Dasymutilla, Ashmead, 1899

MANLEY, DONALD G. & PITTS, JAMES P., 2007, Tropical and Subtropical Velvet Ants of the Genus Dasymutilla Ashmead (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae) with Descriptions of 45 New Species, Zootaxa 1487 (1), pp. 1-128 : 9-15

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Key to Neotropical Dasymutilla View in CoL View at ENA


1 Apices of middle and hind femora squarely truncate, surface of outer lobe of truncation sulcate ( Fig. 3A View FIGURES 1–3 )........................................................................... 96

- Apices of middle and hind femora more or less rounded, not modified as above ( Fig. 3B View FIGURES 1–3 )........ 2

2(1) Mesosoma longer than broad in dorsal view ( Fig. 8A View FIGURE 5–9 )................................... 28

- Mesosoma as broad as, or broader than, long ( Fig. 8B View FIGURE 5–9 ).................................... 3

3(2) Sternum II scabrous at sides and apex ( Fig. 10A View FIGURES 10–12 )......................................... 4

- Sternum II merely punctate, not at all scabrous ( Fig. 10B View FIGURES 10–12 )................................. 5

4(3) Metapleuron, propodeum, tergum I, and anterior margin of tergum II sparsely clothed with black setae (Plate C4F)........................................................ eminentia Mickel

- Entire body clothed with yellow setae, except for anterior median spot of black on tergum II (sometimes some median black setae on apical fringe of other terga).................... scaber (Fox)

5(3) Tergum II with yellow to orange integumental maculation(s) ( Fig. 4A View FIGURE 4 ) (sometimes, as with D. waco , covering entire segment)............................................................ 6

- Tergum II lacking integumental maculation(s) ( Fig. 4B View FIGURE 4 ).................................. 10

6(5) Gena ecarinate ( Fig. 6B View FIGURE 5–9 )........................................................... 7

- Gena distinctly carinate ( Fig. 6A View FIGURE 5–9 ).................................................... 8

7(6) Mandible tridentate ( Fig. 2B View FIGURES 1–3 , Plate C9M).................................... waco (Blake)

- Mandible bidentate ( Fig. 2A View FIGURES 1–3 , Plate C6I)................................. mirabilis sp. nov.

8(6) Macula(e) variable, from single large macula to four distinct maculae; apical fringe of tergum I white (Plate C9A)........................................................... toluca (Blake)

- More than single macula present on tergum II; apical fringe of tergum I black................. 9

9(8) Head and conspicuous “ V” -shaped pattern on dorsum of mesosoma with silver setae, contrasting with black background (Plate C7N)........................................ proclea (Cameron)

- Head and mesosoma with gold setae contrasting with black background, those on mesosoma forming lateral maculae instead of distinct “V” -shaped pattern (Plate C6O)............. munifica (Smith)

10(5) Head distinctly broader than mesosoma ( Plate C1L View PLATE 1 )........................ aureola (Cresson)

- Head as broad as or narrower than mesosoma.......................................... 11

11(10) Mesosoma with scutellar scale ( Fig. 9A View FIGURE 5–9 ).............................................. 12

- Mesosoma lacking scutellar scale ( Fig. 9B View FIGURE 5–9 )............................................ 13

12(11) Tergum II clothed almost entirely with orange setae, perimeter with contrasting silver setae ( Plate C2E View PLATE 2 )............................................................ blattoserica (Kohl)

- Tergum II having bilobed area of black setae anteriorly ( Plate C2A View PLATE 2 )............ bellatrix sp. nov.

13(11) Antennal scrobe ecarinate ( Fig. 1B View FIGURES 1–3 ).................................................. 14

- Antennal scrobe carinate (sometimes very weakly) ( Fig. 1A View FIGURES 1–3 ).............................. 15 14(13) Mesosomal setae concolorous yellow to scarlet............................... foxi Cockerell

- Mesosoma having triangular-shaped patch of black setae anteriorly, contrasting with silver to yellowish background setae (Plate C4D)............................. dugesii (Cockerell & Casad)

15(13) Head and mesosoma clothed entirely with black setae (Plate C10B)............... zelaya (Blake)

- Head and mesosoma not clothed entirely with black setae................................ 16

16(15) Genal carina present ( Fig. 6A View FIGURE 5–9 )...................................................... 17

- Genal carina absent ( Fig. 6B View FIGURE 5–9 )....................................................... 20

17(16) Dorsum of mesosoma having circle of black setae, surrounded by yellow to red setae (Plate C9L)...................................................................... vulpina (Smith)

- Dorsum of mesosoma clothed entirely with orange to scarlet setae......................... 18

18(17) Dorsum of metasoma, from apical margin of tergum II posteriorly, clothed entirely with black setae.................................................................. cardinalis Mickel

- Dorsum of metasoma, from apical margin of tergum II posteriorly, with predominantly orange to red setae.......................................................................... 19

19(18) Tergum II anteriorly, and apical fringes of terga II to III medially (and sometimes IV) with black setae................................................................. formicalia Rohwer

- Tergum II having no black setae anteriorly, at most a few black setae on apical fringe of tergum II medially (Plate C4H).................................................. erythrina (Say)

20(16) Setae on dorsum of body concolorous, except posterior face of propodeum, tergum I, and anterior area on tergum II may be black, as noted below............................................ 21

- Setae on dorsum of body not concolorous, some combination of yellow, orange or red contrasted with black.......................................................................... 23

21(20) Dorsum clothed entirely with appressed orange to scarlet setae, except posterior face of propodeum and tergum I with black setae (Plate C9J)............................... vestita (Lepeletier)

- Dorsum clothed entirely with white to yellow setae, except posterior face of propodeum and tergum I with black setae or tergum II with black setae anteriorly.................................. 22

22(21) Dorsum clothed entirely with very long, pale, almost white setae, except posterior face of propodeum and tergum I with black setae; antennal scrobe carinate ( Plate C1A View PLATE 1 )............ albiceris Mickel

- Dorsum clothed mostly with yellow setae, not long and shaggy, tergum II with black setae anteriorly; antennal scrobe very weakly carinate (Plate C7C)......................... niphopilis sp. nov.

23(20) Apical half to two-thirds of tergum II having scarlet setae (Plate C8A).......... rufipilis sp. nov.

- Tergum II lacking scarlet setae...................................................... 24

24(23) Integument largely to entirely ferruginous............................................. 25

- Integument entirely black.......................................................... 27

25(24) Setae of head and mesosoma entirely yellow........................... holotricha (Saussure)

- Setae of head and mesosoma not entirely yellow, at least some black........................ 26

26(25) Mesosoma with circle or triangle of black setae anteriorly; propodeum with only yellow to orange setae ( Plate C3A View PLATE 3 )...................................................... canina (Smith)

- Mesosoma with no black setae anteriorly; propodeum with sparse black setae only ( Plate C1P View PLATE 1 )......................................................................... batui sp. nov.

27(24) Area of black setae on mesosoma extending laterally to humeral angles; bilobed pattern of setae on tergum II extends posteriorly beyond middle of segment ( Plate C3A View PLATE 3 )............. canina (Smith)

- Area of black setae on mesosoma triangular, not extending laterally to humeral angles; bilobed pattern of black setae on tergum II not extending posteriorly beyond middle of segment (Plate C5H).......................................................................... jalisco Manley

28(2) Mesosoma having scutellar scale ( Fig. 9A View FIGURE 5–9 )............................................ 29

- Mesosoma lacking scutellar scale ( Fig. 9B View FIGURE 5–9 )............................................ 77 29(28) Body clothed entirely with long white setae (Plate C4O)................... gloriosa (Saussure)

- Body not clothed entirely with long white setae......................................... 30

30(29) Antennal scrobe ecarinate ( Fig. 1B View FIGURES 1–3 ).................................................. 31

- Antennal scrobe carinate, although sometimes weakly so ( Fig. 1A View FIGURES 1–3 )......................... 43

31(30) Gena feebly carinate.............................................................. 32

- Gena not at all carinate ( Fig. 6B View FIGURE 5–9 ).................................................... 35

32(31) Tergum II having two circular yellow maculae (Plate C9E).................... twegeni sp. nov.

- Tergum II lacking yellow maculae................................................... 33

33(32) Integument of head black, of mesosoma reddish, tergum II sometimes with reddish maculae (Plate C5E).............................................................. insulana Mickel

- Not as above, color of integument variable, but mesosoma not reddish....................... 34

34(33) Area of black setae present on tergum II anteromedially, area quadrate and produced posteriorly in the middle; apical fringe with black setae; remainder of tergum II with yellow setae (Plate C10A)......................................................................... xalisco (Blake)

- Tergum II with predominantly black setae, except two conspicuous circles of silver setae on the disk, a median area on the apical fringe with silver setae, and the lateral extremes with silver setae (Plate C8J)............................................................... spilota sp. nov.

35(31) Posterolateral angle of head having glabrous tubercle, directed outward toward eye ( Fig. 7A View FIGURE 5–9 , Plate C4A)................................................................ cypris (Blake)

- Posterolateral angle of head lacking such tubercle ( Fig. 7B View FIGURE 5–9 )............................... 36

36(35) Posterior face of propodeum almost bare, having few setae of any color (Plate C9H) vesta (Cresson)

- Posterior face of propodeum conspicuously clothed with silver, yellow, orange or pale golden setae. ............................................................................... 37

37(36) Flagellomere I very long, about 2X as long as wide at apex, and about as long as II and III united ( Fig. 5A View FIGURE 5–9 ); tergum II coarsely punctate.................................................... 38

- Flagellomere I shorter than 2X its width at apex, and shorter than II and III united ( Fig. 5B View FIGURE 5–9 ); tergum II moderately punctate.............................................................. 39

38(37) Head and mesosoma with pale setae throughout, no definite areas of black setae (Plate C4J)......................................................................... eurynome Mickel

- Dorsum of mesosoma with definite areas of black setae ( Plate C2H View PLATE 2 ).............. bonita Mickel

39(37) Head and mesosoma lacking definite areas of black setae................................. 40

- Dorsum of mesosoma having definite areas of black setae ( Plate C1C View PLATE 1 ).......... altamira (Blake)

40(39) Head and mesosoma clothed entirely with conspicuous silver setae ( Plate C2P View PLATE 2 )..... caneo (Blake)

- Head and mesosoma not clothed with silver setae....................................... 41

41(40) Mesosoma perpendicularly truncate posteriorly; setae on dorsum of head, mesosoma and tergum II concolorous, orange-yellow........................................ homochroma Suarez

- Mesosoma not truncate posteriorly, rounded gently into propodeum; setae of head, mesosoma, and tergum II concolorous, ferruginous.................................................. 42

42(41) Setae appressed; apical fringe of tergum II black ( Plate C2C View PLATE 2 )............... bioculata (Cresson)

- Setae shaggy and erect; apical fringe of tergum II whitish.............. chiron ursula (Cresson)

43(30) Genal carina present ( Fig. 6A View FIGURE 5–9 )...................................................... 44

- Genal carina absent ( Fig. 6B View FIGURE 5–9 )....................................................... 58

44(43) Tergum II having conspicuous yellow or orange integumental macula(e) ( Fig. 4A View FIGURE 4 )............. 45

- Tergum II lacking integumental macula(e) ( Fig. 4B View FIGURE 4 )..................................... 48

45(44) Posterolateral angle of head having conspicuous glabrous tubercle, directed outward towards eye ( Fig. 7A View FIGURE 5–9 , Plate C2O View PLATE 2 )............................................. campogrande sp. nov.

- Posterolateral angle of head lacking tubercle ( Fig. 7B View FIGURE 5–9 )................................... 46 46(45) Legs conspicuously ferruginous, except apices of femora black; tergum II predominantly orange/ferruginous ( Plate C3H View PLATE 3 ).............................................. cirrhomeris sp. nov.

- Legs conspicuously black; tergum II contrasting yellow and black......................... 47

47(46) Large, 20+ mm long; with conspicuous “ V” - shaped pattern of silver to orange setae on dorsum of mesosoma; maculae variable (Plate C7O).................................. pulchra (Smith)

- Small, less than 10 mm long; mesosoma with contrasting silver and black setae, not in a recognizable pattern, and definitely not “V” - shaped; tergum II having four coalescing yellow integumental maculae ( Plate C2L View PLATE 2 ).................................................... buenavista sp. nov.

48(44) Setae of head, meso- and apical metasomal segments concolorous, yellow (Plate C6A)............................................................................. magna (Cresson)

- Setae of head, meso- and metasoma not concolorous..................................... 49

49(48) Setae of head and mesosoma black, of metasoma red.................................... 50

- Setae not as above, colored otherwise................................................ 51

50(49) Gena strongly carinate; sterna fringed with red setae, at least in the middle; pygidium irregularly rugose (Plate C6C)..................................................... magnifica Mickel

- Gena only subcarinate; sterna fringed with black setae; pygidium longitudinally rugose to striate (Plate C5J)............................................................ klugii (Gray)

51(49) Mesosoma with three sharp tubercles on each side along dorsopleural line; body coarsely, reticulately sculptured...................................................................... 52

- Mesosoma lacking sharp tubercles dorsolaterally; body not coarsely, reticulately sculptured..... 54

52(51) Propodeum covered with long white setae (Plate C6G)................. melancholica (Smith)

- Propodeum almost bare, lacking long white setae....................................... 53

53(52) Apical fringes of terga II and III predominantly silver, although sometimes interrupted medially with black (Plate C6H)............................................ militaris militaris (Smith)

- Apical fringes of terga II and III black, like that of remaining segments................................................................................ militaris nigriceps (Cresson)

54(51) Tergum II with setae of anterior half red, posterior half black, apical fringe pale ( Plate C1J View PLATE 1 )............................................................................ asteria Mickel

- Setae of tergum II not as above..................................................... 55

55(54) Tergum II very coarsely punctate, punctures can be seen through setae; tergum II with two spots of white setae separated medially by black; integument reddish (Plate C8C).... sicheliana (Saussure)

- Tergum II only moderately punctate, punctures hidden by setae; integument black............. 56

56(55) Black setae of tergum II in trifoliate pattern; spots of whitish to orange setae not completely surrounded by black ( Plate C1E View PLATE 1 )....................................... arachnoides (Smith)

- Black setae of tergum II not in trifoliate pattern, with two spots of whitish setae completely surrounded by black, or very nearly so.................................................. 57

57(56) Spots of whitish setae on tergum II large, about 0.4– 0.5X length of segment ( Plate C1F View PLATE 1 )................................................................ araneoides araneoides (Smith)

- Spots of whitish setae on tergum II small, about 0.3X length of segment........................................................................... araneoides temaxensis (Cameron)

58(43) Posterolateral angle of head conspicuous, tuberculate (however, tubercle may be hidden by dense setae).......................................................................... 59

- Posterolateral angle of head not prominent, not tuberculate............................... 61

59(58) Sparse appressed setae throughout (Plate C4M).............................. gibbosa (Say)

- Long dense erect setae throughout................................................... 60

60(59) Apical margin of tergum II, and tergum III entirely, with yellow to red setae ( Plate C2M View PLATE 2 ).................................................................. californica (Radoszkowski) - Apical margin of tergum II medially, and tergum III medially, with black setae.............................................................................. californica clio (Blake)

61(58) Setae on dorsum of head, mesosoma, and tergum II predominantly concolorous............... 62

- Setae on dorsum of head, mesosoma, and tergum II not at all concolorous.................... 69

62(61) Setae of terga III to VI concolorous with those of II, no black setae present................... 63

- Setae of terga III to VI not completely concolorous with those of II, at least some black setae present ............................................................................... 67

63(62) Integument deep reddish; anterior disk of tergum I glabrous, smooth and shining; setae of entire body pale yellow (Plate C9C)............................................. tomberlini Manley

- Integument partially or entirely black; even if integument reddish, anterior disk of tergum I punctate, not smooth and shining; body with at least some black setae.............................. 64

64(63) Integument of tergum II yellow to orange, remainder black (Plate C8N)........ sulcatulla Mickel

- Integument entirely black.......................................................... 65

65(64) Sterna II to V with apical fringe of yellowish to orange setae................... satanas Mickel

- Sterna II to V with apical fringe of black setae, at least medially............................ 66

66(65) Setae predominantly white to yellow, long and shaggy; head distinctly narrower than mesosoma; pygidium irregularly rugose.......................................... sackenii (Cresson)

- Setae predominantly bright red; head as broad as mesosoma; pygidium longitudinally rugose ( Plate C3J View PLATE 3 ).......................................................... coccineohirta (Blake)

67(62) Propodeum clothed with dense black setae; head, remainder of mesosoma, and tergum II clothed with pale yellowish setae ( Plate C3E View PLATE 3 )..................................... chionothrix sp. nov.

- Propodeum clothed with dense orange setae, concolorous with head, remainder of mesosoma, and tergum II......................................................................... 68

68(67) Integument entirely black; terga III–V clothed entirely with black setae; sterna clothed with black setae ( Plate C1G View PLATE 1 )................................................... arenivaga Mickel

- Integument of tergum II ferruginous to orange; terga III–V clothed with white to yellow and black setae; sterna clothed with white setae ( Plate C3F View PLATE 3 )............................ chiron (Blake)

69(61) At least tergum II coarsely punctate, punctation showing through setae...................... 70

- Entire body having only moderate punctation and sculpture, punctation hidden by setae........ 73

70(69) Flagellomere I very long, about 2X as long as wide at apex, and about as long as II and III united ( Fig. 5A View FIGURE 5–9 ); only tergum II coarsely punctate................................................ 71

- Flagellomere I shorter than 2X its width at apex, and shorter than II and III united ( Fig. 5B View FIGURE 5–9 ); entire body coarsely, reticulately sculptured................................................ 72

71(70) Integument of head and mesosoma black (Plate C9F)......................... ulkei (Cresson)

- Integument of mesosoma ferruginous; integument of head dark, but not black.... saetigera Mickel

72(70) Setae black on apical fringe of terga I and II, and on tergum III entirely ( Plate C2J View PLATE 2 )................................................................................ bouvieri (André)

- Setae white on apical fringe of tergum I, and from apical fringe of tergum II posteriorly (Plate C5E) ...................................................................... insulana Mickel

73(69) Tergum II having bilobed pattern of black setae anteriorly, contrasting white to yellowish setae on remainder of segment............................................................. 74

- Not as above, black setae of tergum II not in bilobed pattern............................... 75

74(73) Pronotum and propodeum with dense black setae; bilobed pattern on tergum II short, not reaching midline of segment (Plate C7I)....................................... pallene (Cameron)

- Propodeum with sparse, yellowish setae; bilobed pattern on tergum II longer, reaching midline of segment (Plate C9P)................................................... whartoni sp. nov.

75(73) Integument entirely black (Plate C5M).............................. latebalteata (Cameron) - At least part of tergum II with integument yellow to ferruginous........................... 76

76(75) Integument of tergum II predominantly yellow; “ V” - shaped pattern of orange setae on dorsum of mesosoma; mesosoma with triangular pattern of black setae anteriorly, fitting into the “V”; propodeum clothed with black setae; apical fringe of tergum I black ( Plate C3M View PLATE 3 ).... concordia sp. nov.

- Tergum II with transverse yellow macula posteriorly, remainder of integument reddish to black; dorsum of mesosoma clothed with triangular pattern of black setae anteriorly, and circular area of black setae around scutellar scale, remainder of mesosoma with silver setae; apical fringe of tergum I conspicuously silver (Plate C5A).......................................... griswoldi sp. nov.

77(28) Antennal scrobe ecarinate ( Fig. 1B View FIGURES 1–3 ).................................................. 78

- Antennal scrobe distinctly, although sometimes weakly, carinate ( Fig. 1A View FIGURES 1–3 )................... 80

78(77) Gena distinctly carinate ( Fig. 6A View FIGURE 5–9 )...................................... icaris (Cameron)

- Gena ecarinate ( Fig. 6B View FIGURE 5–9 )........................................................... 79

79(78) Long, erect orange to scarlet setae present on terga II to IV, contrasting with white setae on remainder of body (Plate C5L)................................................... lachesis Mickel

- Not as above, setae short and mostly appressed, not contrasting scarlet and white (Plate C7A) .................................................................. nigripes (Fabricius)

80(77) Dorsum of mesosoma with predominantly black setae, with small circle of pale golden setae medially inside black; dorsum of terga II to III clothed with conspicuous pattern of black setae, shaped like inverted cross emanating from broadly triangular area; pygidium longitudinally striate......................................................................... schumanni (Cameron)

- Pattern of setae not as above; pygidium variable........................................ 81

81(80) Gena ecarinate ( Fig. 6B View FIGURE 5–9 ).......................................................... 82

- Gena distinctly carinate ( Fig. 6A View FIGURE 5–9 )................................................... 85

82(81) Setae of head, meso- and metasoma concolorous, orange (Plate C8L)........... stevensii Mickel

- Setae of head, meso- and metasoma not concolorous, at least apical fringes of terga II and III interrupted medially with black, or some other pattern of black setae........................... 83

83(82) Sternum II scabrous at sides and apex, not punctate ( Fig. 10A View FIGURES 10–12 , Plate C6M)..... monstrosa sp. nov.

- Sternum II punctate throughout, not scabrous at sides and apex ( Fig. 10B View FIGURES 10–12 )................... 84

84(83) Head quadrate; apical fringes of terga II and III black, interrupted medially with pale silver setae; disk of tergum II with very sparse setae (Plate C5N)............................ leve sp. nov.

- Posterolateral angles of head rounded; apical fringes of terga II and III entirely black; disk of tergum II with dense yellow setae ( Plate C1P View PLATE 1 )...................................... batui sp. nov.

85(81) Setae of dorsum of head, meso- and metasoma concolorous, scarlet (Plate C4H)... erythrina (Say)

- Setae of dorsum of head, meso- and metasoma not concolorous, no scarlet setae.............. 86

86(85) Integument of tergum II with yellow to orange maculations ( Fig. 4A View FIGURE 4 )....................... 87

- Integument of tergum II lacking yellow to orange maculations ( Fig. 4B View FIGURE 4 )..................... 92

87(86) Integument of tergum II with two yellow maculations, remainder of integument black (Plate C7J).................................................................. parkerorum sp. nov.

- Integument of tergum II with four yellow to orange maculations (posterior two may coalesce, anterior two may be very small)............................................................ 88

88(87) Mesosoma conspicuously long and slender, about 2X as long as wide; dorsum of mesosoma with conspicuous “ Y” - shaped pattern of silver setae; body coarsely sculptured throughout, with punctation visible through setae ( Plate C3I View PLATE 3 ).................................... citromaculosa sp. nov.

- Mesosoma not conspicuously long and slender, less than 2X as long as wide; dorsum of mesosoma with “V” - shaped pattern of golden or silver setae or circle of black setae; body only moderately sculptured, punctation not visible through setae........................................ 89

89(88) Size small (less than 10 mm long); dorsum of mesosoma with “V” - shaped pattern of golden setae on posterior two thirds ( Plate C3B View PLATE 3 ).................................... chalcocephala sp. nov.

- Size large (more than 10 mm long); dorsum of mesosoma variable.......................... 90

90(89) Mesosoma with circular pattern of black setae medially, surrounded by gold setae ( Plate C3P View PLATE 3 )......................................................................... cressoni (Blake)

- Mesosoma with “V” - shaped pattern of silver or golden setae............................. 91

91(90) Head and conspicuous “V” - shaped pattern on dorsum of mesosoma with silver setae, remainder of setae on dorsum of mesosoma black (Plate C7N)......................... proclea (Cameron)

- Not as above, dorsum of mesosoma lacking conspicuous “V” - shaped pattern; setal color contrasting gold and black (Plate C6O)............................................ munifica (Smith)

92(86) Only moderately sculptured, punctures not visible through setae; dorsum of mesosoma with black setae; pattern of black setae on tergum II anteriorly bilobed; setae of entire body contrasting yellow to orange and black (Plate C10C)............................................ zoster sp. nov.

- Entire body coarsely, reticulately sculptured, punctures visible through setae; setae not as above.. 93

93(92) Mesosoma lacking sharp tubercles on each side along dorsopleural line; setae of head and mesosoma entirely pale (silver); pattern of black setae on tergum II anteriorly oval; setae of entire body contrasting silver and black (Plate C6F).................................... melanargyrea (André)

- Mesosoma with three sharp tubercles on each side along dorsopleural line; setae not as above.... 94

94(93) Propodeum covered with long white setae (Plate C6G)................. melancholica (Smith)

- Propodeum almost bare, lacking long white setae....................................... 95

95(94) Apical fringes of terga II and III predominantly pale, although sometimes interrupted medially with black (Plate C6H)............................................ militaris militaris (Smith)

- Apical fringes of terga II and III black, like that of remaining segments................................................................................ militaris nigriceps (Cresson)

96(1) Mesosoma with scutellar scale ( Fig. 9A View FIGURE 5–9 ); pygidium longitudinally rugose to striate............ 97

- Mesosoma lacking scutellar scale ( Fig. 9B View FIGURE 5–9 ); pygidium granulate........................... 99

97(96) Setae of head and mesosoma black, those of metasoma red (Plate C7E)........ nogalensis Mickel

- Setae predominantly yellow, no red setae present....................................... 98

98(97) Setae of metasoma, except tergum I (black), entirely yellow ( Plate C3N View PLATE 3 ).... connectens (Cameron)

- A bilobed area of black setae present on tergum II anteriorly, remainder of setae on tergum II yellow, except apical fringe black; setae of terga III and IV predominantly black, except yellow laterally; setae on remaining terga yellow (Plate C7I).................................. pallene (Cameron)

99(96) Posterolateral angles of head rounded............................................... 100

- Posterolateral angles of head carinate................................................ 101

100(99) Head and mesosoma with silver setae; apical fringe of tergum II silver medially, flanked by black (Plate C9B)......................................................... tomasi sp. nov.

- Head and mesosoma with golden setae; apical fringe of tergum II entirely black (Plate C8G)................................................................. snoworum (Cockerell)

101(99) Tergum II with two yellow maculae............................................... 102

- Tergum II lacking maculae....................................................... 103

102(101) Integument reddish ( Plate C3L View PLATE 3 )....................................... combusta (Smith)

- Integument black ( Plate C1I View PLATE 1 )......................................... argentea sp. nov.

103(101) Integument fuscous to black; clothed with silver and black setae (Plate C7H).. ocyrae (Cameron)

- Integument ferruginous to reddish; clothed with silver or golden and black setae............ 104

104(103) Head produced behind eyes, distance from posterior margin of eye to posterior margin of head at least equal to diameter of eye; setae of head golden (Plate C4L)............. ferruginea (Smith)

- Head not so produced, distance from posterior margin of eye to posterior margin of head distinctly less than diameter of eye; setae of head usually silver although sometimes golden formosa (Blake)











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