Astudillo, Viviana González, Hernández, Sonia M., Kistler, Whitney M., Boone, Shaun L., Lipp, Erin K., Shrestha, Sudip & Yabsley, Michael J., 2013, Spatial, temporal, molecular, and intraspecific differences of haemoparasite infection and relevant selected physiological parameters of wild birds in Georgia, USA

Astudillo, Viviana González, Hernández, Sonia M., Kistler, Whitney M., Boone, Shaun L., Lipp, Erin K., Shrestha, Sudip & Yabsley, Michael J., 2013, Spatial, temporal, molecular, and intraspecific differences of haemoparasite infection and relevant selected physiological parameters of wild birds in Georgia, USA, International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife 2 (1), pp. 178-189

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