Smicromyrme, Thomson, 1870

Matias, Rafael, 2023, Smicromyrme ceballosi Suárez, 1959 and S. plantourianus Schwartz, 1986: two little known species new for Portugal (Hymenoptera, Mutillidae), Zootaxa 5375 (1), pp. 58-82 : 78

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Key to male Smicromyrme of the Iberian Peninsula

(unknown for S. ceballosi )

1. Mandible externo-basally with no large tooth............................................................... 2

- Mandible externo-basally with large tooth.................................................................. 4

2. Metasoma with pale pubescence forming sparse fringes only. Radial vein with notable thickening..................... 3

- Metasoma with pale pubescence forming medially enlarged apical band on T2 and full band on T3. Radial vein without notable thickening......................................................... S. (Astomyrme) matritentis ( Mercet, 1905)

3. Propodeum red or weakly darker......................................... S. (Astomyrme) suberratus Invrea, 1957

- Propodeum black..................................................... S. (Astomyrme) opistomelas Invrea, 1950

4. Mandible apically bidentate............................................................................. 5

- Mandible apically tridentate............................................................................ 10

5. Clypeus with two subapical tubercles; metasoma lacking bands of pale pubescence, only apical fringes present........... 6

- Clypeus more or less flat without tubercles, apical margin approximately straight (may be weakly sinuate or medially weakly indented); metasoma with full bands of pale pubescence over T3 or T4........................................... 7

6. Clypeus with distinct medial longitudinal carina, connected to two subapical tubercles................................................................‘complex S. (Smicromyrme) rufipes ’ [sensu Schmid-Egger & Schmidt 2021, 2022] 1

- Clypeus with distally reduced medial longitudinal carina, not connected to two subapical tubercles.................................................................................... S. (Smicromyrme) ruficollis ( Fabricius, 1793)

7. T4 with mostly dark pubescence......................................................................... 8

- T4 covered with band of pale pubescence.................................................................. 9

8. Radial vein with notable thickening; second transverse-cubital vein “T-shaped”. T6 and T7 covered with white pubescence. F1 longer than 2 × pedicel length. [Mesosoma ferruginous-red, except for black medial pronotal spot, post-scutellum, sternum and mesopleuron].......................................................... S. (Eremotilla) merceti ( André, 1903)

- Radial vein without thickening; second transverse-cubital vein arcuate or “L-shaped”. T6 and T7 covered with dark pubescence. F1 as long as ca. 2 × pedicel length. [Mesosoma typically ferruginous-red, except for black pronotum laterally, meso and metapleuron and sternum; mesosoma black with red propodeum on form notomelanica Suárez, 1954].............................................................................. S. (Eremotilla) metanotalis andradei Suárez, 1954

9. Clypeus with anterior margin approximately straight. Wings yellowish-brown. Tegula dark brown, densely punctate except for impunctate outer margin. Mesosoma typically all black, except for red propodeum.......................................................................................... S. (Eremotilla) metanotalis metanotalis (André, 1902)

- Clypeus with weak medial concave indentation on the anterior margin. Wings hyaline or sub-hyaline. Tegula blackish, sparsely punctate. Mesosoma typically black, except for red pronotum, mesoscutum, scutellum, postscutellum, mesopleuron, metapleuron and propodeum, the mesoscutum darkened laterally.................. S. (Eremotilla) sulcisius Invrea, 1955

10. Mandible externo-basally with small blunt tooth (may be hidden in pubescence). Clypeus without tubercles, with longitudinal punctate medial carina on posterior half. Pale pubescence forms apical fringes on T2–4. [Anterior margin of clypeus with narrowed sides, medially narrowly emarginate]......................... S. ferdinandi Invrea, 1953 (subgenus unknown)

- Mandible externo-basally with well developed tooth. Clypeus frequently with tubercles, upper surface concave. Pale pubescence forms apical fringe on T2 and full bands on T3–4........................................................... 11

11. Clypeus with anterior margin having two forward-facing tubercles separated by medial concave depression. Apical band of T2 narrow, frequently medially emarginate................................................................... 12

- Clypeus with anterior margin weakly upturned forming divergent tubercle on each anterolateral corner, both medially separated by weakly concave notch. Apical band of T2 broad, medially as broad as bands of T3–4............................................................................................. S. (Erimyrme) plantourianus Schwartz, 1986

12. Mesoscutum dark brownish-red to ferruginous-red, typically concolorous with pronotum, scutellum, metanotum and propodeum (some areas may be slightly darkened) [Wings strongly infuscate. Tibiae and tarsi with dark pubescence]............................................................................ S. (Erimyrme) partitus ( Klug, 1835) [typical form]

- Mesoscutum black................................................................................... 13

13. Mesoscutum strongly contrasting with orange-red pronotum, scutellum, metanotum and propodeum (mesoscutum orange-red along the pronotal suture). [Wings slightly infuscate. Tibiae and tarsi with pale pubescence]............................................................................................ S. (Erimyrme) fasciaticollis ( Spinola, 1843)

- Mesoscutum and pronotum black........................................................................ 14

14. Mesosoma all black, except for red propodeum...................... S. (Erimyrme) partitus propodealis ( Suárez, 1959) 2

- Mesosoma all black......................................... S. (Erimyrme) partitus obscurithorax (André, 1902) 2











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