Estoloides perforata ( Bates, 1872 )

Santos-Silva, Antonio, Wappes, James E. & Galileo, Maria Helena M., 2018, Descriptions and synonymies in American Desmiphorini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae), Zootaxa 4375 (4), pp. 451-501 : 453-454

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Plazi (2018-01-26 11:04:24, last updated 2024-11-26 03:35:39)

scientific name

Estoloides perforata ( Bates, 1872 )


On Estoloides perforata ( Bates, 1872) View in CoL

Estoloides perforata View in CoL was found to be the most common species in the collections examined. According to Bates (1872) (translated): “Similar to Esthlogena porosa View in CoL , but shorter and with tarsal claws divaricate as in Estola View in CoL . Dark, pubescence dark ocherous, frons, thorax and elytra coarsely, sparsely punctate, on the elytra slightly aligned, elytral apex rounded; pronotum not tuberculate; antenna black, antennomeres IV–XI with grayish basal ring; body beneath and legs with dense gray pubescence. Long. 4 ½ – 5 ½ lines [9.52–11.64 mm]. Male and female. Also found in Venezuela.” Examination of photographs of two syntypes show considerable difference in the dorsal punctation, see Fig. 9 View FIGURES 1–12. 1 with dark areas irregularly surrounding the punctures (which we are considering the typical form of the species), versus Bezark (2017), which lacks them. Such differences indicate the type series of Estoloides perforata View in CoL may encompass more than one species. Only by examining all syntypes will it be possible to know if all of them belong to the same species. Until this happens it is not possible to designate a lectotype.

The most common variations found in E. perforata View in CoL are:

1. Dorsal pubescence from slightly grayish to orange; 2. Pronotal punctation from slightly fine to coarse; 3. Elytral punctation from slightly fine to coarse; 4. Pubescence on scutellum from distinctly contrasting with that on elytra to not contrasting, evenly covering entire surface to denser laterally (in this later case, central area with a small to large glabrous, or nearly so, area on center-basal region);

5. Antenna surpassing elytral apex by 2.5 to 4 segments in male, 1 to 2 segments in female; 6. Tarsi from entirely light to entirely dark.

A feature that best helps recognition of E. perforata is the grayish pubescence on ventral side of the body, as well as on the sides of humerus, basal third of the epipleura (distinctly contrasting with remaining elytral pubescence), and sides of prothorax.

In summary, it is likely that E. perforata is a complex of very similar species. However, if so, no character pointed out by Bates (1872, 1885), or Breuning (1940, 1974a), nor found by us, can consistently separate them.

Material examined. MEXICO, Chiapas: 1 km S Ocosingo , 3.VII.1986, Wappes, col. 1 male ( ACMT) ; 1 male, 30.IX–01.X.1986, Wappes, col. (ACMT); 1 male, 2 females, 18.X.1988, Wappes, col. (ACMT); 1 male, 39 km S Palenque , 1.X.1986, Wappes col. ( ACMT) ; Palenque Area , 1 male, 4.VII.1986, Wappes col. ( ACMT) ; Parque Laguna Bélgica , 1 female, 5. VII.1 986, Giesbert col. ( FSCA) . HONDURAS, 10 km W Siguatepeque , 1 male, 22.V.1978, Giesbert col. ( FSCA) . Olancho: La Muralla National Park , 1 male, 1 female, 24–27.V.1995, Wappes col. ( ACMT) ; 2 males, 1 female, 24–27.V.1995, Wappes col. (MZSP); 10 males, 3 females, 24.V.1995, Morris col. (RFMC); 1 male, 1.VI.1995, R. Turnbow col. (FSCA); 1 male, 2.VI.1995, R. Turnbow col. (FSCA). Atlántida: La Ceiba (C.U.R.L.A.), 1 female, 30.VIII.1984, C. W. O’Brien col. ( ACMT) ; Lancetilla (golf course), 2 males, 1 female, 28.V.1993, F. Skillman col. ( FWSC) ; ( Jardín Botánico ), 2 females, 6.XII.1995, F. Skillman col. ( FWSC) . Comayagua: 9 km WSW Siguatepeque , 1 female, 2.XII.1995, F. Skillman col. ( FWSC) . El Paraíso: El Portillo (Apaguis Mts.), 7 km S. Danli , 2 males, 3 females, 12.X.1993, F. Skillman col. ( FWSC) . Copán: 27 km SW La Entrada , 1 male, 9.X.1993, F. Skillman col. ( FWSC) ; 19 km SW Santa Rosa de Copan , 1 male, 7.X.1993, F. Skillman col. ( FWSC) ; 1 male, 8.X.1993, F. Skillman col. (FWSC). Francisco Morazán: 4–17 km SE Danlí , 1 female, 27.XI.1995, F. Skillman col. ( FWSC) . Santa Bárbara: El Merendón (lower slopes), 1 male, 10.X.1993, F. Skillman col. ( FWSC) . Lempira: 30 km N Gracias , 2 males, 7.X.1993, F. Skillman col. ( FWSC) ; Belén, 2 males, 1 female, 6.X.1993, F. Skillman col. ( FWSC) . Intibucá : 7 km W San Juan, 1 male, 3.XII.1995, R. Turnbow col. ( FSCA) . GUATEMALA, Baja Verapaz: Biotopo del Quetzal (ca. 5200’), 1 male, 25.V–1.VI.1989, Giesbert col. ( FSCA); vic. Purulhá (1500 m) , 1 male, 26.V.1997, Giesbert col. (FSCA); 6–9 km E Purulhá (ca. 5000’), 1 male, 15–24.IV.1990, Giesbert col. ( FSCA). NICARAGUA, Nueva Segovia: Cerro Jesus (13º58’N / 86º10’W, 1300 m) GoogleMaps , 1 female, 7–13.VI.2015, Wappes & Morris col. ( ACMT). Región Autónoma del Atlántico Sur: Bluefields , 1 female, 11.VI.2002, F. Skillman col. ( FWSC) . COSTA RICA, Heredia: Estación El Ceibo (10 km SE La Virgem , 450–550 m, 10º20’N / 84º05’W), 1 female, 7–14.IV.2003, E. G. Riley col. ( ACMT) GoogleMaps . Cartago: La Suiza de Turrialba , 1 male, no date indicated, Pablo Schild col. ( MZSP) ; Turrialba , 1 female, 13.III.1970, no collector indicated ( MZSP); (600 m) , 1 female, 10.III.1970, V. Becker col. (MZSP). Puntarenas: Monteverde , 1 female, 6.8. I.1990, F. Skillman col. ( FWSC) ; Punta Leona , 1 male, 29.VI–3.VII.2001, J. & A. Rifkind col. ( RFMC) ; 1 male, 26.II.1987, Giesbert col. (FSCA); 1 male, 1 female, 11–14.IV.1981, Giesbert col. (FSCA); 1 female, 19–26.IV.1988, Giesbert col. (FSCA); 1 female, 11–13.V.1996, Giesbert col. (FSCA); 1 female, 29–31.XII.1979, Giesbert col. (FSCA); 1 male, 24.II.1987, Giesbert col. (FSCA); Las Alturas ( San Vito ), 2 males, 1 female, VI.1996, Giesbert & Hovore col. ( FSCA) . Guanacaste: La Fortuna Volcan (Miravalles, Cabro sector), 2 males, 26.VI.2001, J. & A. Rifkind col. ( RFMC) . Alajuela: Albergue Heliconias (760 m), 1 male, 25–27.VI.2001, J. & A. Rifkind col. ( RFMC) . PANAMA, Bocas del Toro : 16 km W Chiriqui Grande, 1 male, 21–22.II.1999, Wappes col. ( ACMT) ; 40 km W Chiriqui Grande, 1 female, 10.V.1999, Morris & Wappes col. ( RFMC) . Chiriqui: Santa Clara (1540 m, Finca Hartmann , 08º50’34.8”N / 82º45’43.9”W), 1 female, 17–22.II.2012, Bezark col. ( MZSP) GoogleMaps ; 1 male, 1 female, 4–7.VII.1997, Morris & Wappes col. (RFMC); 4 km E Boqueti, 1 male, 16.V.1996, Wappes, Huether & Morris col. ( ACMT); Ojo de Agua ( Fca. Hartmann , 8.86159ºN / 82.74339ºW) GoogleMaps , 1 female, E. G. Riley col. (ACMT); Cerro Punta Area , 1 female, 13.V.1981, Wappes col. ( RFMC) . Coclé: El Valle , 1 male, 19.II.1999, Wappes col. ( ACMT) . Colón: San Lorenzo Forest ( STRI, Crane site, 9º17’N / 79º58’W) GoogleMaps , 1 male, 5–7.X.2003, F. Ødegaard col. (RFMC); 2 males, 1 female, 23.X.2003, F. Ødegaard col. (RFMC); 20 km E Portobello , 2 males, 2 females, 14–17.II.1999, Wappes col. ( ACMT) ; 1 female, 14–17.II.1999, Wappes col. (MZSP); 1 male, 1 female, 24.II.1999, Wappes col. (ACMT); vicinity of Fort Sherman , 1 male, 24.II. 999, Wappes col. ( ACMT) ; vicinity of Palenque , 1 male, 17.II.1999, Wappes col. ( ACMT) ; 4.5 km NE Palenque , 1 male, 1 female, 25.II–4.III.1992, Giesbert col. ( FSCA) . Panama: 10 km E Canita , 1 male, 29.VI.1997, Wappes col. ( ACMT) ; 25 km SE Canita on Corredor Sur (9.15321ºN / 78.69283ºW), 1 male, 9.VIII.2011, E. Riley col. ( MZSP) GoogleMaps ; Bayano distr. (2.5 km W Ipiti ), 1 female, 11–22.V.1996, Wappes, Huether & Morris col. ( ACMT) ; Cerro Jefé (3000’), 1 female, 13.II.1999, Wappes col. ( ACMT) ; (2200’), 1 male, 11–12.V.1996, Wappes, Huether & Morris col. (ACMT); Cerro Campana (2000’), 1 female, 10–20.V.1981, Wappes col. ( ACMT) ; 2 males, 18–19.V.1984, Giesbert col. (FSCA); 17 km N El Llano , 1 female, 8.I.1983, Giesbert col. ( FSCA) ; 1 male, 1 female, 17.II.1987, Giesbert col. (FSCA). Veraguas: 2–5 km S Santa Fé , 1 female, 19.II.1999, Wappes col. ( MZSP).

Bates, H. W. (1872) On the longicorn Coleoptera of Chontales, Nicaragua. The Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, 1872, 163 - 238. https: // doi. org / 10.1111 / j. 1365 - 2311.1872. tb 01888. x

Bates, H. W. (1885) Biologia Centrali-Americana, Insecta, Coleoptera, suppl. to Longicornia. Vol. 5. 249 - 436.

Bezark, L. G. (2017) A photographic Catalog of the Cerambycidae of the New World. Available from: https: // apps 2. cdfa. ca. gov / publicApps / plant / bycidDB / wsearch. asp? w = n (accessed 20 March 2017)

Breuning, S. (1940) Novae species Cerambycidarum. VIII. Folia Zoologica et Hydrobiologica, 10, 37 - 85.

Breuning, S. (1974 a) Revision des Rhodopinini americains. Studia Entomologica, 17 (1 - 4), 1 - 210.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 1–12. 1, Estoloides (Parestoloides) basigranulata, holotype female, dorsal habitus. 2, E. (P.) esthlogenoides, holotype male, dorsal habitus. 3–6, E. (P.) costaricensis, specimen from ZMHB identified by Breuning: 3, dorsal habitus; 4, lateral habitus; 5, ventral habitus;6, labels.7–8, Estola costaricensis, specimendeposited atUSNM:7, dorsal habitus; 8, labels. 9, Estoloides perforata, syntype, dorsal habitus. 10–12, Estoloides strandiella, holotype female: 10, labels; 11, dorsal habitus; 12, ventral habitus.


Florida State Collection of Arthropods, The Museum of Entomology


Sao Paulo, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo


Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute











