Jamesia ramirezi Nearns and Tavakilian

Nearns, Eugenio H. & Tavakilian, Gérard-Luc, 2012, New Taxa and Combinations in Onciderini Thomson, 1860 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lamiinae) from Central and South America, with notes on additional taxa Eugenio H. Nearns, Insecta Mundi 2012 (231), pp. 1-24 : 3-5

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Felipe (2021-08-29 04:04:12, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-18 03:36:39)

scientific name

Jamesia ramirezi Nearns and Tavakilian

sp. nov.

Jamesia ramirezi Nearns and Tavakilian , sp. nov.

( Figures 1a–d View Figure 1 )

Description. Female. Length 25.0–27.0 mm (measured from vertex to elytral apices), width 10.5–11.0 mm (measured across humeri). Habitus as in Fig. 1a View Figure 1 . General form elongate-ovate, moderate to largesized. Integument ferrugineous or dark brown, entire body (except antennae and legs) with tawny pubescence, mottled with dark brown maculae of various sizes; elytra with two large, dark brown, irregularly-shaped maculae near middle.

Head with frons elongate, about 3/4 times width of lower eye lobe (as in Fig. 1c View Figure 1 ). Eyes with lower lobes large, ovate-oblong. Genae subquadrate to trapezoidal, distinctly shorter than lower eye lobes.

Antennae about 1.3 times longer than body; antennal tubercles prominent, narrowly separated, contiguous at base; tubercles armed at apex with small, blunt tubercle; scape robust, slightly bowed, gradually expanded to apex. Antennal formula based on antennomere III: scape=0.80; II=0.06; III=1; IV=0.81; V=0.63; VI=0.59; VII=0.53; VIII=0.45; IX=0.45; X=0.45; XI=0.45.

Pronotum roughly conical, distinctly wider at base, transverse, about 1.5 times as wide as long, sides feebly arcuate ( Fig. 1d View Figure 1 ); disk at middle near base with a feebly elevated, median tubercle, either side of middle with three blunt tubercles arranged in a triangle; one apical and one transverse sulcus, and a more distinct oblique sulcus laterally which continues down the side.

Scutellum transverse, apex rounded.

Elytra about 1.75 times as long as width at humeri ( Fig. 1a View Figure 1 ), about 4.5 times as long as pronotal length, about 1.6 times broader basally than pronotum at widest (at base); sides slightly sinuate, distinctly attenuate to apices, elytral apices individually rounded; base of each elytron somewhat gibbose, gibbosities each with prominent granules, rest of base with minute scattered granules, widely separated punctures placed one in each dark brown pubescent spot; humeri prominent, anterior margin oblique, the angle with a moderate-sized shining tubercle; sides below humeri with a few small granules.

Venter with procoxae large, globose, not uncate; narrowest area of prosternal process between procoxae about 1/4 as wide as procoxal cavity; apex of prosternal process subtriangular. Mesosternal process about as wide as mesocoxal cavity; mesosternal process deeply emarginate. Fifth sternite nearly 2 times as long as IV, with a median triangular impression.

Legs moderate in length; femora robust, gradually expanded to apex; tibiae slightly expanded apically; metafemora about 1/3 as long as elytra.

c) Holotype female, close-up of head. d) Holotype female, close-up of pronotum.

Male. Length 20.0–27.0 mm (measured from vertex to elytral apices), width 8.5–11.1 mm (measured across humeri). Similar to female except antennae 1.5 times longer than body; antennal tubercles armed at apex with short, blunt horn; pronotum widest behind middle, about 1.3 times as wide as long; elytra about 4 times as long as pronotal length; larger specimen with profemora transversely rugose; fifth sternite without a median triangular impression.

Type Material. Holotype, female ( Fig. 1a View Figure 1 , c-d), “Estación Pitilla, 9 km S. Sta. Cecilia, Prov. Guanacaste, Costa Rica. 700m, Abr. 1994. C. Moraga, LN 330200_380200 #2841” ( INBC). Allotype, male ( Fig. 1b View Figure 1 ), “ Costa Rica, Limón, Liverpool, Reserva Veragua Rainforest. 430m. s.n.m. 9º55’35, 7” N - 83º11’27,9”W, 10/VI/2010, Rolando Ramírez Campos leg., #4503” ( MNCR). Six paratypes: one male, same data as allotype except “ 18/VII/2011, #4757” ( RRCC); one male, same data as allotype except “ 22/I/2009, #4185” ( RRCC); one female, same data as holotype except “ Mar 1994. #2804” ( INBC); one male, same data as holotype except “ P. N. Guanacaste, Ene 1994, #2563” ( ENPC); one male, same data as holotype except “ P. N. Guanacaste, May 1994. #2999” ( INBC); one female, “ Est. Hitoy Cerere, 100m. R. Cerere, Res. Biol. Hitoy Cerere, Prov. Limón, Costa Rica, 27 jun a 22 jul 1992, K. Taylor, L-N 184200, 643300” ( INBC). GoogleMaps

Etymology. Jamesia ramirezi , sp. nov. is named for Rolando Ramírez Campos, for his collaboration and who collected part of the type series. The epithet is a noun in the genitive case.

Diagnosis and Remarks. This species is distinguished from its congeners by the combination of the following characters: antennomeres I, II, basal 5/6 of III, and basal 2/3 of IV with grayish pubescence, distinctly lighter than V-XI, which are uniformly dark brown; and elytra with red-orange pubescence, with small and moderately sized, dark brown maculae outlined with ring of white pubescence. Swift et al. (2010) listed three species of Jamesia from Costa Rica. Jamesia ramirezi , sp. nov. is described from eight specimens: five males and three females. Nothing is known about the habitat and behavior of this species ; however, all known specimens were collected in Costa Rica, above 100 m elevation (three specimens at 700 m elevation) .

Swift, I. P., L. G. Bezark, E. H. Nearns, A. Solis, and F. T. Hovore. 2010. Checklist of the Cerambycidae and Disteniidae (Coleoptera) of Costa Rica. Insecta Mundi 0131: 1 - 68.

Gallery Image

Figure 1. Jamesia ramirezi, sp. nov. a) Holotype female, dorsal habitus. b) Allotype male, ventral habitus.


Department of Botany, Swedish Museum of Natural History


University of Copenhagen


Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad (INBio)


Museo Nacional de Costa Rica


Museum National d' Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN) - Vascular Plants


Nanjing University


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Royal Botanic Gardens