longer than bulbus. Cymbium with conspicious T-shaped tarsal hook, its transverse bar slightly curved and with rounded extremities. Terminal apophysis ( Fig. 6 View Fig. 6 A) needle-like, slightly bent, short, apical and caudal ridges equal in shape and length; embolus short, sharp tip, slightly curved at tip, lying in excavation of small, whitish conductor.

Female (allotype)

LENGTH. Total length 10.72; carapace length 4.20, width 3.53, height 1.18; abdomen length 7.35, width 6.78.

CARAPACE. Colour: orange brown; chelicerae creamy orange; labium, endites and sternum orange brown. Legs orange brown.

ABDOMEN. Creamy white, faintly speckled with cream spots, four apodemes; grey patches extend laterally of the proximal dots; three branched, dirty-grey lines run backwards in distal half of dorsum; venter cream with central white patch; spinnerets orange brown.

EYES. MOQ: PME = 0.79 AME. Cl = 0.9 DAME.

LEGS. Measurements:

I (18.21): Fe 5.47, Pa 2.27, Ti 4.31, Mt 4.47, Ta 1.69

II (15.41): Fe 4.59, Pa 2.12, Ti 3.45, Mt 3.80, Ta 1.45

III (9.29): Fe 3.14, Pa 1.37, Ti 1.88, Mt 1.92, Ta 0.98

IV (14.28): Fe 4.98, Pa 1.96, Ti 3.06, Mt 3.18, Ta 1.10 EPIGYNE ( Fig. 1 View Fig. 1 C–E). Length of scapus 0.91, diameter (lateral view) 0.19, L/D = 2.95. Spermathecae touching each other medially; scapus evenly broad (ventral view), broadest in the middle, tip slightly curved (lateral view).


The males in our samples vary in length between 4.9 and 7.4 mm, the females between 5.7 and 10.6 mm.

A great diversity in abdominal colouration, independent of island origin, can be observed ( Figure 2 View Fig. 2 ). The abdominal colour can vary from uniform light cream (Pattern A: for example ♂ of sample B.88/317: Santa Cruz, surroundings of CDRS, 17 Feb. 1988; Allotype ♀ from Santa Cruz and ♀ from Marchena, 26/I/1977, leg. Reeder), to very dark (Pattern B: for example ♀ specimen from Santa Cruz, Media Luna, 620 m alt., 3 May 1980, leg. Reeder), with all possible variations in between. The colour may be uniform or with a faint or a very conspicuous folium (patterns on Fig. 2 View Fig. 2 A, 2 View Fig. 2 D–F), showing two sinuous lines converging backwards. Some specimens, male and females, have a black abdomen with two large white shoulder spots (pattern, Fig. 2 View Fig. 2 C: for example Ƌ specimen from sample P.92/179: Tagus cove, Volcán Darwin, 22 May 1992, but also some specimens from Santa Cruz, Volcán Sierra Negra, Pinta and Santiago), a few with a dorsal longitudinal white band ( Fig. 2 View Fig. 2 D, F) and some with a white abdomen with median black folium ( Fig. 2 View Fig. 2 E). Cephalothorax also variable, with or without marked black stains.


E. occidentalis sp. nov. has a western distribution within the archipelago ( Fig. 7 View Fig. 7 ): Fernandina (up to 600 m alt.); the Isabela volcanoes Volcán Sierra Negra (arid zone and above 900 m alt.), Volcán Alcedo (above 300 m alt.), Volcán Darwin and Beagle Crater (coastal arid zone); Marchena; Pinta (from coast to summit); Pinzon (above 300 m alt.); Rábida; Santiago (from coast to summit); Seymour Norte; South Plaza and Santa Cruz (from coast up to 600 m alt.). There is apparently no preferred vegetation zone. It also occurs along the walls of buildings (cf. CDRS buildings of the dormitorio).

Table 1. Other material examined of Eustala occidentalis sp. nov. Abbreviations: BAL: Baltra, EDE: Eden, FER: Fernandina, IBC: Isabela, Beagle Crater, ISN: Isabela, Sierra Negra, IVA: Isabela, Volcán Alcedo, IVD: Isabela, Volcán Darwin, MAR: Marchena, PIN: Pinta, PIZ: Pinzón, RAB: Rábida, SAN: Santiago, SEY: Seymour Norte, SPL: South Plaza; Ƌ: male, (Ƌ): subadult male,♀: female, (♀): subadult female, j(s): juvenile(s), #: several.

Island Locality Altitude Date Sex Lit. / Leg.
BAL         Roth & Craig, 1970
EDE       j 99/LR
FER 500 m S of Cabo Hammond 10 m 1 May 1975 1♀ 75/ WGR
FER West vegetation strip, camp area 20 m 10 Aug. 1977 1♀ 1(Ƌ) 7j (s) 77/ WGR
FER Between Cabo Hammond & Bursera Hills 70 m 26 Apr. 1975 3 ƋƋ 2 (Ƌ) 1♀ 1(♀) 10j (s) 75/ WGR
FER Cerro Verde 170 m 9 May 1991 2ƋƋ 2♀♀ 2j (s) 91/ LB,JPM,KD
FER W slope, 500m S of camp crater 380 m 16 Aug. 1977 1♀ 77/ WGR
FER W slope of camp crater 450 m 16 Aug. 1977 3 ƋƋ 4♀♀ 2(Ƌ) 4(♀♀) #j(s) 77/ WGR
FER Along encañada 600 m 7 May 1991 1j ♀ 91/ LB,JPM,KD
IBC Camp   22 May 1980 7Ƌ 3(Ƌ) 13♀♀ 3(♀) #j(s) 80/ WGR
IBC Outside crater wall 40-50 m 22 May 1980 1Ƌ 2j (s) 80/ WGR
ISN Lagoons of Villamil   14 Jul. 1970 1♀ 70/ SR
ISN Near Villamil (road to highlands, 1 km from sea) 10-15 m 11 Jul. 1978 2ƋƋ 2♀♀ 78/ WGR
ISN Camp above Alemania 540 m 24 Jan. 1975 5ƋƋ 1(Ƌ) 8♀♀ 1(♀) #j(s) 75/ WGR
ISN Camp above Alemania 540 m 23 Jan. 1978 1Ƌ 5♀♀ 78/ WGR
ISN Crater rim 925 m 19 Feb. 1986 86/ LB,JPM,KD
IVA E slope 340 m 18 May 1980 80/ WGR
IVA West of lava Fow (W slope) 370-380 m 25 May 1980 2ƋƋ 8♀♀ #j(s) 80/ WGR
IVA Pega Pega camp 380 m 23 May 1980 1Ƌ 2(Ƌ) 4(♀) 6j (s) 80/ WGR
IVA E slope 380 m 25 May 1980 80/ WGR
IVA W slope 620-1260 m 21–23 May 1980 1♀♀ 80/ WGR
IVA Pega Pega camp 780 m 13 May 1980 1Ƌ 7♀♀ #j(s) 80/ WGR
IVA West of lava Fow (W slope)   23 May 1980 1♀ 1(♀) 2j (s) 80/ WGR
IVA East of lava Fow   24 May 1980 1♀ 6j (s) 80/ WGR
IVA East rim 1045 m 16 May 1980 1♀ 80/ WGR
IVA East rim 1045 m 17 May 1980 1Ƌ 7♀♀ #j(s) 80/ WGR
IVD Tagus Cove 20 m 13–22 May 1992 1Ƌ 92/ SP
IVD Flat between IBC & IVD 40-50 m 22 May 1980 3ƋƋ 4(Ƌ) 11♀♀ 6(♀) #j(s) 80/ WGR
MAR Playa Negra   10 Mar. 1988 #j(s) 88/ LB,JPM,KD
MAR Punto Mejio   11 Mar. 1988 1j ♀ 88/ LB,JPM,KD
MAR Playa Negra   29 Mar. 2000 2ƋƋ 1♀ 00/ LB,JPM,KD
MAR SW slope of beach camp area 5 m 24 Jan. 1977 1Ƌ 4♀♀ 3(♀) 7j (s) 77/ WGR
MAR Above beach at Beach camp (S slope) 5-10 m 26 Jan. 1977 2ƋƋ 2(Ƌ) 9♀♀ 3(♀) 12j (s) 77/ WGR
MAR S Playa camp, new lava Fow 16-20 m 31 Jan. 1977 1Ƌ 1(Ƌ) 2j (s) 77/ WGR
MAR SW Playa, Bursera forest 30 m 12–24 Mar. 1992 1Ƌ 92/ SP
MAR   50 m 10 Mar. 1988 1j ♀ 88/ LB,JPM,KD
MAR Fumarole at Barranco 160-190 m 29 Jan. 1977 2ƋƋ 2♀♀ 3(♀) 5j (s) 77/ WGR
PIN Cabo Ibbetson   31 Mar. 2000 00/ LB,JPM,KD

Ecuador, Galapagos Islands, Santa Cruz, Puerto Ayora, Charles Darwin Research Station, Invertebrate Collection














Eustala occidentalis

Baert, Léon 2014

Eustala vegeta

Keyserling 1865

Epeira prompta

Hentz 1847
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